A new start

I just signed up today.. I hope this works. It feels like I went from 125-193 overnight.. I am scared to death. I have just enrolled in classes that are in town or in the town 20min away.. bootcamps (which are hard for me to attend due to work), turbo kick, kettlebell bootcamp, sculpt and abs, dance fusion etc.
I had one endocrinologist diagnose me with PCOS.. he put me on injections and I go a second opinion.. that doctor said that I don't have it. Oh, boy..

I bought a groupon for a boudoir session that I have to use by the end of May.. I really hope to lose 60lbs by then.. I know.. slim chance :( by goal is 70 total..

Anyway, I hope that I won't get too discouraged along the way.. my body seems to lose weight slowly.. I'd rather not weigh myself but I guess it's good to keep on track.

I have become very emotional since my weight gain.. it is starting to effect my relationship.. and my self esteem has plummeted. I hope this all clicks..... I want to feel like ME again.


  • PodWif
    PodWif Posts: 16
    If you stick with logging your food and staying within your calories you really should be able to see results. It will take time so try not to get discouraged, it's hard not to sometimes, but just remember to rejoice with any progress. I offically started tracking my food intake in the middle of June and 5 months in I lost all the extra weight I had gained (about 26lbs) so if you've got 60-70lbs to lose just prepare yourself that it won't happen overnight, but if you stick to it, it will happen and you will start feeling like yourself again :) Good luck, it's totally a fight worth fighting!
  • taraborthwick
    Well done for taking the first step. Just rememeber it takes 1 at a time. I have been on my journey for 8 weeks 2mrw and have lost 17Ib to date it is a slow road, my goal for the next 12 months is to lose 39Ib for a start and then i will reacces.

    Start with small goals i think helps it gives you something to aim at ans once you hit that goal it gives you a boost to go to your next goal.

    my starting goal was to be under 100kg for my birthday which is in a week and i feel fairly confident i will make it, my next goalwas 97.2kg by christmas which is 10% of my body weight. i have some long term goals too but i am just working on one at a time and wheni reach each one i feel so proud of myself.

    Just rememeber dont beat your self up if you gain a little or lose nothing some weeks it will happen just reaccess what is happening and find a new direction.

    Good luck xo
  • Moms3Kwa
    Hey! Just use the tools that are on the website. You can do this. When I first logged my food I hated it. But, then when I saw what I was eating I started to change my choices. We are here to give you encouragement with your journey and do it together. And compain about it togther. Welcome!!!!!
  • katiepie111
    katiepie111 Posts: 83 Member
    hey - im in the same boat! i joined yesterday (again) but after gaining weight on all the bad foods and feeling depressed and ugly and my relationship has suffered too...feel free vto add me as a friend :)