has anyone tried P90x??

I am a 25 yr old woman with no much training in diets or exercise. I don't have too much stamia for cardio and am out of breath very quickly. I do however do yoga and pilates, and am getting better everytime i do it. I would like to try P90x... but am not sure if it would be suitable for me. From what i've heard its very intensive and i've been urged against trying it... but i really want to! Can someone please share their experience.. thanks so much!!


  • rubynah
    rubynah Posts: 4
    I am a 25 yr old woman with no much training in diets or exercise. I don't have too much stamia for cardio and am out of breath very quickly. I do however do yoga and pilates, and am getting better everytime i do it. I would like to try P90x... but am not sure if it would be suitable for me. From what i've heard its very intensive and i've been urged against trying it... but i really want to! Can someone please share their experience.. thanks so much!!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    there are about 63 P90 threads here

    just jump in one

    they will help you
  • visiologist

    I just started here, but I am just finishing up my first round of P90X. I can't tell you how much I love it! I lost about 17 pounds, 4 1/2" off my waist and went from 20.5% to 14.5% bodyfat. I am in the best shape of my life now at 46. I found it very easy to follow and stay motivated. After round 1 is finished I will do it again after a week off.

    I wouldn't say it's for everyone, but from your post I'd say it could probably do a lot for you. You will certainly get in awesome cardiovascular shape from it, not to mention lose fat and build muscle & strength.

    I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have.

  • mommieofthree
    Hello, I have P90X and it is absolutely AMAZING! It is VERY intense, but it is completely worth it. It is a total body workout, so it depends on your goals. I am currently training for a figure competition in October, and I have not taken on another round as I need to build some serious muscle. If you are a cardio fan, it may disappoint, the cardio is not huge here, but it allows you to build muscle, and the yoga is 92 min. long!!! So I think it is completely worth trying...good luck :) There is also another beach body product called Chelean Extereme, and that is also really great too. It involves weights and lifting along with cardio. So check em out, and let me know if you do, and how you like them!
  • Philde04
    Philde04 Posts: 160
    Hi.... I'm a 25 yr old woman too and was not that active.... I did some cardio at the gym 30 mins a day sometimes running and I got P90X. It is intense, but it wasn't so intense that I couldn't do it. I couldn't do as many reps as the ppl on the video, but I could do it. I'm in my 4th week now and I'm still working at it. I do love the workouts, they are great. I can definitely tell that I am stronger now than when I first started doing it. I say go for it!!! And if you like Yoga, there is a 90 minute yoga workout that you do in it too!!! However, it is more geared towards ppl who are already in shape. Good luck to you!!
  • Nlongenecker
    I just started P90X. It is an extreme workout, but definitely not impossible. I started with Power90 and then worked my way to P90X. I still can't do every move on there like the pros. But it's not about that. It's about being in shape, meeting personal goals and making progress.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hey ruby, welcome to MFP!

    I wasn't doing any exercise or diet for a long while. Then all of a sudden, I got up around March and started doing some Yoga every day. I was only doing really basic stuff because I was horribly out of shape, and like you, I started getting better.

    I'm not sure if it's the case for you, but I started to look for other forms of exercise every few weeks. I just got these fitness boosts in which I wanted to do more. I went through some power yoga which was really hard at first (I really suck at cardio), but I got better over time.

    Anyway, I didn't think I was quite ready for P90X when I started, but I started anyway thinking that I could just lean into it like I did with the Yoga. I also took my yoga principles with me ... "working hard without the pressure or need for perfection". Luckily, I had a HRM to tell me that I was still working hard even though I didn't think I did too well in some of the workouts. And that has kept me going because I'm burning a lot more calories than I ever was before and therefore working out harder than I ever was before.

    So here I am at Day 10. Some days I find myself really exhausted and other days I start to contemplate doing even more! It is very high impact but that's what pause buttons are for. My kicks are still low but I know they'll get higher. And no one is going to criticize you if you're stepping instead of leaping during some parts of cardio, though I am starting to get air at certain points.

    If you think you know yourself well enough to push yourself when you're able and pull back when you need to, then you can certainly go for it.

    The first two routines for the week are really hard, then it pulls back a bit on the third day. Yoga is the fourth, then another hard routine followed by a fun one (everyone loves Kenpo). After that it's stretch and you're ready for another week.

    You can IM me if you like. I also started a daily blog, though I started with LEAN and switched to Classic this week.
  • littleluvbug
    littleluvbug Posts: 137 Member
    I just started Phase 3 of P90X and I can't say enough about it. I'm losing weight, getting strong and toned. My hubby and I do it together. It's not for the faint at heart, it's hard work, but totally doable if you try. When I first started, I had to do all of my push-ups on my knees, now I'm about half and half. I'm still using a chair for pull ups, but I'm getting stronger. I'll be posting 60 day pics soon. I have day 1 and day 30 in my profile, I started at 197 on Day 1 of P90X and I weight 178 this morning!!! I say do it. We have lots of threads going on for us P90X people, jump on in!!
  • mfpme
    mfpme Posts: 1,106 Member
    there are about 63 P90 threads here

    just jump in one

    they will help you

    There's 63 P90 threads in here!!? :huh: Oh Dave Dave Dave!

    I've lifted, done weight training for almost 20 years and when I bought and tried p90x last year, I tried it 3x and nearly died!:frown: :ohwell: I would say, build up to it. It's the ultimate weight training program. Do some basic weight training first, then move up to intermediate then, try p90x. It's real badass, intense, no joke stuff. That would be my best advice. I'm still working my way up to p90x and looking forward to not dying :noway: the next time I try it!! :laugh:
  • deamarie
    deamarie Posts: 90
    It is intense. As a beginner, you will probably want to start with something less advanced. I heard P90 is really good too. I don't want you to jump into something too difficult and get discouraged. I have been exercising for 7 years now and I still found P90X challenging. Just a heads up!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I've lifted, done weight training for almost 20 years and when I bought and tried p90x last year, I tried it 3x and nearly died!:frown: :ohwell: I would say, build up to it. It's the ultimate weight training program. Do some basic weight training first, then move up to intermediate then, try p90x. It's real badass, intense, no joke stuff. That would be my best advice. I'm still working my way up to p90x and looking forward to not dying :noway: the next time I try it!! :laugh:

    My husband pooped out too. He was trying too hard to keep up with the group. So while he quit half-way in, I kept going because I paced myself and didn't feel the need to look like professionals who have been doing the workouts many times over.

    You don't have to keep up with the group. For beginners like us, keeping up is what we eventually aim for. The goal is to work hard and push yourself to get into better shape than you've ever been before.
  • mosse33
    mosse33 Posts: 69 Member
    im going to start p90x as soon as i get the pull up bar and dumbells but i would like to ask about the diet its abit confusing i carnt seem to work it out with all that protien i would have to eat about 10 chickens a day lol
    if any one can help me or post a couple of days meals that would be a great help
    hope i get the results u p90xers have
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    im going to start p90x as soon as i get the pull up bar and dumbells but i would like to ask about the diet its abit confusing i carnt seem to work it out with all that protien i would have to eat about 10 chickens a day lol
    if any one can help me or post a couple of days meals that would be a great help
    hope i get the results u p90xers have

    try posting that question here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/49180-p90x-starting-a-new-thread
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    im going to start p90x as soon as i get the pull up bar and dumbells but i would like to ask about the diet its abit confusing i carnt seem to work it out with all that protien i would have to eat about 10 chickens a day lol
    if any one can help me or post a couple of days meals that would be a great help
    hope i get the results u p90xers have

    Protein powders and protein bars make it doable. Hard boiled egg (whites), cottage cheese, a little more meat on a sandwich it's actually quite manangable to get that much protein. Especially if you get careful about what an actually portion size is - 1 chicken breast is closer to 1.5-2 servings of protein most of the time.
  • mfpme
    mfpme Posts: 1,106 Member
    My husband pooped out too. He was trying too hard to keep up with the group. So while he quit half-way in, I kept going because I paced myself and didn't feel the need to look like professionals who have been doing the workouts many times over.

    You don't have to keep up with the group. For beginners like us, keeping up is what we eventually aim for. The goal is to work hard and push yourself to get into better shape than you've ever been before.

    Thanks for sharing your experience with it ghanie and your encouragement. I will keep that in mind the next time I try it again. :flowerforyou:
  • mosse33
    mosse33 Posts: 69 Member
    do u go by the portion program or juet hit the cals u need a day with ratio of 50 protein 30 carbs 20 fat
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    My husband pooped out too. He was trying too hard to keep up with the group. So while he quit half-way in, I kept going because I paced myself and didn't feel the need to look like professionals who have been doing the workouts many times over.

    You don't have to keep up with the group. For beginners like us, keeping up is what we eventually aim for. The goal is to work hard and push yourself to get into better shape than you've ever been before.

    Thanks for sharing your experience with it ghanie and your encouragement. I will keep that in mind the next time I try it again. :flowerforyou:

    With your experience, I'm sure you would advance very quickly and be keeping up in no time. Just approach the first week like a beginner, hehe ... pretend you don't have all that experience. Then take your results and push for more.