Ready to refocus- need support!

Hello everyone! My name is Lynn and I have struggled with my weight my entire life. In 2006, I joined WW and lost 102 lbs over about 2 years. Sadly, life got in the way (as it tends to do) and I let my focus fall away from taking good care of myself and reaching my weight loss goals.

Luckily, I have managed to keep off 50 lbs but I need to refocus and get back on track to living a healthier lifestyle. I have been using the food tracker for the last several months, but I keep going off track and feel like I'm constantly saying "I'll start over tomorrow."

I want to make this change starting NOW. Life is too short and I don't want to waste any more time being a slave to food and my bad habits with it.

I hope everyone is having a great week so far! :) Thanks for reading this and for your support!


  • FitasBarbie
    FitasBarbie Posts: 141 Member
    Goodluck on your journey,let's lose the last 20 lbs together. :smile:
  • rockeraxXx
    Hello, I was also on WW and reached my pregnant while on the program. Now I am trying to lose the baby weight. I didn't want to join WW again because it is pretty pricy and I am not digging that whole Momentum plan. I really like this website. I have made some great friends that keep me motivated! I will add you. Good luck :drinker: -Rosalie
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    Well then...congratulations!

    You can do's really simple, with a few rules....

    Exercise--you get a sense of accomplishment and endorphins are great motivators.
    Sleep--when you are tired, don't do one more thing--take a break!
    Eat--If you are a clean plate club member, measure everything. Remember it's not just how much you eat, it's how much of what you eat! 5 cups of mashed potatoes bad, 5 cups of lettuce good!!!
    Enjoy the little things, and the big things will come!!!

    Really, you can do this! And it will be amazing!
  • luvinit
    luvinit Posts: 41 Member
    Hi Lynn, life does tend to get in the way. The best you can do is pick yourself back up and more than anything change your thoughts. I truly believe if we just change how we think of ourselves everything else will fall into place. I'm glad to see you on here and I'd be more than happy to offer support. We can do this!
  • ChristinaBarnhouse
    ChristinaBarnhouse Posts: 274 Member
    Wow... you sound a lot like me! I do really good for weeks, sometime even months at a time, then I fall off track and say, "I'll start again tomorrow". I have hit a plateau for about 6 months and need to get back on track.

    I believe that the main key to getting and staying fit is mental. You have to believe in yourself during the good times and the bad. Reading stories and motivational tips from the website can be a big help. Good luck and let's keep each other focused!
  • jibeangel
    jibeangel Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you all SO much! I have been on this site for months, but never really used the message boards. I know that the support will help me though. I'm with RockeraxXX- I was going to join WW again, but I really can't afford the extra expense right now. WW is really the only "diet" I've tried, but it worked for me because I really made a lifestyle change.

    I'm hoping to start making those small changes again that helped me in the past. I've just gotten so used to making excuses and giving in to eating whatever I want lately. I know its going to take a lot of focus and willpower to get myself back on track!