I hate exercising...Dont know what to do!!

So...Ive NEVER liked exercising! Ive been in many sports, like soccer and track....so I really have no idea how I ever made it through it! But yeah...like its really hard for me to do any workout. I will start it and then stop in about five minutes. I used to like to run, I am a fast runner, but now when I run, I feel like my heart is going to explode! The only exercise I really like to do is swimming. And thats because its fun!.....Obvo¡iously I cant swim in the winter..... But Ive tried exercise vids like Jillian Michaels...but theyre really hard for me....I can do them, but they go too fast and I cant keep up. So I dont know what to do! I literally burn NO calories. I think the only time I burn calories is when Im at the mall. Any tips or suggestions???? Please help me! THANKS!


  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Go to an indoor pool.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Just walk. Set a simple goal. Walk for 15 mins every day. After 2 weeks add 10 mins. it doesn't matter what the exercise is just do something at least times a weeks.
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    You don't have to exercise to lose weight. Granted, it helps and there are other health benefits, but you still don't HAVE to exercise. You'll lose weight as long as you stick to your calorie allowance and make good food choices.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    yeah, just start walking!!

    then once you get comfortable or bored with that, you can maybe start running again and enjoy it :)
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    This site proves that you don't have to exercise to lose. Just stay on your calories each day (as long as you set your goal to lose) and you should lose.

    Of course, exercise allows you to earn extra calories to eat more - so for me it's a trade-off. I exercise so I can eat more!! You'll get better at it if you keep trying new things. You'll find something that you like and stick with it until you get bored, then you can switch it up! There are so many things you can do.... and if the only thing you enjoy is window shopping, go to the mall and walk one lap before you start, then every ten minutes or so do a circuit until you get back to where you left off - you can shop and exercise at the same time!!!
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 595 Member
    no one likes to fail, if you start small go for walks, then jogs, then 5K......You will learn to love to push your self. Keep at it you can do it and learn to love it. I hated it now I love it (when I am done) still don't like going and starting but I love the feeling flowing a workout.
  • Karen_145
    I walk. It's boring, but that's what headphones are for.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    any exercise you choose, get some good earphones and music, and you'll never be bored again :) or a friend
  • trlastin
    Been there done that. I understand.
    I recommend a few things which have worked for me. I tell myself I only have to do 5 minutes on the treadmill or any other cardio machine at the gym. I start with that goal in my mind....it is to just get you there doing something. I find I always end up doing more then the 5 min....I mean I'm already there how about another 5 and another. The other thing I would do is think about things that you like to do that you don't even know you're exercising....walking your dogs or going dancing are a few. As your fitness improves so will your ability to do longer workouts and maybe a Jillian Michaels dvd! The main thing is don't stress over it try to eat well and find fun activities you love that make you move! Good Luck
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Exercise while you watch TV - do jumping jacks, push-ups, etc.. whatever during commercial breaks.


    Buy an elliptical and put it where your couch is! I HAVE to watch TV while I exercise, otherwise exercise is just pure torture!
  • BenderFitness
    Do a workout that's not timed. Or pause the video so you can go at your own pace. Adding exercise will really help you to reach your goals. The other way to do it is find something you like! Hula hooping burns a bunch of calories, works your muscles, and is fun!
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    You could either walk, dance in your room for an hour to your favorite tunes, or go old school and get the Richard Simmons workouts.
  • fitacct
    fitacct Posts: 241 Member
    I've found I do better with the Wii Fit Plus as it makes exercising fun and the time flies by! I also use a stationary recumbent bike while watching TV or reading...again, the time flies!

    Best wishes on finding what works best for you! : )
  • Raynamg36
    Raynamg36 Posts: 5 Member
    I would recommend that you try Leslie Sansone's Walk At Home DVD's. That's right! She has so many to choose from off her website and the prices are under 20 bucks (at least they were 2 years ago when I first bought them). I started using them last year during the summer when it was to hot and humid outside and wanted to get a work out in. You can start at beginner; which is a 1 mile gentle walk that is 20 minutes; intermediate which is a 2 mile brisk walk at 30 minutes; advanced which is a 3 mile brisk walk at 45 minutes. Those are the 3 that I have and think that since you don't like to "exercise" believe it or not, you can still burn calories when you walk. Take a look at them and give them a try, if you want. I believe you can buy them at Target or at Amazon too, but definatly at www.lesliesansone.com

  • tmleaym
    I had this problem, and then my daughter got a whole group of people to sign up for a body challenge. Our whole family signed up and bunch of friends too. It's like a "boot camp" training program where they give you a diet to follow and we worked out as a group at our gym. I found this a LOT more fun and motivating. I made a lot of new friends at the work out classes, it was AWESOME and I'm so glad I did it. I also used to hate to exercise, but after 8 weeks of the challenge I feel like I'm over the hump and it's fun again. (We just finished up tonight, it was amazingly hard work, but so rewarding.) You could see if any gym's in your area offer something like this. Another thing I do is "bribe" myself, like "if I work out 4 times a week for 3 weeks in a row I can get new work out clothes." I earned a nice pair of running shoes for myself this way, LOL. Hope this helps a little, I'm certainly no expert. You seem kind of down on yourself, just put the negative stuff aside and take charge, you can DO IT! Good luck.
  • LeonaB17
    LeonaB17 Posts: 304
    ou should start out easy - if you try to do something too hard - you're setting yourself up for failure. I started out walking 15 minutes at a time (it's all I could handle at my highest weight)...and I gradually increased. Every time I walked I pushed myself a little harder or longer each time. I grew to love walking. Find something you really enjoy - or something you only sort of enjoy - and learn to love it.
  • cstein71
    cstein71 Posts: 38 Member
    Do something you like. You already said that swimming is fun foryou so find an indoor pool and join. Or change it up and find a class that you like to do. Try a few and dont give up!!! I found a class that mixes strength training with cardio. The instructor mixes it up so you never know what to expect and it is great!
  • meowmix130
    meowmix130 Posts: 3 Member
    I used to be JUST like you!!! I actually got the Wii Fit. It's FUN and you get exercise at the same time!!! Now I'm watching what I eat and I dropped 20 pounds just by eating healthy and watching what I eat. (I HATE calorie counting...but the Food Diary on here makes it SOOOOO much easier) ((I am SO happy I found this site, I wish I had found it earlier! I started this voyage on my own and it is so much easier with these tools and people!))
    Now that I am losing weight and feeling good I am really starting to LIKE exercising!! I did the Jullian thing and at first of course it's hard!!! You can't get skinny and toned by NOT working hard...BUT it GETS EASIER!!! It really does! Just stick with it and you'll be doing it in your sleep before you know it!! Find something that works for you!!! Get a pass for an indoor pool or something. You'll start to not only look amazing, but you'll FEEL amazing!! I go to the ON DEMAND fitness channel and they have TONS of different videos you can watch for free. Some of them are only 10 mins or less. Those are GREAT, because you only have to "suffer" through it for 10 mins!!!
    Keep your head up!!! You'll find something you like!! Focus on your eating!! It will help a LOT!! Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Dancing (Zumba, maybe?), racquetball, and tennis would be at the top of my list. I loved racquetball when I had a chance to play.
  • deniseselah
    deniseselah Posts: 225 Member
    Music, music, music. Kick up the jams. Or listen to podcasts or books on tape to distract yourself. I have GOT to have my bass pumpin' to work out. And I have a 2-3 block walk to my car from work that I HATE ... so I use that time to check fb posts - before I know it, I'm at the car.

    I hate exercise too! I tell myself I hate it and that's OK but I need to get it done.

    Good luck!!