hi im new

Hi im new to all of this, i need to lose about 14lb, i am currently doing the 30 day shred, im glad i found this site its great for support, please feel free to add me as your frie13021041.png
Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counternd.


    Add me to your friend list, please. I've been here about 12 weeks but don't know a lot of folks either,
  • AbetterMe220
    Well you joined just in time!!! There are few of us that just started the 30 Day Shred yesterday as a group. You should join in, we can keep eachother motivated! I'll request you as a friend. What day of the shred are you on?
  • Manthymoo
    I started the shred last tuesday then i did it wed and thurs, i hurt my back at work friday so i gave it a rest for a bit and just done one this morning. It defo gets easier. How do i join in the group?