From a size 5 to a 14 and growing.. Needs support!

ashleynne Posts: 11 Member
Hi my name is Ashley. I am 21 and 5'8. All my life I've been the skinny girl. Weighing in at 135/145 pounds, a size 5 in jeans for about 5 years straight. 2009 was when the weight gain started, also when I chose to get on the depo shot. I noticed instantly that I was gaining weight, but I didn't think much of it because I could afford to use some. Two years later I'm at at least a size 14 and growing. It seems my metabolism has shut down. I stopped the shot months ago because that was the only thing I could see that I had made a change in my life where it would affect my weight. I was told I would go back to my normal size. From my doctors conversation, I was to gain 10 pounds from it. Instead I gained 60 and counting. I'm about at the end of my rope. I'm desperate. All those beautiful designer jeans folded away that I might not ever be able to wear again, all the cute shirts that stay hung up in the closet that I can't wear because their too restraining. The misery of even going shopping with friends because if I buy that bigger shirt or some bigger really nice jeans I'm admitting defeat. So today I start my diet and my need for encouragement.


  • deeannhill
    deeannhill Posts: 85 Member
    :smile: Congratulations for taking the first step!!! Lot's of support here.
  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    hey, good luck with your weight loss! with a little persistence and some hard work you'll definitely get to where you want to be. just remember it takes time. :)
  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    Hi there,

    you can expect your body to change as you grow into adulthood - you won't look at 25 like you did at 15, even if you're the same size clothes (which I wouldn't suggest you aim for, personally...). But that does sound like something screwy is going on.

    Be reassured, MFP really does work. If you stick more or less to it, you'll be seeing some success soon enough. I might also go and half a talk to another doctor just to make sure there isn't anything else medical going on.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • Hey. Good luck with your weight loss. I also got dealt a bad card with some medicine that slowed (and probably stopped) my metabolism. It is a long journey back to a size healthy but I know you can do it!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    There was another girl last night saying exactly the same thing about the same medication.
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 926 Member
    I was on the shot for 3 years. I thought it was the reason for me packing on weight, but when I saw my weight records, I learned that I put on a mere 6lbs in the first 2 years, and 27 in the last year. I account for my weight gain to moving, no longer working, turning 21 and drinking all the time and being just plain lazy. Now I'm on the Implanon and wish I would have stayed on the shot, knowing about my weight now cause I didn't know about the gains until after I had the implant put in.

    Good luck!
  • ashleynne
    ashleynne Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks! Good thing I have plenty of time. I need to stop eating all the garbage I ate when I was 17 because let's face it. I actually gain weight it seems from what I eat now. So I am taking that extra step and reading the labels on boxes.
  • I gained 90 lbs on Depo, and my thyroid has never been the same. As far as I know, no research indicates DepoProvera can induce hypothyroidism, but I never had a weight problem until I started using it. I was told an initial weight gain of about 20 lbs could occur in the first 90 days, but that would be it. I got my first shot on a Friday, and by Monday I could not fit into ANY of my clothes, and when I saw my mom that day she took one look at me and shrieked "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU"?! My Dr. assured me I would gain no more weight - but I did, 90 lbs total and although I managed to take off 65 lbs (5 years later) it did come back and I have hypothyroidism. Because of the thyroid problem alongside poor eating habits I went from 135 in my 20's to 285, which I am determined to get rid of.
  • We're all here to support you if you need any of us. I have known friends to gain weight once put on birth control, but I also know that they didn't have the best diet either. Like my doctor says, "if you say you're eating like a bird, eat like a smaller bird".

    I wish you the best of luck!
  • buzzcogs
    buzzcogs Posts: 296 Member
    You can do it! Do it now while you are young! I'm struggling now too so I feel your pain. (And I'm "not so young"!)
  • WalkingZero1
    WalkingZero1 Posts: 42 Member
    I wish you luck! I think that the depo shot was the main cause of my problems. I got on it right after I had my son, and for 14 months I didn't lose not one single pound. I started dieting when the depo was coming out of my system, and I switched to the pill. Now I'm losing! I will never go on the depo again. But anywho, welcome, and I wish you luck!
  • When I tried the Depo shot years ago....I too gained weight, and my "metabolism" has never been the took me a whole year after the year it was good get rid of that "Depo feeling"....the worst form of BC ever....too many side effects...
  • 2012Kristin
    2012Kristin Posts: 222 Member
    Sounds a lot like me, I went from 120 to 153 and a size 4 to a size 12 in the course of just 2 years. I too was on depo a majority of that time (stopped about 3 mo ago). I don't know if it was the shot or me starting to drink more often, but I nixed both of them for the most part and started eating right and it's definitely paying off!

  • Hi There Ashley, you are on the right track. Recognizing the need for change is the first move in change. I found that I have to think about what Im eating an how its going to affect my body. I know that starch and sugars are going to pack on the pounds but fruits and veggies, whole grains and stuff like that wont. I recommend the following:

    Everytime you are planning a meal, ask yourself: "Is this going to add weight or take it away."

    For me, I remind myself that the temporary pleasure of something, like a brownie or ice cream, is nothing compared to the satisfaction you will feel when you see than number on the scale get lower and lower.

    When I see the scale going in the wrong direction and I need to jump start my metabolism, I do a Veggie Juice and Fruit Soothie Fast. Recently I packed on about 10lbs and so to get my body in the right direction I juiced for a few days. Dropped 7 of the 10 lbs in the first week. I'm already a strict vegetarian so juicing for a few days may be a smoother transition for some than others. Maybe trying it for one meal one day, two meals the next, and 24 hours on the third day.

    It takes some getting used to but my favorite motto is: Nothing taste better than looking in the mirror and loving what you see.

    You can do it! We're here to support you.
  • courtgosvener
    courtgosvener Posts: 66 Member
    As someone who has never been 145 and has a goal weight of 165 I would say you are much more ahead of the game then you think! Just count your calories, do consistent high intensity workouts and you will see the weight drop. If you don't see your doctor..... I have 110 pounds to lose until I reach my goal weight and it seems very very daunting....please stick with it, but don't forget you are not OBESE and probably maybe only 50 from your ideal weight. Because you are 5 foot 8 you are meant to be a little heavier because your weight is distributed better...I am only 5 foot 5 and my weight is really really noticeable!
  • ashleynne
    ashleynne Posts: 11 Member
    I know I'm not obese but I'm definitely on the track of becoming to be. My friends and classmates when they see me they definitely say I've definitely put on a lot of weight. One of my ex-workers asked if I was pregnant. It really is devastating. How do you explain how you got this way and how do you believe you can go back?
  • For starters, you DON'T have to explain how you got that way. I really HATE when people feel compelled to comment on weight gain - I actually stopped someone I hadn't seen in a few years and was really excited to talk to her, but she got a really shocked look on her face and said "Oh my God, I would have never recognized you! You got huge!" Yeah, thanks for sticking with the obvious.
  • ashleynne
    ashleynne Posts: 11 Member
    I know right? Makes you feel way better about yourself.
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