Diet / Energy Pills

Does anyone take anything to "help" them along? Im doing pretty good with out them but wouldnt mind a pill that says "fat burner" or are those just gimmics?


  • sarahlucydaynes26
    I personally avoid.
    Just carry on doing healthy eating and exercise :smile:
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    gimmicks. Most are just stuffed full of caffeine.
  • petes58
    petes58 Posts: 13 Member
    Yes, they will help you loose weight -- in your wallet, but unfortunately no where else. It's your money, so do with it as you please, but since science and common sense both tell you that there's no such thing as a free lunch, you are probably better off without these gimmicks.
  • LindsayInNYC
    I'd save your money.

    I've taken plenty of diet pills over the past 10 years. In all honesty, the only ones that worked (but made me feel like absolute garbage) had ephedra in them. Out of frustration, I bought some about a month ago and have not noticed even the slightest difference since taking them. My appetite is the same. I'm just as exhausted. So I wouldn't bother.
  • megcalvert
    megcalvert Posts: 115 Member
    My days are so long that I need something to help me throughout the day and give me a boost...I have been using a pill called "skinny magic" from for the past 3 months. It really helps with sugar cravings! Idk if it is helping with my weight loss but I'm sure that combined with healthy eating and all the exercise helps!
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    IF you choose to take them (I would NEVER encourage that), but IF you do, read the labels VERY carefully.... Many will make your heart race out of control. It's honestly in your best interest to keep it up naturally, but that's just my opinion... Good luck!
  • mrsjoseywales29
    i personally take bestax and i get them I seem to have had good luck with them.
  • avaloneternal
    Coffee or tea (green, preferably, but black works too). Safe, effective and cheap.
  • Pancake86
    Ive used rocket fuel before but you shuold only take for up to 4 weeks, its amazing but i'm not sure on the side effects for other people, i didnt get any but everyone is dif. Always read labels and do your reseach!!!!!! ALWAYS!
  • Cr8tive_Ingenuity
    most of the diet pills as some have already stated are just filled with caffiene or drugs to increase your heart rate. i think its okay to take chromium picolinate and fish oil, but stay away from diet pills. I will promise you if you go to a low carb diet and go into ketosis (a ketonic state), you will lose your appetite..I wouldnt do any diet pills if i was you!
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    I tried them years ago but the minute I stopped I put loads of weight back on, not good. Tbh I think this should be hard so that I never put the weight back on again, years of taking the "easy" route has got me here, I'm taking the hard road this time and it's going to stay off
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    I tried them years ago but the minute I stopped I put loads of weight back on, not good. Tbh I think this should be hard so that I never put the weight back on again, years of taking the "easy" route has got me here, I'm taking the hard road this time and it's going to stay off
  • emilydmac
    emilydmac Posts: 382 Member
    Gimmicks- every last one
  • poseidon9447
    I tried hydroxycut, nothing special did not lose any more then diet and exercise did without it. Active ingredients in most are green tea extract and forms of caffeine. That is why they call it "proprietary blend" so you dont know that is all they are. Much cheaper ways to get those then taking pills.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    your profile pic says you're getting rid of the weight and not finding it again. even if you find a magic pill that works, at some point when you stop taking it, you will probably find the lost weight again. I assure you that if there truly was a magic pill that worked permanently, there would be so much good stuff written about it that you wouldn't need to ask where to find it ;)
  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    The fine print on all of them says "works in conjunction with a sensible diet and exercise program." It really should say "a sensible diet and exercise program works in spite of these pills."
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    Say no to diet pills. Often they do work in the short term. But long term they never do. Also, when used long term they can have serious effects on kidneys and liver.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    The fine print on all of them says "works in conjunction with a sensible diet and exercise program." It really should say "a sensible diet and exercise program works in spite of these pills."

    LMBO!!! this is so true.
  • jeannec3631
    jeannec3631 Posts: 108 Member
    whatever you lose with those...seems you gain back double! water & rest are you best friends! well besides MFP!!!
  • Jholt47
    I've had great results with Laxogenin. It works by limiting cortisol, and increasing metabolism without a stimulant.

    The proper name is 5a Hydroxy Laxogenin.

    Of course I stick to my diet plan and exercise but adding the Laxogenin to my program has made it almsot fool proof.

    I'm not a fan of the tradional "fat-burners" because they make me feel sick.