Need friends and encouragement!

Hi my name is Ashley. I am 21 and 5'8. All my life I've been the skinny girl. Weighing in at 135/145 pounds, a size 5 in jeans for about 5 years straight. 2009 was when the weight gain started, also when I chose to get on the depo shot. I noticed instantly that I was gaining weight, but I didn't think much of it because I could afford to use some. Two years later I'm at at least a size 14 and growing. It seems my metabolism has shut down. I stopped the shot months ago because that was the only thing I could see that I had made a change in my life where it would affect my weight. I was told I would go back to my normal size. From my doctors conversation, I was to gain 10 pounds from it. Instead I gained 60 and counting. I'm about at the end of my rope. I'm desperate. All those beautiful designer jeans folded away that I might not ever be able to wear again, all the cute shirts that stay hung up in the closet that I can't wear because their too restraining. The misery of even going shopping with friends because if I buy that bigger shirt or some bigger really nice jeans I'm admitting defeat. So today I start my diet and my need for encouragement.


  • liveinthemix
    liveinthemix Posts: 360 Member
    Welcome to the site..! You'll find loads of support here.. You'll be on the right track in no time!!
  • cupcakecutie1985
    cupcakecutie1985 Posts: 110 Member
    I find your proactive approach very encouraging myself! I am only a week into using this site, but so far I love it! I think you will find the friends and encouragement you need here!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    At least you're figuring out how to do something about it now and not letting it go until it becomes very serious. I hope you find the right balance of exercise and nutrition to fix this. I'm new, too, but this site seems like a great place to start!
  • LelliAmi
    LelliAmi Posts: 327 Member
    I'm 19 and I was a fat kid until I started dance. Then I was very fit. Now without dance my weight has gone from around 120 to closer to 150. (Which wouldn't be too big of a deal if I wasn't 5' 2" lol) I like this site so far because it kind of makes losing the weight a team effort. When you join it's like you suddenly have all these people motivating and encouraging you and they're all going through the exact same thing. I think you made a great choice joining and I'm sure you'll accomplish all your goals with flying colours because of it. Welcome and good luck :)
  • novamegs
    Welcome to MFP! I had the same problem with Depo. Keep up the hard work! Depo takes a while to work its way out of your system.
  • ansinclair8
    ansinclair8 Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your journey! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like more support.
  • Ashley, I feel your pain. I had a thyroid issue that kept my weight down, and after surgery the weight has come back in full effect. Every day is a lot of hard work, but it will all be worth it in the end. It won't be an overnight process, but it will happen for you - keep the faith! Remember to log into this site daily, and be honest with yourself. If you mess up one day, there's always tomorrow. Remember two steps forward and one step back still leaves you one step ahead! Good luck!
  • kt2134
    kt2134 Posts: 45
    Ashley I feel your pain, 2009 was the year I started to gain weight to and I ended up gaining nearly 60lbs too. I was up to 201 earlier this year... now I'm at 165 & still got some way to go, I've been using this site for a little over a month and it has helped me TONS & I think you should find that it will help you too..Good Luck in your weight loss journey! :)
  • CoachHendryx
    Hello Everyone,
    This is my firs time on MyFitnessPal. Looking for friends/buddies.
    I am a mother of 5, & my goal is to lose a total of 35 lbs.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Add me.
  • chrissi_k
    chrissi_k Posts: 175 Member
    Welcome to MFP and you are doing the right thing, you realized that you are not happy with the weight you have right now and that you want to change something. That is the first step in the right direction.

    Just take one day at a time and by tracking everything you eat and drink it gets way easier to know what day you did not so good and which other day you did good.

    I track everything, even the smallest things that goes into my mouth :) But I don't eat my exercise calories :) I have been told not to do so and stay at the calorie range I have been told by the doctor.

    Good luck and you can do it, if you need support, feel free to add me.
  • MLArant
    The one thing that I did that has helped a lot was I had a metabolic test to determine my resting metabolic rate. This helped me to really work out how many calories I need to eat. The suggested calories on this site were not enough for me as I have a high resting metabolic rate (1757 calories). A friend of mine did the same thing and discovered she was under eating by a lot and this was causing her to NOT lose weight due to her body thinking it was starving... on the flip side, her husband's metabolism was really slow b/c he never ate breakfast. Her's was higher than his which was surprising.

    I started using the site on 18 November and have lost 4.5lbs in my first week using the calories recommended by the metabolic test. Many fitness centers are now offering this service and I highly recommend it to get you going on the right track. Google it in your area :)