Looking for friends with similar goals and habits

Hey everyone!!!

I am wanting to add some more friends with similar habits and goals. If you want to lose more than 20 lbs, eat 1200-1300 calories a day, have your food diary on the public setting, exercise 5-7 days a week and are between the ages of 20-30, add me! I log in everyday and comment on my friend's statuses and such :)

I could use some support and motivation :D



  • latiMoore
    latiMoore Posts: 8 Member

    i meet most if not all your requirements.. im new at this, n would love more friends.. add me.. we can motivate each other, write on each other status.... ( anyone else who wants to add feel free).
  • Sunny_Lexie
    I'm in!! =)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • chrissi_k
    chrissi_k Posts: 175 Member
    I want to lose 40 lbs, daily calories about 1400 and I turn 31 in 1+ week. Still ok? :)
  • wilkyway
    wilkyway Posts: 151
    Not got that much to loose, but otherwise similar =)
  • khc14
    khc14 Posts: 16 Member
    i'm a bit too old (31), a bit too fat (need to lose 15kg), but do work out 5 times per week and aim for about 1200 calories per day... close enough?
  • JulesofWinsto
    Would love anyone to add me as well!

    24y/o, looking to lose 30pounds (around 15 kgs) and take it from there. 1200cal diet and I try my very best to exercise lots but could definitely use some motivation and support!