what am I doing wrong??

I have been doing this program for a couple months now and I am just not losing any weight. I think I lost about 3 lbs but then I realized because my scale is not a good working scale, I didn't lose anything! I work out at least 20-30 minutes a day, I count every single calorie I take in and nothing at all is happening! I am a small person, about 5'4 and I only weigh about 127 BUT I am out of shape and not "tight" I feel very "lumpy" LOL!! and over two months and working HARD I did my measurements and lost zero. :( I am very frustrated at this point and I really want to get back in shape but it seems nothing is working. I have had two kids and my stomach is just totally flabby and I am trying everything to lose it.

Does anyone have some advice???


  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    It's quite possible at your size that you are replacing muscle with fat - in that case the scale may not budge but might even go up. Do you strength train? That is the best way to lose fat and firm up for people who are already fairly lean.
  • silver14200
    Go see a personal trainer. While it seems like you are doing everything right there is obviously something amiss after months of effort. Not sure it can be diagnosed online. Frowny face.
  • zen18
    zen18 Posts: 1 Member
    It sounds like you are following the plan but still having unacceptable results. So, makes me think it is time to change the plan. Maybe reduce calories? If you are at a bare minimum as is, ask yourself if your weight goals are realistic. Your height and weight seem pretty good, but only you know for sure. If you are looking to tone up maybe consider working out harder to get better results. Clearly you are doing your work - maybe you just need to change it up to get the results you want. Just a thought.
  • alhoward8
    How many calories are you eating a day and are you accurately measuring your portion sizes (scale, measuring cups, etc.)? Those things can greatly affect your weight loss.
  • dotmertsky
    have you seen your doctor? Get checked out. It may be something simple like an under active thyroid or something that hindering you fro losing weight. That's what I found out. I just have to take a small pill everyday and I feel better and am losing weight. Make an appointment and talk to your doc.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Looking at your picture you're quite slim as it is. You're also 'only' losing 10 pounds. The smaller you are the harder it is to lose.

    My advice is to throw out the scales and focus on measurements. From your description you're doing everything right to be healthy. Focus on health, not numbers!

    Just read your edit.

    Do you lift weights? If the answer is no then you won't tighten up. Start lifting and be amazed!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    It's quite possible at your size that you are replacing muscle with fat - in that case the scale may not budge but might even go up. Do you strength train? That is the best way to lose fat and firm up for people who are already fairly lean.

    Gaining muscle is not that easy.
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    What kind of work out are you doing? Feel free to message me if you don't want to post it.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    It is my opinion that your fixation on a scale number a major distraction. Also, you are a healthy weight. To lose anymore may not be the best option. My suggestion would be to start a moderate strength training program, and increase your intake. I assume your daily goal is they typical 1,200 though I could be wrong.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    but overall you don't have much to lose right? so is gonna take some time and hardcore work to get the last few off.

    maybe try opening up your diary for some people to take a peek at.

    keep at it....

    how do your clothes fit? better?
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    You didn't mention what you do for exercise, but I would recommend lifting weights, squats, lunges, that sort of thing. :)
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    It's quite possible at your size that you are replacing muscle with fat - in that case the scale may not budge but might even go up. Do you strength train? That is the best way to lose fat and firm up for people who are already fairly lean.

    Gaining muscle is not that easy.

    true...but maybe she should take her measurements. just a thought
  • cthoma70
    cthoma70 Posts: 228 Member
    how many calories per day?
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    20-30 min of exercise a day is like a bare minimum, unless you're doing something really hardcore for those 20-30 min you need to exercise longer, and if you aren't already doing so, you should start strength training-that will help to tone you, and as always eat healthy food.
  • chrissys74
    WOW!! Thanks so much for all the fast responses. I have been to the Dr. and everything is normal. NO, I odn't have much weight to lose but I really want to tone up. I was is very good shape before having my kids. (that profile picture is before kids..I could not find another off hand. LOL) and since having them I just feel totally out of shape even though I am at a good weight. I hope I am making sense. I will take all your advice. I will start doing more strenght training and for longer periods. According to this program I am at 1200 a day which is bare minimum. Also, I have been measuring and nothing has changed so I don't think it is muscle. UGH! I wish!

    How do I open my diary?? I do eat a lot of lean cuisines and things like that because it take less time. I homeschool both my kids so time is a BIG factor. Maybe my diet is the problem??? I will try and open it up.
  • chrissys74
    okay I made my diary public. thanks!
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Looking at your diary, you don't seem to be eating much. And you are eating a lot of processed foods and very few vegetables. I would re-examine your eating...it isn't just about calories, but also about the quality of food. Cut down on processed food, eat more fresh fruits, veggies and protein. It is hard getting in to the habit of cooking. It seems time consuming, but if you plan ahead, it doesn't take that long. I get veggies every Tuesday from my CSA, so Tuesday eveinings I take 15 minutes to plan out what I am making for dinner until the following Tuesday. I do it in front of the TV and it takes so much stress away because I never have to think about what is for dinner after that. And definitely start strength training. When you are down to the last little bit of weight you really need to start building muscles to see a difference.
  • gumigal82
    I'm 5'2 and was about 125...my doc just says that even with calorie counting& cardio, it can be very difficult for petite ladies to lose weight. I added wrist weights to my cardio (The intense cardio of Turbo Fire really works for me). I also didn't think to add strength training (or interval training) at first.This helped me to tone up. I weigh a little less, but I look much more lean&toned. (I have to be meticulous about my cals- keep it btwn 1200-1400). Oh, it is important to ave lean proteins and healthy carbs! :)
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    My suggestion based on your diary is to start tracking your sodium, try to weed out some of the processed/frozen foods and make sure you are getting enough water. The hardest part of this journey is learning what your body needs and what it responds to. Mix things up at bit until you find the right combo of food/exercise that works for you. I have been here 9 months mow and I am still trying to figure myself out!

    Good luck and dont give up!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,247 Member
    You have 10 pounds to lose. If you are looking to lose 2 pounds per week your body cannot handle that and will rebel holding on to the calories instead of burning the fat. Here is a good guide to calorie deficits http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/61706-guide-to-calorie-deficits If your BMI is in the normal range I would suggest that you change your goals to .5 pounds per week then eat all the calories it says you should. Add to that a good exercise program. If you don't want to join a gym try DVDs such as Tae-bo, 30 Day Shred or others that I am sure people will suggest. Or you could do bodyweight training. There is a group here dedicated to that http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/166-body-weight-training and I have posted some stuff that I have done including a sort of beginner workout on my blog here http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/rileysowner

    If you get your weight loss goal in a reasonable range for your BMI and a good exercise program that really challenges you will likely see the weight start to come off.