High LDL result....help!

I have been doing low carb for a few months and have found it fantastic for my weight loss and I felt great!
Yesterday I had results from a blood test that said I had very high LDL results. I am 35 and was only checked as I am starting a medication that is likely to increase cholesterol, so they want to keep an eye on it.

I am not too concerned about losing more weight as I am in a healthy bmi. But I really want to sort out my cholestrol.

Has anyone got any advice please?

Jayne x


  • CnocNaCu
    CnocNaCu Posts: 536 Member
    Hi Jane

    my cholesterol was sky-high in September and my doctor wanted me to take statins to get the cholesterol down. I hate pills and so I decided to try it with proper diet; had to lose weight anyway.
    Since 23.09.2011 my cholesterol(LDL) is down by 20% and I am very pleased with that.
    What I changed?
    Exercize every day and try to lose weight. Oats every morning, a few walnuts every day. No fat except of olive oil, sesame oil, walnut oil. I don't eat cheese except good parmesan every now and then.
    Check online for all foods that help to lower cholesterol. I have a fresh veggie juice every day and take Spirulina 12tabs/day. All that helped to control my cholesterol.
    Really bad are processed foods and cakes and biscuits (contain the cheapest, worst fat you can imagine).
    BUT: every person is different. Have it checked regularly, especially if it's in your family. Some people do have to have medication.
    Good luck, I'm sure you'll manage
    x Barbara
  • Hi Jane, Perhaps you could post your question in the low-carb area of the forum. There's a lot of very knowlegeable and experienced low-carbers on there.

    I am baffled as I had always thought that low-carb was supposed to lower bad cholesterol :-(

    Hope you get an answer.

  • jaycee76
    jaycee76 Posts: 325 Member
    Hi Jane, Perhaps you could post your question in the low-carb area of the forum. There's a lot of very knowlegeable and experienced low-carbers on there.

    I am baffled as I had always thought that low-carb was supposed to lower bad cholesterol :-(

    Hope you get an answer.


    Yes I always thought it was ment to lower it too. I guess I must have either been doing something wrong or that I am an exception. Perhaps I have been eating too much of the low carb wrong foods. I know my fibre is really low so will make a push to increase this.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Generally, most tests for LDL only do total count, not the specific type (big or small particles) of LDL. Have you ever checked out Mark's Daily Apple? Here is his post about cholesterol: