Goal Weight ACEHIVED! Now what??

So I’ve reached my goal weight. Any advice on what to do now? Should I be changing the amount of calories I eat, altering my target calories on MFP? I want to tone up now too and am thinking I need to do some weights. I’m not a member of a gym and am not planning to be (I can’t afford it as we are saving for our wedding in August). Any tips? xx


  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    Hey flower,

    Change your goal to "maintain" and look on Amazon for some cheap dvds. I have the Geri Yoga (came out years ago) and also have the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. The latter is brilliant for toning you up. All you will need is some handweights (3lbs/5lbs) and a yoga mat and you're good to go!

    Hope that helps!

    And finally,well done on reaching your goal!

  • jeevasen
    congrats for achieving ur target and all the best for ur wedding.dont ever quit anything u do, today (u eat, u drink,u exercise).gym is always a continuos process if u stop performing u will add weight.so watch out !!!!!!!!
  • neenaj33
    neenaj33 Posts: 347 Member
    build muscle
  • twildmann
    Great job! How exciting to reach your goal. If you want to tone up I would recommend some strengthening dvds. If you have comcast on demand, they have a fitness channel that has many options. Good luck to you!
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Congrats on reaching your goal weight.

    I have lowered my GW a few times but have been pretty much where I want to be for months now.

    I flit between maintenance and having my goals set to lose 0.3lbs a week. Basically that is between 1280 cals per day and 1460 per day [before exercise!]

    I also flit in and out of exercising too, I am currently trying to factor 3 or 4 cardio sessions per week back into my routine.

    I am not eating as healthily as I can and I am not exercising enough so they are the two areas I am focusing on at the moment.
  • Nessiep
    Nessiep Posts: 171 Member
    well done you!!! i'm the same as you hon ..lots of toning to do! yes set it to 'maintaine' and lots of walking helps to itry to walk 10miles a week or more if ive got time ..well done again x i'll add you hon x
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    MY MAINTAIN LEVEL IS ABOUT 1750 CALORIES! wowzas?! Ok, I'll focus on strength training and keeping up the exercise. I have Geri Yoga so will dig that out and give it another go! and I have 30Day Shred too so i'll try the whole 30 days (never managed - got to level 3 before and got scared!) thanks guys x
  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    Pick a new goal!!! Congratulations on reaching goal weight! People always say it's harder to maintain than to lose because you don't have the excitement of seeing the scale move. So pick another type of excitement.

    Since you can't go to a gym, learn to strength train in other ways, use your (new, lighter!) body weight to give your body definition and lower your body fat%. Look up body weight exercises. And maybe pick a local race to shoot for, like a 5k (or start a running program online, there are tons of free ones). If you can't run in the race because you are saving for something else, run the same day and run your own race.

    Good luck and keep up the good work. And good luck saving for your upcoming wedding!!