
I'm new to myfitnesspal and am hoping I can stay consistent in tracking food and exercise. I've lost over 60lbs in the past 10 years, fluctuating within 10 +/- lbs of where I am now. Ultimately I would like to lose another 30-35 but I'm focusing on shorter goals for now, starting with 3 lbs. Any support/encouragment is appreciated. I'm a little competitive and do well with a partner/accountability but no one in my life is on the same page as I am right now. My husband complains of the weight he has gained recently but is not motivated to begin a focused plan yet. Here's to staying on track today....


  • Davis090608
    Davis090608 Posts: 4 Member
    It always makes it harder when dont have someone to share your successes with. I hope you find what you are looking for here. You can most definitely meet your goal here. Good luck.