Help my progress has stalled

So I have been working my butt off and nothing! 
Here is how my week went last week, am I doing something wrong?
Sunday - racquet ball, jogging, strength training = 350 cals
Ate 1350 cals
Monday - Pilates full body = 150 cals
Ate 1200 cals
Tuesday - jogging 3 miles = 300 cals
Ate 1450
Wednesday - racquet ball, strength straining = 350 cals
Ate 1350
Thursday - Pilates upper body = 120 cals
Ate 1100
Friday - rest
Ate 1300
Saturday - bmx mountain bike for 60 min hard ride 730 cals
Ate 1700
Sunday - rest
Ate 1900
Monday - jog 1.5 mile - 200 cals
Ate 1200
Tuesday - Pilates 45 min lower body 160 cals
Ate 1250
Wednesday - Bmx mountain bike ride hard ride 40 min 380 cals
Ate 1400

I have a hrm so the calories are pretty accurate based on my stats and heart rate.
My fat never went over 50 and sodium under 2500. So why am I not seeing the results? Do I need to eat more?

Also I am alway regular with my cycle but I am 5 days late is it due to my exercise? I took pg test it was negative. 

I feel discouraged I am working so hard and my progress has stopped. :(


  • Silvercivic
    Silvercivic Posts: 156 Member
    Keep doing what you are doing- your progress will only stop when you stop trying. Give it another week and then if you still don't see any weight loss then you can try eating back your exercise calories or adding calories or switching up the foods you are eating. Also take measurements. And be prepared to see another "stall" in the future- it is all part of the journey!
  • rochey1098
    Keep doing what you are doing- your progress will only stop when you stop trying. Give it another week and then if you still don't see any weight loss then you can try eating back your exercise calories or adding calories or switching up the foods you are eating. Also take measurements. And be prepared to see another "stall" in the future- it is all part of the journey!

    Couldn't agree more, I've had a week like this before but lost even more than usual the next week... the body is a strange furnace
  • trilikeagirl
    Keep doing what you are doing- your progress will only stop when you stop trying. Give it another week and then if you still don't see any weight loss then you can try eating back your exercise calories or adding calories or switching up the foods you are eating. Also take measurements. And be prepared to see another "stall" in the future- it is all part of the journey!

    What she said. It shakes loose eventually.
  • k121777
    k121777 Posts: 306
    I just came off a 2 month stall..........with NO CHEATING, and I exercised heavy every day. Then all of a sudden this week, I lost 3+ pounds!!!!! Go figure. All I can say is don't give up. Give it all the time in the world.
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    How long have you been at it and how much have you lost? It's normal during a diet to plateau and not lose. That happens more and more as you get close to your ideal weight. It can happen for several reasons. One, your body needs to pause and reset itself and recalculate how to deal with food. It's like you body literally goes, "Oh, I only weigh this much now! Hmmmm" Another reason is that your intense workouts are building muscle at the same rate you're burning fat. So no change on the scale. But very positive changes inside you.

    Try to find other ways to measure progress besides the scale. That's only one tool. Are your clothes fitting differently? Do you look different to yourself?

    My gf has struggled for months recently and only moved a few pounds. But she's going through clothing sizes rapidly. Similar to you, she works out pretty feverishly and is good with her food numbers. From my own experience, as I approached my goal weight I hit a plateau that literally lasted three months. Always under on calories, always working out hard and regularly. No changes. But, then suddenly, I dropped 8 pounds over about two and a half weeks. Nailed the goal and exceeded it. I'm on a "refinement" goal now and it's taking just as long.

    Main thing is don't get discouraged. If you start to feel like you're losing it, just tell yourself it's simple math. I'm under on calories and working out this much. There is no mathematical way, or any other way, for your body to gain or stay stagnant forever. Know that it's just a period of readjustment or healthy rebuilding. Also remember, the weight came on over time. And it will take as long as it takes to go away. Sometimes I think the stalls are my body being stubborn and saying, "why'd you let me get like that in the first place man?"

    Never quit. You can do it. Never quit. I wish you all the best.
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    Yes ............ you are doing something wrong....... you are rushing it. Fat is made up of fat not water, it did not form over night and will not disolve overnight.............. or in a week for that matter. give it alittle time, to melt, and to be released by your body. Also everything you eat and drink has to cycle out. Just know you are doing the right things to melt the fat and be patient, your hard work will pay off:smile:
  • kfins911
    kfins911 Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you. I have been serious for two months and last 13lb. I want to lose another 25 to be at my goal. I feel better and I guess I will just hang in there and wait it out.
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    Yeah, it takes time. I started in April 2010 and still have a way to go.
  • alisonwww
    How's your diet? Make sure you're getting enough fruits, and especially veggies in EVERY day. EVERY meal! You're rockin' the exercise, tweek the food...
  • kfins911
    kfins911 Posts: 26 Member
    I eat a ton of fruit I love bananas and apples. I could improve on veggies but I do try to get a salad down every day. I eat chicken and fish for lunch and dinner. I have noticed mu clothes are looser I had to buy smaller pants the other day so I had something to wear. I am going to start keeping track of my measurements better