Newby - Not Eating my calories

falvelon Posts: 12 Member
edited October 5 in Food and Nutrition
I have only been doing this for 2 days and have found at the end of these days i have not eaten anywhere near my calories. The first day I was 1600 short and yesterday 800 short after 3 beers as well. I dont feel hungry during the day as i am eating something all the time. When wake in the morning i am tired and body is sore as i am doing a lot of exercise in comparison to 3 weeks ago when i start the get fit scheme once the day gets underway i feel great. So do i need to eat all my calories as i think i would find that very hard unless i eat junk food or more food then a could possibly eat


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I don't think it matters having a bit of a shortfall, but that sounds like you are seriously low on calories, which isn't likely to be a good strategy for long term health.
    Maybe open up your diary and we can give some constructive suggestions about meals.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Yes sir eat up.
  • 226Muriel
    226Muriel Posts: 138 Member
  • falvelon
    falvelon Posts: 12 Member
    How do you go about opening up your diary?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    My Home -> Settings -> Diary settings
  • falvelon
    falvelon Posts: 12 Member
    Diary open for inspection.
  • Are you logging your exercise in as well? If so, then your calorie count is being increased. You don't HAVE to eat your calories back, but that's up to you. I prefer to think of those as "extra weight loss points." Also, make sure that your settings are correct so that you're starting off from the right place.

    If you're looking for extra calories, drink some milk. This was advice from my physician.
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 741 Member
    My only concern would be that the exercise calories are over estimated. In that case, be careful. On the day you didn't log 1000+ exercise calories burned, you went over by 1000+
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Yes, I think maybe your exercise calories are a little overestimated as well. (And that's exactly why NOT eating back the exercise calories works for some people!) I don't recommend using things like gardening or "cleaning" for exercise calories. Log them if you wish but I wouldn't try to eat back those calories. What level do you have your activity set at? (Sedentary, active,etc...)
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    If you're having that much trouble try substituting any fat free "diet" type food with real, whole fat food. Pre-logging your meals helps, if you do it the night before or even earlier than that you can plan your whole menu out for the day.
  • falvelon
    falvelon Posts: 12 Member
    The monday was me stuffing around with the program and seeing what would have happened had i had a like i used to have before i started the lets get fit stage. so that one doesnt count only from Tuesday this week.
  • falvelon
    falvelon Posts: 12 Member
    So you are saying that as long as i eat my goal calories 1400 it doesnt matter that i am 1600 under as that was what I gained by the exercise? And yes i agree that the exercise calories burned may not be accurate so iam going to purchase a HRM Calroie counter so that it is more accurate. Thanks by the way for all the advice.
  • Personally, I think you're really over-estimating your calorie usage from exercise if you're busting 1K calories a day - I regularly burn just over 400 in 1/2 an hour on a cross-training machine, but I'm sweaty(as in my shirt is soaked) and tired after doing it.

    Personally, I 'eat' my exercise, otherwise I'm too hungry, but even with exercise I'm at around 1600 cals a day overall. I'm shooting for 2 pounds a day.

    What I'd do is keep the log going, then adjust if you're not getting the expected results after ~2 weeks.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Eating under 1400 cals in a day is pretty low for any man - I'm sure I've read that the general recommendation is a minimum of 1500 cals (this doesn't mean it suits everybody, but it is an indication that you are on the low side of calorie intake).

    Looking at your diary, I don't see much food for a bloke - yoghurt for breakfast and a bit of salad and meat for lunch is pretty minimal. Get some more quantity in there, you have plenty of room for extras like whole grain bread, porridge, avocado, eggs, lean meat/chicken/tuna/salmon, nuts etc.

    And yes, you should be eating at least some of those calories you are burning through exercise. If you can't eat that much, then cut back your exercise. You can't afford to deprive your body of nutrition, even though you want to lose weight.

    If you aren't confident in the numbers, then aim to eat at least half of them, that will give you plenty of room for error. (I've lost over 20kg by eating the cals as estimated by MFP... but everyone is going to be different).

    In general, my advice is to set a daily calorie goal that is realistic and sustainable (when i started I had my settings at "lose 1/2 pound per week"). I know from experience that I WON'T stick to something that makes me feel deprived. I've played around with my settings over the year and have had real success is getting to and sticking at/around my goal weight. Mostly by cutting out the extras, eating better meals and less junky snacks, plus adding in regular exercise.
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