scale not moving!

I am ready to cry! I do not weigh myself every week because I will obsess over it, but I just did and nothing , not even a 1/2 pound. What am I doing wrong? I have been doing on average 45-120 minutes of cardio a day like walking at incline of 10, elliptical at a 6 and running. I have been missing meals with my family and eating only pre packaged single servings of nuts, yogert, cottage cheese, salad and lean cusines most of the time. Any advice would be helpful because I am to the point that all the time I have invested in this I could have been doing things for my family or friends. What are your feeling on eating your exercise, because I think its not working for me.


  • BerryFruit
    Hey, We all have times like this where everything seems to just stop. Its like the scale is broken and stuck at a certain weight. To be honest you will proberley find in a few weeks time it will budge again.
    I would recommend going back to eating with your family as missing out on important time like this is not going to make you happy surely. Just be sure to eat lean and green on an evening and keep your portions in check. Also are you drinking enough water? Hydration is often not taken seriously enough. So drink up.

    Other then that try uping your workouts a little and perhaps mixing it up, take a new class or try a new DVD. Hope this helps.
  • Diggy2011
    Diggy2011 Posts: 198 Member
    I hardly exercise but I make sure I watch my fat grams also there is alot of sodium in ready made meals enough to bloat you out.
  • CJK1959
    CJK1959 Posts: 279 Member
    Hey, We all have times like this where everything seems to just stop. Its like the scale is broken and stuck at a certain weight. To be honest you will proberley find in a few weeks time it will budge again.
    I would recommend going back to eating with your family as missing out on important time like this is not going to make you happy surely. Just be sure to eat lean and green on an evening and keep your portions in check. Also are you drinking enough water? Hydration is often not taken seriously enough. So drink up.

    Other then that try uping your workouts a little and perhaps mixing it up, take a new class or try a new DVD. Hope this helps.

    ^^This....and the water thing is really important. I never drank enough water...didn't think it mattered, but I have really upped my H2O intake and it has really helped! I blogged about it, if you want to read it, it might help you. Never fear, the scale will move again....just stay the course and wait it out. In the meatime, enjoy meals with your family..don't starve yourself, just eat within your calorie allotment...kind of like shopping with a pre loaded calorie debit card!
    Good luck!
  • TraceyDonna
    My scale has stuck too this week :-(. First time in all the weeks Ive been using MFP. Bit gutted so I feel your pain! x
  • Karynjeanne12
    Karynjeanne12 Posts: 1 Member
    There are a TON of reasons you may not be losing pounds.

    1. Since you're exercising so much, you might be gaining muscle even though you're losing fat. The scale might not show your weight loss in terms of pounds, but your clothes will fit differently, you'll feel more energetic, etc.

    2. If you're exercising that much and not eating enough calories, your body might be going into starvation mode, which means it's desperately hanging on to the few calories it DOES get. You should be NETTING no less than 1200 calories a day to stay healthy. For example, if you're burning 1000 calories a day, then you should actually be eating 2200 calories a day.

    3. Lean Cuisine meals tend to have a lot of sodium, which can make you bloated. Replace your frozen pre-packaged meals with fresh foods.

    4. It might just be the time during your monthly cycle that your body holds a little bit of water weight. If so, that'll disappear in a few days.

    Hope that helps and good luck!
  • Stoosshelby
    I wonder if you're not eating often enough?? Eating 4-6 small meals will restart your metabolism! Good luck!
  • ajd241
    ajd241 Posts: 76
    The same has been happening with me. But what I have noticed is that i am losing alot of size. I measured myself and have lost 10cm around my stomach and 11 around my waist. That gets me positively thinking again :)
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i hear ya, sorry i have no advice........ i too am in the same boat, i have been working it hard for the last month and not a lb at all.... ( started all this 1 month ago) I do 45 min of cardio a day and am watching my numbers faithfully. I thought i was doing good, eating much healthier, drinking lots of water, cut out pop and crap food pretty much but still not a 1lb after one full month or really trying..... it's so discouraging.
  • jjwaite
    Try caloric cycling (zig-zag some call it). Basically your body is in starvation mode right now. Caloric cycling is an effective way to break that plateau, but be forewarned that your weight may go up a little before it comes down. Look up information on this site Here is a calculator to help you figure it all out. Also, remember the scale lies. Weight is such an inaccurate way to gauge fat loss, especially for a woman whose water weight fluctuates. Measurements done bi-weekly or once a month are a better indicator. The scale is a VERY rough indicator and to me, only worth measuring to see long-term trends. Most of all....don't give up.
  • Hollie_downunder
    The same has been happening with me. But what I have noticed is that i am losing alot of size. I measured myself and have lost 10cm around my stomach and 11 around my waist. That gets me positively thinking again :)

    This is what you should be measuring!! the scales are off putting, there are actually quite a lot of people on MFP that have thrown theirs out all together

    Get a tapemeasure and start tracking your measurements instead :)
  • amacneill
    amacneill Posts: 11 Member
    If you've lost weight previously (you just recently lost about 10lbs for example) your body's metabolism is actually slower than what it was before. For every pound we lose, our metabolism becomes slower.
    With this being said, unfortunately to lose more weight you need to step up your game as far as portions and exercise, which I know sounds rough since you're already working hard. Perhaps this is just your body's way of telling you that this is the healthy weight for you??
    Check out this video, it reiterates some of the things I've said but also mentions some ways that you can come off a plateau.
  • kayleeblue
    I've been at a plateau for over 11 weeks...very frustrating. Glad I measured myself tho..because I've continued to lose inches. Stick with it..this to shall pass...I HOPE!! Good Luck!
  • Hayesgang

    2. If you're exercising that much and not eating enough calories, your body might be going into starvation mode, which means it's desperately hanging on to the few calories it DOES get. You should be NETTING no less than 1200 calories a day to stay healthy. For example, if you're burning 1000 calories a day, then you should actually be eating 2200 calories a day.

    The body adapts and adjust if you're not feeding it. You must eat to lose contrary to popular belief
  • meex
    meex Posts: 135 Member
    i started eating an extra 200 ish calories a day and i started losing rapidly this week! Already 1.9 kgs in 5 days of increasing food and decreasing cardio! (weird huh) try to eat less packaged foods like lean cuisines and eat more fresh food. High protein i find helps me too. Try to achieve 40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fat. If you need to up the fat to achieve protein its ok just keep carbs to a minimum

    this is all what my PT has told me. He also said if i hit a plateu to calorie cycle so eat around 2000 cals for 3-4 days then reduce down to 1200 cals for the next 3-4 days and that should theoretically help kickstart the weightloss again.