Runnng: How to NOT Hate it with a Passion



  • nc90
    nc90 Posts: 83 Member
    I think it's all in your mentality. When I first started out - I did not like it, but eventually I began to be more proud of finally being able to go 15, 20, 30, and 45 min and still feel good, and then completing my first 8K under my goal. It's not about being the fastest, but more so about feeling good. You may want to read more into proper running form, which could help you with being tired so early. You may be wasting a lot of energy based on your form.
  • alicollins74
    alicollins74 Posts: 335 Member
    I have never been a runner. However, I am challenging myself because I signed up for the Commando Run in my area (similar to Warrior Dash). So some coworkers and I have started C25K and we are doing it during lunch break. So far, so good...I have around 130 days to learn to run...I am very excited to complete this goal.

    Good luck to you!!
  • cmon288
    cmon288 Posts: 173 Member
    If you don't really want to be a runner, I wouldn't suggest you run. Finding something you WILL do is fundamental to choosing a workout. I am currently on Week 6 of C25K and it's definitely a state of mind. --> So, if you don't want to be a runner, the program won't make you one. It does gradually transitions you into NOT HATING IT WITH A PASSION if you follow the program. Most of the time I find myself fighting my thoughts. I wanna stop right this moment, but I keep pressing until I finish. I remember when I started the program and running for a minute was the longest and walking for 1 1/2 was the shortest. Now I can run for 30min without stopping to walk and I still have 3 more weeks to go in the program.

    One thing I have learned from this program is before I pushed myself way too hard to say I was trying to run distance. You have to pace yourself and this program will help you do that. Talking to one of my MFP friends, I found out that the the run should actually be a converstional jog. Yeah, that sounds really slow and won't help a lot with fat burning is what you might be thinking. I typically increase and decrease my speed in intervals.

    Ok, I'm giving a lot of personal experience here, so I'll stop and you can inbox me if you have any questions (let's let some other ppl comment) So, just ask yourself, "Do I really wanna be a runner?" If the answer is yes, give C25k a try. If the answer is no, work that elliptical baby. Or experiment with other things you might enjoy. What ever you do, KEEP IT MOVING!
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    I have been running for years and I have to say I love it and its become a constant in my life. Here are my suggestions:

    1) Listen to music or download books to listen to. I download books and it really makes it nicer to run.

    2) Find a running group that is training for a specific race. Even if you feel like you don't go that fast a lot of those organizations have groups for people who just want to run the whole way and finish. I have met some of my best friends through these groups. Also, when you are talking and running, it makes it so much more fun.

    3) Find fun places to run. I like to go on hiking trails. Or I like to run down a pedestrian mall and look in the store windows. If you run at night or in the morning, its kind of fun to look into houses that are lit up.
  • angieyayy
    I agree with the folks doing the C25K. I bought a treadmill a few years ago with every intention of toning up. I started dreading it every day and started to make excuses as to why I didn't want to run that day. Then I started doing the C25K and although the first few times was hard, I found myself starting to really enjoy it. I've even started running outside which is even better!
  • lml1042
    lml1042 Posts: 121
    I'm right there with you. I really want to be a runner, but I just don't find it enjoyable. I am currently doing C25K and I love it. Granted, I'm only on my first week. I have learned that I was running too quickly. I am easing into it by jogging at 5.2-5.5mph. I'm slow, but I enjoy it a lot more now.
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    I have always hated running. I am on week 6 of the c25k program right now and it honestly hasn't gotten any better yet. I want a runners body so I try to think of that when I am running but I find it kind of boring and it doesn't help that I have quite a bit of pain when I run in my right hip and left knee. I always thought if I got into it I would grow to love running like so many people you read about on here but so far it still hasn't happened for me. I am, however, commited to finishing the program and completing the 5k I signed up for after I finish. If I still hate running after that I will probably move on to something else but I definitely want to give it a fair shot. I do feel a sense of accomplishment after each run but it's not really enough for me to find it enjoyable.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I am posting only so I can read all of the comments, past and future. I hate running but would love to learn to love running.
  • Little_Ms_
    It's about music!
    Get some fast pumpy music you like (or Rock) and it will urge you on!

    I prefer cycling to running, so maybe running isn't for you?
    But I do run and the more I do it, the easier it becomes.
    You won't know what people love about running till you get there and that takes dedication and determination.
    Take one day at a time and increase the amount you do each day.
    Doing it enough will make you love it (and that goes for any exercise).

    The benefits are more than just physical!
  • tnic86
    tnic86 Posts: 134 Member
    I have to agree with some of the others on here. If you don't really like running, just find something you do enjoy. If you run and hate it, you're only going to think of it as torture and you don't want to torture yourself. Honestly, that can do more harm than good. There are many other ways to get fit and healthy. Running is just one of many. Best of luck finding what's right for you! :)
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    I'm a lot like you in that I can literally walk all day and not get bored or tired, but I've been trying pick up running, too. And if you peek at my exercise diary, you'll see I havent' been wildly successful at making it a habit, but we're working on it.

    Someone mentioned having goals will help, but also looking hard at *why* you want to run will also motivate (in other words give yourself a reason). You stated that you wanted a runner's body (presumably not in your freezer, sorry bad joke), so find pictures of runners and hang them maybe near your bed to get yourself up for a morning run.

    I don't know if this is helpful.

    For me (disclaimer: crazy dog woman rant) I just need to look at my dog for the reason I want to run. She and I walk every day for 2 -15 miles. Yes, that means we often would walk for more than three hours as part of our regular day, just me and her. I love that dog. I recently found out she was hypothyroid, and since she's been on the treatment for that, she's had more energy, so I've tried running with her, to burn off the extra energy. She's about 50lbs, but even at a run, she stays right at heel, so she makes a wonderful running partner. The one thing that will get me out running is knowing that it's good for my dog.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I asked my brother how he made running fun and he said, "Always pretend zombies are chasing you." He was being serious, too.

    I have a pretty kick *kitten* brother.

    But I still hate running.
  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 618 Member
    I hate running but I have a few ways to keep me on the treadmill. I've downloaded the series called Chuck and watch one episode a run, I see if I can run in time to the song I'm listening to (I make sure I have dance type music) and I cover the screen with my towel to hide the time. I also time my runs to cooincide with programs I like on the television. I can now run one hour without stopping and can do a 10k in 56 minutes. Goodness help me if I ever run on the road. I'd have to carry a TV with me!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I also hate running with a fiery passion.. and when my trainer made me jog two measly laps, I whined the entire way.

    I think running is boring, stupid and pointless... I can get to the exact same place by walking or doing the elliptical, it just may take a little bit longer. I don't see any point in forcing yourself to do something that you clearly don't like.. So why don't you find something you love and do that instead?

    Also running isn't everything.. Squats, lunges and weights in general, will do a lot more for the booty then running ever will.
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    I love to run. But, I don't love running for any of the physical benefits. I simply love running because I long for the moment my shoe hits the pavement. I love the open road and feeling that I control it, I own it. I spend nights putting together my playlist and can't wait to put my earbuds in the next morning and take off. When I hit around mile 5.... I am free and I feel there is little that can stop me. I love to run. But, there are days that my runs can be sour because with each stride there is some sort of ache or pain in my knee, my thigh or some place new. I want to quit and I wonder why I am up at 600 am running when I could still be in bed. But, I dig deep & run through it and once again I find it... my freedom, my peace, my place away from the stresses of the world. I love running with a passion, I am a runner.

    Back to you, here is my advice

    1. Start slow. Very slow. Think jogging/trotting. Start and finish with where you feel comfortable, even if it's not even a mile. Pushing yourself too quickly and too far will of course make you hate it. You will build up the miles & the speed will come later.
    2. Invest in good running shoes. Get fitted!
    3. Invest in appropriate running attire.... to keep everything in check.
    4. Music that inspires/motivates you.
    5. Join a running group.
    6. Map & Record. Locate great running routes in your area, map them and keep track of your progress. I use Run Keeper.
    7. Later, change things up a bit & work on your speed. Look up how to do fartleks. This can be fun.
    8. Most of all, have fun! Don't focus on how you want lean legs & tight bum so much. Find the joy in running and the rest will follow.

    Good luck and good running!
  • mrsbadara
    Thanks to everyone for their posts. I should say that it's not that I don't want to be a runner; it's that I do.... I just want to find a way to decrease the suckage to get good enough to enjoy it. I downloaded a C25K app on my phone......... we'll see if that helps keep me motivated......
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    i wanted to be a runner for years ... never was... EVER

    then i started running in september and thought i was going to absolutely die after 1 minute of running.. AND NOW: i love running - it's an escape for me :) i ran 6 miles yesterday!!!

    ***best thing i did that kept me going - slowed down my pace.. for some reason i thought i had to SPRINT the whole time i was running??? LOL. it took me a while to get that long distance runners have a slower pace lol

    you can do it!
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    1. RUN SLOWER. You should be able to have a conversation while running. If you're running alone, try mouthing the words to the song you're listening too. If you're running too fast, you'll use up all your energy and that is no fun.

    2. GET BETTER WORKOUT CLOTHES. Starting with a good sports bra. I don't like my ladies to move AT ALL, but that's just me.

    3. DO INTERVALS. Walk for 3 min/jog for 1 min. Work your way up to jogging 3 min/running 1 min. Whatever works for you. But it mixes it up so you're not plodding along loathing every minute.

    As others have said: the more you do it, the more you'll like it. It's become meditation for me and I can't imagine my life without it. I hope you reach that point too!
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I haven't read all of the responses, but I, much like you, wanted to run to get fit and not necessarily for the love of running. What worked for me:

    1. Don't be cheap when it comes to proper gear. Make the investment in a good pair of running shoes. Go to a running store and get fitted. Buy some good socks. Invest in good quality technical shirts, some tights, and a good jacket. If you spend the whole run being uncomfortable you will never learn to love it.

    2. Start out slow. Do C25K or another "learn to run" program. These programs are designed for beginners. They gradually increase your mileage over time so you can avoid injury. Don't over train. Take it easy when you start.

    3. Reward yourself. When I graduated my Learn to Run class, I bought a Garmin. I love taking that thing out for a spin.

    4. Make friends with runners. Even if you don't run with them frequently, it's nice to have people to talk to about running. Lots of cities and towns have free running clubs, you might have to seek them out but they do exist.

    5. Don't force it. Some people will just never love running. For me, I love the way I feel after a run, so that is what I get out of it. Have fun. You can run just for the sake of running and keep it relaxed.