Ripped in 30

Just purchased Ripped in 30 today and cannot wait to start it up!

Who has it and do you love it? Results pics are also welcome:-)


  • mooty
    mooty Posts: 3
    I have that and almost all her videos. I love them all because of them being 30 minute workouts. So much easier to fit into the day than a 60minute. :smile:
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    No results to share yet because I just finished the first week yesterday. So far I really like it - much better than 30DS, which I did a full month of. The variety of exercises makes the time pass pretty quick and I totally work up a sweat. I also have found that I'm burning more calories in Ripped in 30 than 30DS because the heart rate stays more constant - bonus!

    There's a group that formed a week ago for those of us doing it - you should check it out - people are at different stages and it's a great support to know others are doing it with you!
  • nikg9
    nikg9 Posts: 7
    Thanks ladies! I will have to search for the group!

    Just did Day 1 of Week 1. Not sure how accurate my HR watch is but it showed i burned about 500 calories. Definitely worked up a great sweat and I hope I am sore tomorrow;-)
  • MandyMarie01
    MandyMarie01 Posts: 448 Member
    I'm on week 3 as of today and having a lot of fun with this dvd. noticed that my clothes are fitting much better than they have been in awhile :)