Anyone suffer from chronic migraines?



  • nichres
    nichres Posts: 1 Member
    I have had migrains about every 12 to 18 hours for eleven years. I do not have any optic problems, just slight nasua and then a lot of pain on the left side. i have used beta blockers, and about every anti-convulsion medicine available with out much help. I do find that the frequency is less when I spend hours in the garden or do other activity as walking etc. I do remember that 20 years ago when I was working out using weights three times a week I did not have the migraines. I have now statred an exercise program and hope it
    will have an effect. I take Summatriptan (generic for Imitrex) and it does help. Also I have found that when I can feel one coming on
    and I apply an ice bag to my neck I can get relief. I have also received relief from taking two 500 Mg of tylanol three times a day.
  • leahsevilla
    leahsevilla Posts: 127 Member
    I didn't read any one else's answers, but I got migraines for YEARS until I got a food sensitivity test (the one i got was the MRT Test, just have to google it) and it told me the foods to avoid. Since then, I've been migraine free. Hope this helps.
  • greeeek
    greeeek Posts: 12 Member
    My sister has a severe migraine problem and it turns out she is allergic to red 40. It's in almost everything! I guess it is pretty common so you should check it out.
  • Armygirl67
    Armygirl67 Posts: 177 Member
    I do almost daily..I was told it from my severe allergies and sinus..
  • greytblackdog
    greytblackdog Posts: 51 Member
    Diagnosing chronic migraines and/or tension headaches is difficult. But daily migraines could be a sign of high blood pressure - which is incredibly dangerous if it is causing pain. I had about 12 to 15 a month a few years ago and had a total work up by a neurologist. This included blood work, keeping a food diary, getting off my bcps, and tracking my blood pressure daily. There are drugs you can take daily that will keep migraines at bay - Topamax is one of these, and it won't make you gain weight (actually has opposite effect).

    I wish you luck in getting relief. Migraines are not fun but seeing a neurologist is the right path to take.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    1. See a neurologist if you haven't already.
    2. The greatest help to me was regulating my sleep. If you work retail hours or shift work, you might want to consider finding another job, because that's what I had to do. I feel tons better now that I go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time every morning.
    3. Keep a diary about your symptoms... What time of month is it? What did you eat last? Sometimes learning what your triggers are can help.

    So... to answer your question, the only exercise you're going to get if you're feeling like crap is probably going to be yoga. I wouldn't worry about eating less or working out. I'd eat whatever I wanted, because I'd probably barf up half of it anyway, and then I'd hide under a blanket and eat pills. Ugh...

    Luckily, I haven't had migraines in awhile, so whatever hell you're in will probably end some day. :smile:
  • MissArielLauren
    I've had them for years. About a month ago I had one that last an entire night and what would have been the rest of the next day, until I went to a chiropractor.. I suppose I needed my neck snapped back into place :]
  • CaitlinMyers428
    CaitlinMyers428 Posts: 151 Member
    Yes, I get them bad! I usually take an Excedrin Migraine pill and try to work out. Sometimes working out takes my mind else where. Other times it's so bad I can't concentrate on anything I do.
  • Cacopeland
    Cacopeland Posts: 13 Member
    I have had migraines forever (so does everyone in my family) mine were serious enough that they were triggering seizures... I always thought that since everyone in my family had them too it must be a genetic thing I couldn't control... turns out I am INCREDIBLY sensitive to monosodium glutamate (MSG) which is in almost everything... The sensitivity IS genetic, but the reason we all had them so badly was because of the poor diet we were eating... your foot tracker isn't public, but if you are eating anything with seasoning packets or even stuff like bullion or canned soup take a look at the label and see if you see monosodium glutamate listed... try cutting that out & see what happens... its really not good for anyone, but it really bothers some people.
  • savage22hp
    savage22hp Posts: 278 Member
    I am one of the "lucky" men who get migranes, 2-3 per month. Stress can trigger them or eye strain. I also have been able to eliminate some foods ( all nuts , excessive onions or garlic , and CHOCOLATE) ! Working out seems to help if I medicate early and I seem to have fewer headaches ( migraine and others ) when I am eating well below my BMR.
  • azzacca
    azzacca Posts: 126 Member
    1. See a neurologist if you haven't already.
    2. The greatest help to me was regulating my sleep. If you work retail hours or shift work, you might want to consider finding another job, because that's what I had to do. I feel tons better now that I go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time every morning.
    3. Keep a diary about your symptoms... What time of month is it? What did you eat last? Sometimes learning what your triggers are can help.

    So... to answer your question, the only exercise you're going to get if you're feeling like crap is probably going to be yoga. I wouldn't worry about eating less or working out. I'd eat whatever I wanted, because I'd probably barf up half of it anyway, and then I'd hide under a blanket and eat pills. Ugh...

    Luckily, I haven't had migraines in awhile, so whatever hell you're in will probably end some day. :smile:

    All this helped me... and then, getting off birth control pills. I had non-TOM related headaches, but just the constant hormone activity gave me some major issues. The only ones regular exercise, proper sleep, limited caffeine and no bc's haven't helped with are the weather headaches. I get light to moderate headaches almost every day for spring and fall, especially, due to barametric pressure changes. I pretty much refuse to let them interrupt anything, but I also have a high pain tolerance (other people might call these moderate to severe migraines). That's when I am reminded that I love Excedrin.
  • NikkiRios
    NikkiRios Posts: 8 Member
    I finally saw a doctor about mine and was told lots of different things can set them off... sensitivities to lights or smells (I get them around cherry scents), weather (I get them before it rains), and even eating too many processed foods. I tried prescription medication but hated it. What works best is 3-4 advil when I start to get one. Also sometimes I drink half of a Coke, because caffeine can help. Of course, both of those are bad for you too if you do it too much. Best to identify the factors that cause the migraines and try to change your lifestyle.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I had chronic migraines (3-4 times per week) until I started taking meds for my heart condition. Turns out, MVP/MVR causes chronic headaches in some people, apparently me included.

    My suggestion is to talk to your primary care doc and see if there's something that could be causing it. Those migraines can be absolutely debilitating so I wish you all the best.
  • tambamis
    tambamis Posts: 67 Member
    I have been to the doctor several times, it's just migraines, no underlying cause. They run in my family. My mom has them pretty much everyday so it's not really something I can avoid. I do know that certain foods trigger them so I avoid them as much as possible. I had been prescribed some pills but they didn't really work. I don't want to be taking pills forever either, they are bad for the body. I just deal with the migraine unless it gets too bad to function.

    I am so sorry you have these, I have them too - hereditary, pills don't work, stress & hormones definitely aggravate them, mine have been fewer and far between since I've been on the weight loss track, but I have spent a great deal of time and effort trying to get a more "organic" diet in our home.
    I've eliminated most of the "low fat" processed foods from our diet. We use real butter, whole milk, whole wheat breads, real sugar (no more sweet & low) those are just a few of the changes we made, and it hasn't affected our weight loss at all - maybe it's worth a try for you.
    Other than that...I'll be praying for you, it's so hard to function when your in pain.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I've eliminated most of the "low fat" processed foods from our diet. We use real butter, whole milk, whole wheat breads, real sugar (no more sweet & low) those are just a few of the changes we made, and it hasn't affected our weight loss at all - maybe it's worth a try for you.

    This works well for me also. My body does not tolerate artificial sweetners well at all, and before I started taking meds to hel with the underlying heart condition causing my migraines, eliminating "diet" foods did a lot to help alleviate the occurence of the migraines.
  • Cacopeland
    Cacopeland Posts: 13 Member
    The problem with Diet foods is most likely a sensitivity to aspartame (a known neurotoxin)
    JULIUSKITTY Posts: 126 Member
    If you havnt already.. try eliminating nitrates (hotdogs, lunchmeat) also any substitue sugars such as aspartame are known to trigger them.
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    I have had issues with migraines since I was about 14 so I have had problems for about 14 years. I have tried multiple preventative medications through the years and have found some that work well for me. It just took time working with my doctor and figuring out what meds and what doses worked for me. I have actually been off of daily meds for the past 4 years. I do have pain meds that I take when I get one and if I don't catch it soon enough or it gets too bad, I have to go in and get a shot of a higher power med.
    Some things that have helped me are figuring out some of my triggers. Some people are affected by certain foods, smells or lighting. When I start to feel one increasing my fluid intake helps a little. I would not suggest exercising if you have a migraine. I'm not sure that it would be possible even if you tried. I think it is best to try and get the migraine to go away before doing exerting yourself just to make sure that it will not get worse.
  • savage22hp
    savage22hp Posts: 278 Member
    I forgot to mention MSG which is a big no - no for me also. You would be surprised all the places this can be.
  • TxAngel79
    TxAngel79 Posts: 318 Member
    I get them regularly! Some days are better then others. Sadly when they get too bad, I can't work out! However I watch what I eat! The drs have still yet to pinpoint a reason why I get mine. All they know is I have numerous brain lesions....whether they are from the migraines, or causing the migraines is a question still yet to be answered! I feel your pain!