Anyone lose the "baby pouch"?



  • oneorangekitty
    oneorangekitty Posts: 13 Member
    The belly seems to be the first thing to go south and the last to get back in shape. Pilates really helps with the pouch. I just have one child and she wasn't a C section, but I think it will with a very strict diet (eliminating most sugar intake) and ab targeting exercise. There are some great websites that show how to do Pilates step by step.
  • bump
  • Kristyz26
    Kristyz26 Posts: 33 Member
    I'll post my success pictures in 6-8 months :wink: All joking aside this is one area I am really hoping to lose. I know it will probably be the last of the weight to come off but I'm really hoping it will happen. Any tips or advice would be wonderful!
  • lpeacock06
    lpeacock06 Posts: 212 Member
    I've had 2 children & had a horrible muffin is slowly getting much better. I'll post pics when I get to my goal wt
  • kdenny1
    kdenny1 Posts: 134
  • lradatz
    lradatz Posts: 61 Member
    I had 3 children all by c-section's... My last 2 were so close together, that my uterus has never went down, completely! I also have my pouch, and even though I've lost weight, I hate the look of it. But before I did alot of cardio and strength training focused on my middle, along w Pilates... That helped me before, but until my body works w me and my uterus decides to go down, nothing works for me this time around!,
  • I had twins via c-section - C*A*R*D*I*O
  • embeck79
    embeck79 Posts: 34 Member
    i have the same issue too, my boys were c-section babies, although i have noticed a slight lift in the hanging bit its not great. i also seem to be losing/toning everywhere apart from the tummy area. i think it may take a whie. stick with it your not alone :)
  • I had 3 kids via c section the last one 6 months ago.....I started this site 60 days ago today :o) and Ive lost 2 inches in my hips already so it is going down.....I do alot of cardio, 30ds, 6wk/6pk and killer buns amd thighs...I have a love hate relationship with Jillian but she gets the job done!!! I wish you luck!!!!
  • GouletB
    GouletB Posts: 50 Member
    I have had two c-sections and have no pouch. I ran it off and did a lot of exercises in the plank position. Running is what really took it off though, both times. And its not "lucky" its hard work and a GOOD diet.
  • winodini
    winodini Posts: 135 Member
    I am hoping against hope mine will go away without surgery to get it gone. It has been a big source of embarrassment for me.
  • Im 4'11" and currently 111lbs. I was 98 preprego and didn't have abs then but I had a nice stomach. Now I have this ugly strechmarked flap that I hate. It makes me depressed and all my weight is in my stomach. I know 111 doesn't seem like alot of weight but it is on a petite girl. I wanna lose 15lbs. Anyone have advice on losing weight when u don't have alot to lose? Just wanna be me again. Thnx
  • Kawaii618
    Kawaii618 Posts: 21 Member
    I have twins via c-section, I hope this damn pouch goes away, although it seems to be easier to get rid of for women that had natural deliveries. But I've seen men with these pouches too and makes me believe that wearing your pants too tight at the waist conribute sto it too
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    I have had two c-sections and have no pouch. I ran it off and did a lot of exercises in the plank position. Running is what really took it off though, both times. And its not "lucky" its hard work and a GOOD diet.

    I think the only lucky part is if you get stretch marks or not. I have horrible stretch marks and loose skin from my first pregnancy. I am working on getting rid of the fat but short of surgery I'll never get rid of the stretched out skin.
  • I have had two c-sections and have no pouch. I ran it off and did a lot of exercises in the plank position. Running is what really took it off though, both times. And its not "lucky" its hard work and a GOOD diet.

    I am working on it!! Lots of planking! Wooo, it is a work out!!
  • noomycakes
    noomycakes Posts: 1 Member
    Wow what an inspiration. You look amazing. !!!!