Debbie Downer...

Sorry for all the depression posts recently everyone. A lot of things have happened over the past couple of days and I'm just feeling really down. My Northface was stolen from my locker room at school yesterday and it's not the jacket that makes me really upset it the fact that my dad got it for me for my birthday. He always told me "when all your friends had northfaces you never asked for one. you were never a spoiled brat about it and demanded one. So I thought you really deserved it." So, some LOW LIFE decided to steal it from my school. Obviously I reported it to my security officer at school so they're going to review the keeping my fingers crossed.

Also, a loved one of mine has been in and out of the hospital for the past week. He has some form of blood cancer (I believe it's Signet ring cell adenocarcinoma) But, I could be wrong. So, I've been eating my feelings and neglecting my exercise and all my progress is going down the drain yet again. I don't understand why I just can't get my crap together!?

All this amazing progress I've achieved....I'm letting it out the window and I can't stop myself. I ate another very bad muffin this morning :-(

I hope everyone elses holiday week is going much better than mine.

Lots of love.


  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    ISo sorry about your loved one and jacket. Keep your chin up and do the best you can. Life
    sometimes gets in the way of our progress. Don't let it derail you. :flowerforyou:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I'm sorry you're having such a rough time. *hugs*

    The important thing to remember is that regardless of what's happening around you, you are always in control of your own choices. You choose to eat the muffin. Own that. Enjoy the muffin, and don't beat yourself up over it. If you aren't happy with that choice, make a different choice next time. Do the things that will make you feel GOOD about yourself. Adding guilt on top of everything else you're feeling is not productive, so either don't let yourself feel guilty about your unhealthy food choices, or make choices that don't have any guilt attached at all. You are in control of what you feel, what you eat, what you say, what you think, and everything else you do except breathing. There are things going on that you can't control, and that's a difficult feeling, I know. But you can take back some power in knowing that you are the only one who is in control of YOU.

    Good luck.
  • 03258
    03258 Posts: 60

    So sorry to hear about your Jacket..hopefully you will get it back!!

    One muffin isn't going to ruin your day. We all have down times so don't feel bad about talking about them. Sometimes it helps to know that our feelings are valid and that others experience them too.

    You can do this. We all struggle with the eating or we wouldn't be here. I'm 50 and STILL struggling. LOL So you are WAAAY ahead of me. HAH :-)

    Take one day at a time and keep trying. This is all about the long haul and not just one day/week/month.

    Hang in there and have a great Thanksgiving.

  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    So sorry about your loved one and jacket.

    Give yourself permission to take time off and then get back into it when you feel like. No sense in beating yourself up.. You know what your doing, and when your ready, you'll get back on track.

    P.S I love my Northface jackets too.. and if anyone ever dared to take mine, I'd prob. cry. So you're not alone in that aspect!
  • dcjackson50
    Hang in there, least you are recognizing that your feeling down and may be resorting back to unhealthy ways to cope. That's a huge amount of insight!!!!!!
    I do hope you get your jacket back but wouldn't count on it,....stay strong for your I'll loved one and try hard to exercise to relieve some stress.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member

    I hope they find who stole your jacket and you are able to get it back. And I hope your friend will be okay. Sorry to hear that you are having everything thrown @ you all @ once, especially during the holiday season hope things get better for you. Keep you chin up and stay postive.
  • running_mom
    running_mom Posts: 204 Member
    I know the feeling. Lately I feel like all I've done is post depressing things. I am going through a divorce and it's really hitting me hard. My husband is the one who filed and even though I wasn't really happy I didn't want it to end. (the marrigage was not how a marriage was supposed to be!) I was willing to stick it out with him no matter what. He didn't feel the same. We have 2 kids and I can see a change in my daughter already. Im house hunting and cant afford crap! Plus I've been sick for over 3 weeks and am not getting better. I can't even walk up the stairs without being out of breath let alone work out.

    All I can say is that time will get us through. It sucks!!! But I've always said that I'm going to get knocked down, I'm going to cry but it will not kill me. There are so many people out there who have it worse off than I do and I really do try and think of them when I'm giving myself a pity party. For example my friend lost her dad a couple of years ago and she just lost her mom 2 weeks ago. She is an only child and has literally no family.

    Just try and stay focused on you. Its the memory of the jacket you want and you will always have that (easier said than done i know). You have to take care of yourself.

    Add me as a friend if you want. I'm always in the mood to vent with someone else!!!
  • seehawkmomma
    Dont feel bad about feeling bad. Know that you have people that can support you. *hugz* I know its silly and no one wants to hear this when they are having a bad time but have faith in faith :) Things happen for a reason.
  • txred9876
    We all have our good days and our bad days. Here is looking to a better today then yet all comes down to mind set. I find when I am in a down type mood I will either call a friend, family member or burn off some unwanted stress.

    Finding ways to cope is part of the process. Good luck and keep your chin up!!
  • afrazier128
    afrazier128 Posts: 99 Member
    A girl I work with is often called Debbie Downer. She counters with, "I'm not Debbie Downer; I'm Rachel Realistic." She has a point. You have been through a tough time recently, and your emotions are all over the place. Realistically speaking, many of us eat our emotions, myself included. Things will improve, but in the meantime if you need that comfort, try eating something healthier - my fave "emotion" food right now is a cup of vanilla Greek yogurt with fresh (or thawed frozen) fruit on it - blueberries, strawberries, mango, whatever. It's almost like eating a bowl of ice cream, it's so good! And, without the guilt later...

    Hang in there, girl! :wink:
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    There's an old saying "It's not what happens to you, it's what you do with what happens to you that matters," and I think it's true. You may get a little off track right now -- especially having a loved one going through something so serious, and something you can't fix, which is heartbreaking -- but that's OK. What matters is that you let yourself feel what you need to feel, and then when you're ready, get back to your path again.

    We ALL go through patches like this (even if few admit it). The key is (as another poster said) not to let it derail you. It's just a temporary detour, and detours are how we find our true way through.

    Hang in there, lovely.
  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    We all have times where the less-good things in our lives are easier to see than the more-good things in our lives, and sometimes those funks last longer than others. The holidays are often a time of stress for people regardless of how things are going. So as others have said, accept that you're disappointed at things, frustrated at others, etc., and then move on. Do you have insurance that might cover some of the cost of the jacket? Did you have it in a locked area? If so, perhaps you can make an insurance claim on it. I know from my own daughters' experiences that when they were in high school, that brand would disappear in a second if left unattended in an open area at school or at a party--even at a friends' house.

    And think for a moment if you might be dwelling more on the negative than positive and why. I say that because my daughters (now young adults) told me a couple of years ago that I had become a much more negative person than I had every been, and it bothered them. I reflected on it and realized that my work situation was such that we all were coping by having negative expectations of the world--that way we weren't disappointed. I made a conscious effort to reframe my thinking about things. That doesn't mean there aren't days when I'm in a funk, or that bad things don't happen to me, because they do, but in the big picture, there are still more good things in my life than bad.

    It seems to me that you are having normal reactions to events, but just don't choose to dwell on them vs. the good things that are happening.
  • Thank you everyone for your posts it really means a lot. I know that I need to just take a step back I just feel as if I'm failing. I don't WANT to give up. I have every intention of going to the gym and blowing off steam. I just find that the whole "eating right" is harder than exercise.

    Wahhh I just wish I could wake up thinner and healthier but I know that with the right mind set I can achieve my goals. It's just right now my mind is like scrambled eggs.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Life is going to be filled with ups and downs. That is for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You have to realize this and find a way not to use food for comfort.