
I just realized that I'm going back to my old eating habits this past few weeks and haven't consistently exercising.
I have gained about 2-3 lbs. just this week and I'm scared that it might get worse after Thanksgiving. I need motivation and support. =(


  • Duelltolose
    Duelltolose Posts: 119 Member
    I need that same help to..

    Just gotta stay in there and do the best we can. Write encouraging sayings on post it notes and place them in places that you see often throughout the day. :) Hopefully that will help a bit.
  • bigwildonion
    bigwildonion Posts: 11 Member
    It is great that you are catching yourself after just a few weeks! Now is a great time to forgive yourself, and get back on track.
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    First ... Read your own words over and over ...

    and then second ... Think of all the hard work you have done to get where you are ! The holidays will be difficult for alot of people ... but it is at that point where we have to be strong and realize that what we do and say have to be consistent ... and no matter how good something might taste, how bad it feels when you see the results will far more discouraging than ever giving in !

    Be strong, believe in yourself and don't hinder yourself by not eating what you love ! Just eat in moderation and exercise ! It really is that simple ... just mind over matter.

    You can do this .. we all can ! We are human, just like the next person ... the only difference is our attitude ! :)
  • wayless
    wayless Posts: 15 Member
    At least you have come to this realization early on. I'm sure you will be able to knock that weight off in no time. Don't make my mistake, where I have allowed the scale to vanish and mouth to open and workouts to stop and 22 LBs of an increase later in less than 12mos I feel like I'm starting all over again. There's no way I can let that 71 lbs back on me. I will get back on this journey and become accountable again. As long as I used MFP, I did just great, but I stopped. Good luck at your goal
  • gdb86
    gdb86 Posts: 126 Member
    Just like everyone is saying... take a second and realize that you're noticing your behavior. That in and of itself is the start to getting back on track. Not just making excuses and denying that you need to jump right back in. You're human! It happens, but I would say this time around try to dig for WHY you're going back to your old ways. When you figure out what triggered you to change, you can more easily identify what it is you need to really work on so you won't fall into the trap again.

    For now, just start small! Don't overwhelm yourself with every detail, but maybe cut out 100 calories and go for a walk and the next day add a little something else... you'll adjust to better habits, just give it time! You can do it, you just have to start to believe it again. :)