This time!

Ok guys so i posted here maybe a good 6 months ago

i started well but lost motivation quickly to keep at the gym. A lot of overtime available at work came up and i took to that and didnt keep to the exercise as well.

So here we go again. This time though will be different. A team mate of mine has started the same gym as me, and we are always on the same shifts so we are gonna basically be gym buds and motivate each other to keep going and do our best etx so this will help mega amounts.

And the rest is down to me, so the healthier eating i can definitely do and i just need to keep updating here everyday. I'm setting a reminder on my phone and on my work pc calander to remind me to log my meals throughout the day.

Help me guys! I know i can do it this time!


  • betzeross
    betzeross Posts: 161 Member
    Good for you for recognizing the things you didn't do well before and making a fresh start! I wish you success in your weight loss journey.
  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member
    Welcome back!

    For me, logging food is half the battle. If I have enough focus to log everything that I eat, I have enough focus to make healthy choices. So I would recommend you do whatever you have to do to log on, log your food, and check in with the friends you make along the way for accountability and support (and to offer the same to them).

    Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • ste1986
    Thanks Ladies

    i know this time will be a lot better! and even though christmas is coming up and i know i wont eat as healthy i will log it all and say ok, i just need to draw a line under the festive period and move on being healthy again

    and thanks shedoos will add you now
  • doornumber03
    doornumber03 Posts: 221 Member
    welcome....great attitude so far. Feel free to add me!
    Good luck!
  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member
    Thanks Ladies

    i know this time will be a lot better! and even though christmas is coming up and i know i wont eat as healthy i will log it all and say ok, i just need to draw a line under the festive period and move on being healthy again

    and thanks shedoos will add you now

    Got it - and your diary is open... nice :) We'll keep you on track - and if I don't see you for a day or two, I'll be sure to message you (which should email you) a not-so-nice message :)