Washington State mom trying to be healthy

teamyummymummy Posts: 3
edited October 5 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all ;)
I am trying to be as healthy as possible. Food is definitely my weakness. Turkey day is coming and i am not looking forward to it


  • Hi!! I'm from Washington too!! :) Food is my weakness as well! So I am just going to do my best on Thursday. Good luck! And don't beat yourself up if you slip up a little!
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    From washington also. Trying to scramble to get my workouts this week (short work week and gym closures). But I plan on enjoying myself thursday. Gym is actually open early on Thursday. Might sneak one in that day
  • Nice! I am going to try and fill up in veggies. No bread ;(. I am making the pies though. I usually don't eat them because everyone is constantly asking me to make them. Sick of pie;( hope I do well
  • Rhami1
    Rhami1 Posts: 23
    I hear that! I feel the same way - but I'm looking at this as a total lifestyle change...and my lifestyle is going to include holiday dinners, birthdays and special occasions....so, one day, with one dinner that will be over the top is not going to ruin my week. I'm more afraid of the leftovers! I'm so weak when it comes to food, and haven't been on MFP very long, but I LOVE it!
    I've tired to be very careful this week, and hope for a little extra loss on the scale tomorrow to help offset Thursday! And I decided today how to handle dinner Thursday. I want to enjoy it, celebrate with my family and be truly Thankful....and not stress over the unknown calorie count. So, I went to the recipe builder and input everything I plan on putting on my plate, right down to pie, cool whip and coffee. I did my best to work with what was in the database to get it as accurate as possible and I put "on my plate" the things I wanted, but was a whole lot more moderate in portion then I might have been if I'd not done this. Is the meal a crazy high calorie count for the day? Oh yeah, for sure. 1733 - But I'm planning for it. I know I'll go over my calories for the day, but I'm hoping that a good walk in the morning, and some kinect play with my kids will help to offset things a bit too...

    For me it's the KNOWING what is on my plate that has taken the stress out of things... I'm usually an "all or nothing" kind of person and usually can't even have the stuff in the house or I'm going to eat it.... but MFP has given me a feeling of control over what I'm doing I didn't have before...I hope it lasts!!! I can be so weak!
  • Thank you for the support. It really helps
  • GeneaCindy
    GeneaCindy Posts: 148 Member
    Another Washingtonian here! I guess everyone has their strategy for Thanksgiving. Mine is to eat what I normally would, but in smaller portions. I also am trying to put in some extra time in the gym. Are you on the West side of the mountains or East? It is hard to do much outside with the weather, but I'm hoping to get in a long walk after dinner as well....we'll see. Feel free to add me if you want. Good luck!
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    Also in Washington and I'm doing a 5-mile run/walk on Thanksgiving morning so I'll feel a little better about splurging. I'm not too worried that I'll go crazy but I want to indulge in my annual favorites.

    This is a great community of people ready to help whenever you need support so check in often!
  • Hi all ;)
    I am trying to be as healthy as possible. Food is definitely my weakness. Turkey day is coming and i am not looking forward to it

    Hey! Also from Washington! This is my surviving Thanksgiving plan lol....I'm going to eat a good breakfast and snack a little bit during the day. I'm going to save the majority of my calories for dinner. I plan of having a little of everything that I like and I'm not going to stress out if I go over my calories. I will make up for it the rest of the week. Everyone should enjoy the holidays! Everything in moderation :)
  • Hi...not from WA...(my husband is though)! Look at it this way, look forward to turkey day and ways u can be creative with your calories!!! That's what I'm thinking! Going to my parents house for the holiday (which my mother is a "health food nut" and I'm bringing a salad-sweet of some sort! I've been looking on the Internet for a guilt-free recipe to try!!! I don't dread holidays but rather think "what can I do to enjoy and still make it healthy"! A few years ago I lost some weight and actually made a "pumpkin pie" outta carrots!!! Amazing dish, and hardly any calorie to it!!! Good luck with u r holiday!!!
  • woot! tacoma washington!! :D hahhah my cheat day lands on thanksgiving.... so im pretty happy about that other wise i woudnt have thanksgiving.. : / but my cheat meals are always healthy meals.. i eat high protien meals and low carbs.. soo this time im about to eat lots of veggies turkey a lil french bread and some pie i worked hard for it and im going to kill it when the day comes rawr!.. but eating turkey and and veggies that day and not eating the pie and bread should be ok :) .for you
  • Also from WA, bummed that this rain has kept me away from running but i took my spin class on Monday and will go to the gym Thursday morning, our gym is going to do a neat event on Thanksgiving where they do mini group classes in half hour time slots so i am pretty sure i will do two hours of mini classes. I don't usually work out that much but the mini classes make it so much more fun to work out and try something new. I read the average American eats 5,000 calories on Thanksgiving so i am hoping that between workouts and portion control i will be able to still come out with a loss this week. The one thing i did tell myself was that i am not going to stress over it, i will not deny myself what i want but i won't go over the edge either. Plus, with all the shopping i plan to do on Black Friday i am pretty sure i will burn extra calories. Best wishes to you and your family on this holiday.
  • hello from Kent, WA!

    About Thursday, the way I see it,, if average dinner is 5,000 calories,, and if we are to lose 2 pounds a week, that's 7,000,, so 7,000 minus 5,000 is 2,000,, you probably won't lose weight for the week BUT you shouldn't gain.... For this reason, I will enjoy the day... I think you should too,, just don't go overboard,, and give away all left overs to your guests,,,

    Stay under your calories intake for the rest of week... I think you will be fine.

    oh yeah,, RAIN, RAIN, GO AWAY,, COME AGAIN SOME OTHER DAY,, I miss going to the gym but it's so wet out there to bother going to bus stop (my car broke down)......
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