2 week plateau-- my persistence is starting to waiver. ANY a

Hi All,
Been on MFP for about 60 days and ADORE it. Lost the first 20 lbs (goal is 40) rather quickly the first 60 days. Well, now I just figured out for the last 2 weeks I have been stuck at a plateau. In the past when Ive plateaud I took a hard look at my diary and cut out processed foods, salt, excess alcohol and picked up my workouts.

Well, this time - no matter what I do the scale shows 178 every morning.
I started going back to Bodypump and started running instead of walking. and as of yesterday I started a zigzag way of eating (details below).

I'm sure you've all gone thru this--- any ideas would be great as its getting hard to stay positive and I dont want to go back to my old ways - I know thats not the answer either!


Weight Loss at 177- Zig Zagging method

mfp zig zag manual calculation:
Sunday 1200 under
Monday 1200 under
Tuesday 1900 maintenance
Weds 1200 under
Thursday 1200 under
Friday 1900 maintenance
Saturday 1200 under

Start date: Sept 19 2011 SW: 199 CW: 178.0 GW: 159

MG #1: Be out of “Obese” for BMI: 191 << Met 9/28/11
MG #2: 179.5 by Turkeyday - 20 lbs gone! << Met 11/8/11
MG #3: 169 by Christmas in Denver – 30 lbs gone!
MG #4: Have "healthy" BMI- 159.6 by January 24th – Total of 40 lbs gone for good- NEVER TO COME BACK


  • melusinagr
    melusinagr Posts: 205 Member
    Give the zigzag time to work! A couple of weeks at LEAST. Most importantly, be patient. Know that you are on the right course and weight loss takes time - especially once you get under the "obese" category. Stick to your program, stay honest about what you eat, and the results WILL show. And perhaps consider upping your calories to 1300-1400 daily after you zigzag for a few weeks.
  • susanofscottsdale
    Your first 20 was really fast. Celebrate that - and try to keep perspective and have realistic expectations regarding the next, and last 20.

    I look forward to hearing if zigzag works for you. I think what you are doing is right. So far (50 pounds down) I have been able to break plateaus by making changes to what I eat (exersize changes did not seem to have much affect). What has worked for me is to have a few consecutive very low carb / high lean protein days. This seems to kick start weight loss again for me. The affect is almost immediate too, which is good for the spirits.

    Good luck.
  • mallred76
    mallred76 Posts: 50 Member
    I was stuck for about 3 or 4 weeks. I increased my overall caloric intake and cleaned up my diet. I also started doing 15 to 30 minutes of HIIT (high intensity interval training) workouts. Since then I've lost 2 pounds. I think I was eating too little so I went to this website to see how many calories I actually needed. (http://www.cordianet.com/calculator.htm) I was so afraid, I thought for sure if I ate more I'd gain weight, but I didn't.

    Don't give up! Think of the choices you're making as a lifestyle change. These changes will help you to lose the weight and keep it off. You're doing so well! I try to enjoy the process rather than the results. I'm trying to learn yummy healthy recipes and doing workouts that are fun. A friend of mine just made me a fun new workout playlist for my iPod. That's helped too.

    I think it's true the slower the weight comes off the more likely you are to keep it off. You're doing great, just keep it up!
  • sheltielover
    sheltielover Posts: 135 Member
    thanks all-- really helps to hear that from others! im going to stick with the plan and wait for my body to catch back up to me!
  • MummaAimz
    MummaAimz Posts: 81 Member
    I was stuck for almost 3 weeks and it was everything in me to keep on going and not throw in the towel. I got on the scale yesterday around 2 pm, which I NEVER EVER do because morning weight is what I always use for my weigh ins and WHAM I was down a pound! I was so flippin excited. I was doing HIIT training for the first 2 weeks of the plateau and then last week I switched up for incline training and I must have confused my body just enough to kick start it. So I've decided that I am going to switch up my routine each week to keep my body guessing so I am contantly loosing. This week I am doing weights every other day and incline training cardio the days inbetween with Sundays off. Next week I will do weights and HIIT training, and back and forth. I find my body to be smart and catches on to what I'm trying to do and plateaus easily. I also found my sodium to be over almost every single day (I didn't have it on my food page for the first 2 months), so now I am REALLY watching my sodium intake as well. I LOVE salty things so this is the hardest part for me but I've gotten to far to turn back now! I still have 50+ to loose...and if I am going to persue my wants to be a trainer I have another 70 to go!
  • boston6
    boston6 Posts: 158 Member
    I too was stuck for 3 weeks or so. Hang in there. You should start trending in the right direction again soon.
  • cowboydan43
    cowboydan43 Posts: 306 Member
    You already know I think you are a rock-star :flowerforyou:
    But, I have a quote " You didn't gain it overnight, so you won't lose it overnight"
    The important thing is that you are headed in the right direction. You seriously have already accomplished A LOT in a short amount of time. Hopefully the zig-zagging will work well for you! Good luck I know it is frustrating!
  • dewgirl321
    dewgirl321 Posts: 296 Member
    Before starting the zig-zag, how many calories were you eating per day? You may actually need to INCREASE your calories. As your activity level and metabolism increase, your daily calorie needs also increase.
  • sheltielover
    sheltielover Posts: 135 Member
    Before starting the zig-zag, how many calories were you eating per day? You may actually need to INCREASE your calories. As your activity level and metabolism increase, your daily calorie needs also increase.

    I was only at 1200 cals. So I recently uppded it to 1400-- 1200 just seemed so low after the first month and a half.
  • hhorncastle
    hhorncastle Posts: 84 Member
    . I think I was eating too little so I went to this website to see how many calories I actually needed. (http://www.cordianet.com/calculator.htm) I was so afraid, I thought for sure if I ate more I'd gain weight, but I didn't.

    Thanks for sharing that site! It was interesting to see the different calculations for ideal weights and so on. Making me reconsider my goal, which is a scary thing to contemplate.

    OP, I'm sure you'll break out of it! I'm intrigued by the zig-zag and will look into that some more for myself! Best of luck with your journey. You're doing awesome already!
  • cbediria
    i'm going through the same thing!! i used to lose 2-3 pounds a week when i started and now i'm struggling to push off just 1. it\s making sad, lol. we need to support each other to keep going!! increase exercise a little, eat a teensy bit better and have patience. it's SO hard to keep waiting...i'm super annoyed.but i will not give up. i hope that you won't either!! you're doing amazing! best of luck!!
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I'm sorry but a two week plateau is NOTHING! The closer you get to your goal the more your body wants to hold onto the fat. I had a 9 week plateau! I started losing again last week. You've got to stick with it and realize this is a change for life. You will lose eventually, and when you're ready