Hello-motivate me!!! PLEASE!!

Day One of South Beach diet.. I am so totally focused on trying to get past this day..however..I am thinking and craving everything. Any suggestions to ease this pain!..


  • sparkyspal
    sparkyspal Posts: 25 Member
    Day One of South Beach diet.. I am so totally focused on trying to get past this day..however..I am thinking and craving everything. Any suggestions to ease this pain!..
  • 4suredistime
    Congrats on begining your journey!!!!
    I have absolutely no cravings anymore. When I start to think of the bad food I should not be craving, I immediately think of something else... like shopping in a few months for new clothes; i pick up the phone and chat with someone... start listening to music... whatever will keep my mind off food.
    So far it has been working. I have not cheated once!!! If you do, just exercise for maybe 1/2 hour more to make up for it. I think of that too, and that keeps me away from the bad stuff.
    Hang in there! You are stronger than that craving. :glasses:
  • blueyezz83
    Just remember, nothing tastes as good as looking good!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • rethun01
    rethun01 Posts: 167
    Hi! I did really well on SBD a few years ago. Lost 35 lbs. in total over a 9 month period. Without exercising. Got down to 165 lbs. that was 5 years ago now.

    I continue to fluctutate in the 160's withot really trying these days. Most of the reason I had put the weight on was because I was in college and I swear all there are in dining halls are CARBS CARBS CARBS.

    SBD can be good for you if you really follow the diet. You'll eat lean healthy meats, fresh veggies, low fat dairy products. All great! I found that I immediately started feeling thinner, as the water weight will FLY off in the beginning.

    Here are the drawbacks I found:

    1. You're the annoying person every where you go to eat. Your friends want Italian or Chinese food? Its easier just to say "no" than to attempt to find a low-carb meal in any of these establishments. Eventually my friends stopped inviting me out.

    2. You'll become a quick drunk (if you're a drinker). Funny to think about, but about the only thing you have left to drink is liiquor. And when you have a few too many, there is nothing to order off of a bar appetizer menu. Because, trust me, some bartender at 2 am is going to tell you where to shove it if you ask them to make you unbreaded buffalo wings!

    3. You develop a complex about carbs. A BAD one. To this day I'm scared to eat a slice of bread, or eat pasta. I've finally gotten over my rice issue.

    In the end its not the carbs that are the issue, but the quantities you eat the in.

    Not that I'm telling you not to do it, I just like to help point out some of the obvious issues with SBD. The hunger will subside. Like any lifestyle change, it takes a few weeks to get through. But here are some good rules to live by:

    1. Buy the book. If I had a nickle for every person who said they were on the SBD and didn't buy the book I'd be rich. You won't understand what you're doing, or be successful at it, unless you read the WHOLE book.

    2. Follow the guidelines for the phases. Too many people get stuck in phase 1 because they like seeing the weight loss. But we humans are not meant to live without fruits and grains forever.

    3. Don't just start eating meat and cheese, with no regard for their fat content. This isn't about eating a fatty steak for breakfast every morning, followed up with a pile of american cheese for a mid morning snack. You won't be successful if this is your tactic.

    If you're hungry... VEG OUT! Like any diet, find the veggie that you love to snack on me. When I was doing SBD, it wa broccoli. I used to say it was my candy! And cauliflower too. YUM!

    Best of luck!!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. This is the best website ever. I love it here and I think you will too. This website is so helpful, supportive, motivational, and everyone here is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to wish you a lot of success on your weight loss journey. You can do this. :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    before you give in to any cravings, drink water, if that doesn't work brush your teeth.....
    ask yourself is what I want REALLY worth it, is it fueling my body or feeding my emotions....

    hope it's helpful....