Welcome to Day 1 everyone!!! I am so excited to hear how your workouts go today and how you are all feeling.
I am pumped and cant wait to get into my workout.

From what I have read this program is not designed for every day, Jillian says 4-5 times per week. I am going to aim for 6 days a week with Tuesday being my rest day and Wednesday being weigh day.



  • Becxox
    Becxox Posts: 52 Member
    Day 1 went really well after my rest day I felt really good and didnt have to break as often!!! I wonder how sore I will be tomorrow lol
    Cant wait to hear how everyone else is feeling.
  • juliep1974
    juliep1974 Posts: 222 Member
    I wasn't able to start today so will have my first session tomorrow morning and post then.
  • jenna25
    jenna25 Posts: 213 Member
    Hello everyone! hoping to join you guys in 30 day shred! i started tonight level 1 and love it. I was wondering how much weight everyone is using? and are you planning on going up to level 2 after the first 10 days? Sorry i dont know much about it yet!
  • Becxox
    Becxox Posts: 52 Member
    Hi Jenna, I am using 3lb weights as suggested. Im also doing it 6 days a week with a rest day on Tuesdays.
    Feel free to join us, we will weigh in on Wednesdays!!
  • Becxox
    Becxox Posts: 52 Member
    Hope everyone had a good Day 1 Shred, Ill post again tomorow for anyone looking for some support.
    Would also love to hear how everyones workouts go!!
  • juliep1974
    juliep1974 Posts: 222 Member
    Did my first workout this morning with 3 lb weights. I think I'll switch to using 1 5lb weight for the shoulder stuff and then 5 lbs for the biceps/back/chest stuff as the 3lbs was too light (but too heavy for my shoulders - i have really weak shoulders). It was a really good workout - my heart rate monitor had me in the zone for 22 out of the 25 minutes which is great. I think I'll stay with level 1 for about 5 days and then add a day or two from level 2 and level 3 (modifying to my level) so that I don't get bored doing the same routine over and over. I hear level 3 is more cardio focused. I do like the idea of doing this for 6 weeks and taking a day off but I am going on a cruise on the 17th of December so may try to be religious about it until then.
  • jenna25
    jenna25 Posts: 213 Member
    I just finished day 2 level 1. Im using 5 lb weights and am going to go up to level 2 hopefully after 7 days. I am also going to do try and get it done in 30 days no rest days! Good luck!