Feeling hungry ?

I originally started out the 1200 calories and it filled me up but realized that for me I probably should be closer to 1400/1600 (still big difference then what I was before). For lunch I usually have grilled chicken and 1-2 cups greenbeans and I am fine. Lately I have been feeling very hungry. Yesterday I ate a big breakfast and lunch was subway (which that was a bad decision after seeing the calorie count). Then at night I ate dinner but was still hungry. Today breakfast was oatmeal and banana. I ate my normal lunch and I am still hungry. I will probably go make some more green beans but still not sure why I am feeling deprived.

My weight seems to be staying steady but pants/shirts still baggy.

Any thoughts on some more filling foods? I do execrise but not alot past few weeks.


  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    veggies always fill me up. sometimes i make jello also cuz there is no cal and it is filling. subway is always a mistake for me as i always get hungry after 2 hrs!maybe alittle more protein also.
  • KCharron20
    I try to eat something every 3-4 hours. I eat 3 small meals and then have a snack in between. I usually have homemade trail mix or protein bar or a special K 90 calorie bar in the afternoon. It really helps. If you go for a protein bar, just be careful to really check the nutrition labels before you pick one.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I originally started out the 1200 calories and it filled me up but realized that for me I probably should be closer to 1400/1600
  • missjazzj
    Sounds a cliche I know but veggies and salad do it for me every time - as do boiled eggs oddly enough!
  • soniajaz80
    I struggle a lot with this too... and I am a self sabotager for sure! :embarassed: I think because I have a sweet tooth... a friend of mine that was almost 300 lbs and since one month ago has dropped 30 lbs! she introduced me not only to myfitnesspal which was helping her, but to something she takes (meal replacement), just started last week and I hated the idea of it since it reminded me of slim fast... but now I love it! it allows you to get creative, so you can make something totally delicious!! I feel full and am really starting to make better choices for myself almost naturally, we will see how things work out for me, hopefully I can stay on this! I have already noticed a change not only in my appetite but my stomach area! so I'm excited and I hope it works for me. I wish I had it in me to just be able to eat normal foods and stay on track but I guess its just not as easy for everyone... just make sure you snack in between too, healthy stuff of course! it makes a big difference.

    Good Luck and keep trying different things! something will work for you I'm sure :happy:
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    I am finding that eating smaller, more frequent meals helps me. I also try to stick with more protein, fruits, and veggies, and go easy on carbs, and I make sure that my breads/pastas are whole grain. I drink a glass of water before any snack or meal. I do my best to eat slowly, so my body has time to really feel full. I steer clear of "junk" food as much as I can, even if I have the calories for it, because its not filling. Also, do the foods you eat have MSG? I recently read that MSG can "switch off" the parts of your brain that tell you that you are full. Hope that helps a bit!