TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member
Anyone do it?
Been considering it but not sure if I'm fit enough to start, my stamina is pretty poor.

Anyone compete?


  • rsdgirl
    rsdgirl Posts: 241 Member
    im no help because i do not do it but WHAT I WOULD GIVE to be an MMA fighter!!!!!
  • diaryoffatdad
    diaryoffatdad Posts: 175 Member
    I was a university wrestler, and have trained in some ju-jitsu and kickboxing, I am a huge fan of mma and can say that the workouts are awesome. I wouldn't worry too much about your current abilities, most gyms are used to people who are new, it will all come with time and will be super rewarding. if I had the time I would be in the mma gym everyday but the class times do not work out with the rest of my schedule so i've put it on hold for now.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    My personal trainer was an MMA fighter and that's how he trained me. It was freakin AWESOME!!! Absolutely incredible workout and a great way to build self-confidence.
  • Dude,
    I train Muay Thai at least three times a week. I have also done Jiu Jitsu. Both are great , and really improve your fitness quickly. Do not let your fitness level discourage you, let it motivate you. Go in, learn a lot, and get fit. This is functional fitness and will benefit you throughout your life.
    Good Luck,
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    I do. It's very hard but also very worth it.

    You start slow. You don't jump in fighting. I spend a LOT of time on heavy bag and doing drills. I only spar very little right now. Look into a gym near you, they usually have tracks for brand new people.

    It is insanely hard though. I won't lie.
  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member
    I've not really looked into others, like Muay Thai/Jiu Jitsu. Basically I want to avoid martial arts that involve a lot of poses and...'dancing'? I can't quite type what I want to say, but really looking for some actual hardcore training, which is why I thought MMA would be a suitable fit, especially as you actually get a punch in the face.

    I tried Karate years ago, THAT is what I want to avoid. How are MT/JJ compared to this?
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    MMA, you will find, is often some Muay Thai mixed with JJ of some flavor.

    I did TaeKwonDo, and I currently do Muay Thai. TKD was a lot of repeating patterns. Muay Thai is "This is how your hurt someone, this is how you defend yourself. This is how you defend yourself and hurt someone at the same time. This is how to take a hit.... etc"
    It's also about conservation of energy. There's no dancing backwards and flailing your arms around going KYAAAAAAAAAAAH! It's all business, and I love it.

    TKD taught me how to do nice looking techniques, very technical and speedy.
    MT taught me how to put the serious hurt on something using the full speed and force of my body behind every strike.

    I went in with NO endurance. It builds it in a damn hurry.

    Check out the martial arts group:
  • Muay Thai and Jui Jistu is MMA.
  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member
    Muay Thai and Jui Jistu is MMA.

    So there's effectively no difference going to an MMA class/gym compared MT/JJ gym?
  • I have tried and I have a friend who's practiced it before, we were always so sore and so bruised, but it did give us some nice muscles to cheer about !
  • diaryoffatdad
    diaryoffatdad Posts: 175 Member
    Muay Thai and Jui Jistu is MMA.

    So there's effectively no difference going to an MMA class/gym compared MT/JJ gym?

    MMA (mixed martial arts) is the combination of many singular martial arts mostly wrestling, Ju-jitsu and kickboxing. An MMA gym would likely give you more variety and training in all of the areas where as going to specifically ju-jitsu or kickboxing would only give you a taste of that form. you will notice that the ju-jitsu and kickboxing, and wrestling are all very hard-core training. they will all kick your *kitten* but you will be better for it. not at all like karate.

    If you want a taste of everything I would say go to an MMA gym, once you figure out what you like it might be worth specializing and going to something more specific.

    Have fun
  • bfnp
    bfnp Posts: 58
    Anyone do it?
    Been considering it but not sure if I'm fit enough to start, my stamina is pretty poor.

    Anyone compete?
    Have you started yet?
  • My ex used to do it. I tried doing the ufc game for the kinect. Wasn't for me.