Lose fat THEN add muscle



  • dizam
    dizam Posts: 25 Member
    This is from the article I pointed. The article also mentions that this doesn't apply to everybody, only to beginner body builders, and people over certain percentage of body fat. The article also mentions that this is a slow process.

    I'm not sure if this works, since I haven't tried myself, but it seems like sound advice. It doesn't sound like "junk science" to me, but I'm not an expert.


    So YES, you can gain muscle and lose fat and here’s how:
    Constant influx of protein. 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight per day taken 5-6 equal portions spaced evenly through out the day – otherwise your nuclear power plant will have to turn on between meals and burn muscle, you don’t want that.
    Consume enough calories to keep your body from thinking its starving but not so many calories that you gain fat, 10% under your TDEE is a good value to use. My calorie calculator will tell you exactly what that is for your type metabolism. Make sure to set your goal in step 6 to “10% calorie reduction”
    Proper nutrition, make every calorie count!
    eat unprocessed or minimally processed foods
    eat lots of fresh vegetables
    eat less than 30% of your calories from fat and eat only good fats like olives, nuts, and avocados
    eat whole grains and low G.I. carbs – no simple carbs like sugar, alcohol, or white flour
    eat omega-IIIs daily, flax or salmon are great sources
    Hardcore, consistent weight workouts. You can use my custom workout plan generator to design a workout plan appropriate for you.
    Daily cardio, 30-40min. Cardio will not burn muscle, it will help you gain muscle while losing fat at the same time.
  • Broscience.


    Hint: If someone is named after a cartoon dog, and wears a Gilligan hat, they may not be the most reliable source of information.
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