Knee keeps popping/cracking...

Lokisul Posts: 50
edited October 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Does anyone else have this? I find it hard to do squats, and any move that involves the bending of the knees because mine keep popping/cracking etc.

It only just started when I started exercising regularly over a month ago, and now I find they do it all the time even when driving.

Any suggestions on how to fix this? Or do I just need knee braces or something?
I take vitamin supplements for joints but it doesnt seem to be making any difference, and veggies are fine too.


  • khartley535
    khartley535 Posts: 151 Member
    My knees pop too. It doesn't bother me as there is no pain assiciated with it. I think mine must be hereditary because my dad's do the same thing.

    If you are having pain assiciated with the popping, you should go see a doctor and make sure there isn't any damage.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    You may be putting too much strain on your knees. When doing squats, your knee should never go past your toes. Also, be sure to warm up a bit with some jogging in place and then stretch before doing anything like squats, etc. It helps loosen up your joints.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
  • Nah no pain, can hear it do it some times, and can feel my knee pop when I hold them... Doesnt hurt or anything, its just really annoying and worried about damaging them somehow?

    Il try a bit more stretching, but wondering why it does it all day long now
  • IndependentMe
    IndependentMe Posts: 182 Member
    I had and have similar problems. You should see a doctor to be sure there is nothing serious going on, and then a p/t who can give you specific exercises to strengthen your knees. Stop the squats and lunges. Work on hamstring and quad strength by using machines or simply get ankle weights and start with an easy weight for you and work to 20-50 leg lifts a day, increasing your weight each week. The knees are supported by your quads and hams (at least that is what I was told, I'm not a doctor!) But I have had an ACL replaced, and I am now running, and can do squats and lunges, but only because I spent months doing the p/t quad and hamstring building exercises.
    Good luck!!!
  • disneymom94
    disneymom94 Posts: 32 Member
    Mine sound like rice krispies when I walk up and down stairs :-) No pain either. I have been taking the supplements too-but not a lot of results. I will have to try the quad and hamstring exercises and see if that helps.
  • bbbgamer
    bbbgamer Posts: 582 Member

  • The hamstring exercises sound like a great idea, google'ing some exercises now!
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 625 Member
    since getting really into exercise a couple years ago, i have this as well.

    recently, i think i am starting to experience patellar tendonitis in one knee due to riding the exercise bike so much. not a lot of pain during normal activity, but if i kneel, it feels like the right knee is resting on a tack.

    not sure what to do about it, because i need cardio every day, and the bike is the lowest impact exercise i can think of. i adjusted the seat, so hopefully that will help some.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    It's called crepiscus, and most of the time it's nothing to worry about. I had it during my most recent running training, so loud people stared when I walked upstairs! It seems to have improved or disappeared completely with new running shoes, resistance training and adding different cardio. I think it had something to do with knee joints being out of alignment and improved muscle tone pulled them back in.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I got that from over-use. All I can say is that it got worse over time. I suggest running shoes, rest, and if there is pain (not muscle burn), see a doctor. Because I just keep running and running, and now I have to have knee surgery. Good luck.
  • Uhm, as railreader says i guess.

    Mine started 5 or 6 years ago when both knees popped within weeks of each other,

    I live on strengthening exercises, diclofenac and cocodamol for my bad swollen days.

    Get it checked out buddy !
  • BikerCat13
    BikerCat13 Posts: 8 Member
    My knees have always cracked for as long as I can remember. No pain just to some people its like nails on a chalkboard. Otherwise doctors say there is no issue with them.
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