Desk Job / Excercise

I was just wondering if anyone does any small exercises at work to keep their metabolism up and to keep them from snacking from boredom with their desk job. I'm not saying that my job is boring, because its not. I just have a difficult time feeling productive when it comes to fitness and overall health by sitting for 8 hours a day while at work.

Any ideas / suggestions?


  • jnance82
    jnance82 Posts: 149
    I have a desk job too. I get up every morning before work and do my DVDs. It helps me to feel like I am still active and it gives me energy for the rest of the day.

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  • gwild0r
    gwild0r Posts: 135 Member
    I go for a walk at lunch.. I need to get off these soft buns or else they become glued to the char..
  • ladykaisa
    ladykaisa Posts: 236 Member
    I have a desk job. But as a medical receptionist, I tend to run the stairs at work to other departments or am running back and forth to my Doc all the time.
    When I was on the phones at a call centre, I crocheted a lot which helped keep the snacking to a minimum.

    Take the long way to another department, or find an excuse to go to the supply cupboard to get a little bit of burn in.

    Other then that, I find morning/evening workouts keep me sane in the "feeling productive" department. =/

  • Thanks. I am getting ready to start a workout program in the morning. My plan was to start this past weekend, but I ended up getting sick so I am waiting until I'm feeling better before starting. I just don't want to workout in the morning and then feel like I'm doing nothing to accompany that workout throughout the day.
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    I use a little mini elliptical under my desk....keeps my legs moving...and then on breaks, and when i am doing mostly desk bound things, I sometimes put a box and a shelf like board on my desk, and put my keyboard, mouse, and paperwork on it and stand and elliptical away! ;) I can burn about 130-150 cals in 15 mins...depending how motivated I am... ;) also have a kettlebell, and a exercise band in my office...I do have a door, so that helps, but I would think you could do the foot elliptical even if in a cubicle?
  • rhaya96
    rhaya96 Posts: 66 Member
    I have a desk job. I got to the gym before work every morning. But I also do little chair exercises throughout the day - don't know how to log them though.
  • Saezimmerman
    Saezimmerman Posts: 93 Member
    I have been in this situation for quite some time. Give a pedometer a shot during the day. Find out how many steps you typically take at work and challenge yourself to double them.

    As for avoiding snacking, try sugar free gum. It seems to help me.
  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 285 Member
    I'm a desk jockey as well and luckily we have a gym at the office. So, for lunch...I get on the elliptical machine. If I can't get to that...I make sure I jog up and down the stairs several times a day.
  • MLC1102
    MLC1102 Posts: 1 Member
    I make sure to get a workout done before work. This helps me feel good the whole day. I also make sure to take a little walk during my lunch break just to get my legs moving (if the weather permits).
  • Lady_Layla
    Lady_Layla Posts: 34 Member
    As a Yoga junkie, I, of course, must mention "Chair Yoga," which can be done anywhere.

  • brigg9
    brigg9 Posts: 104 Member
    I also have a desk job also. I try to walk on all of my breaks, when I can. With a busy family most of my exercise is at night after my daughter goes to bed, or early in the morning before heading to the office.

    A number of months ago I had my desk raised so that I can stand all day (it's in a cubicle). I find myself fidgeting, walking and doing a lot more basic activity than I did when I just sat down for 8-10 hours straight. Everyone wants to stop and stare when they first see it, but slowly I've started a trend. It makes my day a lot more enjoyable, and I'm more alert. It has also helped my posture.

    Food for thought.
  • Feel free to friend me!! I have a yucky desk job.

    I work on the first floor of an office building and I always use the bathroom on the fourth floor. Plus we have two staircases so I zigzag across the floors by alternating staircases.

    The third floor is empty so now and then I go up and there and do walking lunges. Sometimes I even alternate leg raises on the stairs.

    It sounds pretty small and insignificant but if you pound the water and use the bathroom a lot, those steps add up!
  • 2live4ever79
    2live4ever79 Posts: 79 Member
    I also have a desk job also. I try to walk on all of my breaks, when I can. With a busy family most of my exercise is at night after my daughter goes to bed, or early in the morning before heading to the office.

    A number of months ago I had my desk raised so that I can stand all day (it's in a cubicle). I find myself fidgeting, walking and doing a lot more basic activity than I did when I just sat down for 8-10 hours straight. Everyone wants to stop and stare when they first see it, but slowly I've started a trend. It makes my day a lot more enjoyable, and I'm more alert. It has also helped my posture.

    Food for thought.

    I like that I idea too. Did your workplace give you any hassle about your request? I would like the same thing done to my desk. I can't stand just sitting now. I've been exercising at least 3-4 times a week since March 2011.
  • This was great. THANKS!
    As a Yoga junkie, I, of course, must mention "Chair Yoga," which can be done anywhere.

  • withervein
    withervein Posts: 224 Member
    I work at a desk and have traded my chair in for a $6 exercise ball. I have better posture, I'm actively sitting (keeping my core engaged) and when I need to turn or reach, I can't just slide, so I have to move a bit more.

    Also on those days when I am hunched over too long, I can lean back, do a few minutes of crunches and feel refreshed.

    I don't recommend this if you have back pain already. I had a lot of pain in my legs and hips from my chair, and the ball has helped, but it's not a good idea if you suffer from lower back pain.
  • brigg9
    brigg9 Posts: 104 Member
    I also have a desk job also. I try to walk on all of my breaks, when I can. With a busy family most of my exercise is at night after my daughter goes to bed, or early in the morning before heading to the office.

    A number of months ago I had my desk raised so that I can stand all day (it's in a cubicle). I find myself fidgeting, walking and doing a lot more basic activity than I did when I just sat down for 8-10 hours straight. Everyone wants to stop and stare when they first see it, but slowly I've started a trend. It makes my day a lot more enjoyable, and I'm more alert. It has also helped my posture.

    Food for thought.

    I like that I idea too. Did your workplace give you any hassle about your request? I would like the same thing done to my desk. I can't stand just sitting now. I've been exercising at least 3-4 times a week since March 2011.

    Nope, no trouble at all, thankfully. Now more and more people are asking to have it done too. =) My work was more supportive of the idea when I mentioned how it would help me stay more alert, and also help with my weight loss goals.

    My keyboard is on a tray that lowers and raises to match the users preferred height. If I feel like sitting down for a few minutes, I lower it. I feel like I'm in a space shuttle for a while, but I don't sit for too long usually. It was totally worth it.
  • I have an hour for lunch...I usually bring my lunch spend 30 mins eating lunch then I walk, briskly for the remaining 30 mins of my lunch break. I work out with DVD's 3 to 5 times a week in the evenings. Would love to be able to do it in the mornings but I teach a Seminary class, 5 teenagers in my house learning the Old Testament, from 6:00 am til 6:45 before I send them off to school so I don't have time in the mornings....although, I am standing and walking, pacing while teaching so I'm moving. ALL MOVEMENT COUNTS :)
  • advan031
    advan031 Posts: 25 Member
    I run to the third floor to go to the bathroom.
  • Thanks, everyone! These are all wonderful tips. I do get up and walk around often, but our office is in a ranch style so no steps. :frown:

    I am sure once I start working out in the morning I will feel much better, but its nice to hear all of the wonderful suggestions. :happy:
  • I have started walking a mile and half to work each day and walking on each break. I avoid even looking at the vending machines and only drink water. I think I am going to look into the Chair Yoga though.