Getting pregnant tips?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't really have any tips, my husband said, I wanna get you pregnant and, a month later I missed my period. LOL. Although, i have heard some like: Place a pillow under your hips for 10-20 mins after he goes in you. Woman on top is harder to conceive with (although not impossible) Sperm can last up to 5 days inside you because of the conditions so if you are estimating when you are ovulating start having sex 5 days prior
    A little TMI, but I've heard the story of my own conception and all I can tell you is that if the sperm gets anywhere near a woman's hoo-ha, there's a chance she's going to be giving birth in nine months, even if no actual intercourse was had.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Stand on your head for 10 minutes after finishing.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Maybe it's not you and it's him. He needs to get a sperm count...uh counted to make sure.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Have sex every other day the week of ovulation. Stay in bed 15 minutes afterwards so "it" doesn't fall out.
  • Chiquita_Banana
    sex and no stress... i never "try" to get preggo... we jsut say hey lets stop using protection and see what happens... first time i was preggo in 2 months... this time i knew i was preggo after 3 weeks of unprotected... have fun!!!
  • TerraGirl17
    TerraGirl17 Posts: 275 Member
    Best advice I can give you is not to worry about it, if you aren't expecting any complications just relax and have fun, don't stress yourself out over it!! Take a few months of just having unprotected sex and see what happens, then if need be track your cycle and temps etc.. but for now HAVE FUN as much as possible ;-)
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I don't really have any tips, my husband said, I wanna get you pregnant and, a month later I missed my period. LOL. Although, i have heard some like: Place a pillow under your hips for 10-20 mins after he goes in you. Woman on top is harder to conceive with (although not impossible) Sperm can last up to 5 days inside you because of the conditions so if you are estimating when you are ovulating start having sex 5 days prior
    A little TMI, but I've heard the story of my own conception and all I can tell you is that if the sperm gets anywhere near a woman's hoo-ha, there's a chance she's going to be giving birth in nine months, even if no actual intercourse was had.

    IT'S A VAG!NA!! for the love of god people why are you calling it baby names? we're adults, most of us on this site have these parts...and you have children? Grow up!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't really have any tips, my husband said, I wanna get you pregnant and, a month later I missed my period. LOL. Although, i have heard some like: Place a pillow under your hips for 10-20 mins after he goes in you. Woman on top is harder to conceive with (although not impossible) Sperm can last up to 5 days inside you because of the conditions so if you are estimating when you are ovulating start having sex 5 days prior
    A little TMI, but I've heard the story of my own conception and all I can tell you is that if the sperm gets anywhere near a woman's hoo-ha, there's a chance she's going to be giving birth in nine months, even if no actual intercourse was had.

    IT'S A VAG!NA!! for the love of god people why are you calling it baby names? we're adults, most of us on this site have these parts...and you have children? Grow up!
    Aw. Aren't you just a lovely human being.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Thanks to all who actually offerred advice! It is much appreciated!! I am going to relax, have fun, not stress, and have sex as much as possible (but because I want to NOT because it is a chore). :)
  • WarriorMom2012
    WarriorMom2012 Posts: 621 Member
    Everytime I tried to get pregnant, it never happened. When I stopped trying and said, nah, I don't think I want a baby right now, BAM, I was knocked up.

    Just relax and stop stressing and you'll be preggers in no time!
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    try harder.

    at least one of you will enjoy it...
  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member
    for reals

    just get drunk and screw

    worked for me
  • tnic86
    tnic86 Posts: 134 Member
    for reals

    just get drunk and screw

    worked for me

  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    OP, go ahead and have sex every day starting from 4 or 5 days before you expect to ovulate up until the day after. Sperm can hang around for a maximum of about 5 days after intercourse waiting for that egg, so go ahead and get started early but don't stop b/c not ALL sperm will hang around that long. You want some fresh ones in there too. LOL

    If you find out your man has a low sperm count, I believe every other day is more advisable to give him time to build the boys back up again. Having sex 48 hours after you have already ovulated is not generally going to get you pregnant - Sperm hangs around for days but your egg is only viable for about 24 hours. That gives you a 6 day window each cycle where you have the chance to make a baby. Since you are tracking your temps and already have a good idea when to expect ovulation, you can better pinpoint those 6 days. Start 5 days before you expect it to happen (easiest if your cycle tends to be the same number of days each month, which I'm sure you probably already know) and then do it one more time right after you ovulate for good measure. :-)

    If you haven't already read Taking Charge of Your Fertility, you might really enjoy it. Lots of great info on charting temps as well as other symptoms (cervical mucus, cervical position and openess, etc). There are also a couple of websites that make tracking easier for you - is one.

    Everybody says 'just relax and it will happen' but it's helpful for a lot of women to know they're doing something right and not just taking a shot in the dark. Use your info but try to enjoy yourself in the process. And go ahead and have sex that's NOT during that magical 6 day window too - you don't want sex to become a 'job' it'll just stress you out. Have fun. :-)
  • chicagocubsfan23
    We just found out we're pregnant and we've only been trying since our wedding, September 3. I'm 9 weeks along (they say right now anyways) so it didn't take us long at all lol. I've always heard don't stress about it, stress makes it harder to get pregnant. And while we were trying, we weren't obsessed with it. I didn't have a schedule on when we would have sex or anything, just whenever we wanted to get it on. Like one day it was a lunch break quickie, I like to think this is when we conceived lol.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I think having sex when you feel like it is good advice... I don't know about anybody else but I am SUPER in the mood around the time I am supposed to be ovulating. Probably your body's way of trying to get you pregnant. The phone apps, like Period Tracker are great too. I use it to track my cycle.

    WSS :laugh:

    I used an app and so knew (fairly coincidentally) the day after my period ended was about 5 days pre O (yup, short cycles, me... No wonder I'm anaemic!) and dh was very in the mood, and then, around ovulation it's like I'm on heat every single month! And last month it happened to coincide with our first night away together in over 4 years... Bingo!
  • snoopydoo1
    Here is a Facebook page about conceiving tips. You may find some helpful hints. Good luck!
  • Slimithy
    Slimithy Posts: 348 Member
    In all seriousness, as excited as you are, try not to make the sex all about getting prego. I know when we were "trying" years ago, the thought of kids was a huge mood killer and caused performance anxiety. Instead of trying to do this to find pleasure myself or to pleasure her; I was now trying to "be productive" after years of trying to "not be productive". Just my two cents.