Help me? I drink a lot of water, but can't eat enough.



  • Lizchan
    Lizchan Posts: 60 Member
    Oh, and I meant to say - if you don't like peanut butter, look out for almond butter or almond/brazil/cashew butter - yummo!

    Maybe the almond one would be better. Peanuts taste too salty to me.
  • anicamarie323
    Hey hun,
    I've read through most of the replies on here to try not to duplicate my "possibility"... Have you been tested for PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome)? I know that not only does this problem cause people problems with fertility and hormonal problems, but can also cause women to gain weight. Usually the doctors try to lessen the problems associated with PCOS by putting you on a birth control hormone to stabilize the hormones that you are producing, which in turn can help with the weight situation.
    The Phentermine does work great, but be aware that once you stop taking it and if your not careful, the recently lost weight can easily creep its way back on. And the Phentermine, one of the side effects of this medication is increased thirst, which in return cause you to urinate more frequently. It can also cause you to have difficulty sleeping if you are having any problems with that.
    B12-can be given either in pill or injection form. But, the injection would work far better. This injection doesn't hurt at all, its a shot that goes in your deltoid muscle of your arm, and typically it's only one injection per month depending on your levels.

    Just a few ideas... hope it helps, and much luck!!