Do you coupon?



  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    I started when my husband lost his job in 2010. I'm not an extreme couponer and I don't stockpile either. I just don't have the space to keep tons and tons of stuff on hand. I typically only clip coupons for things I know I will need and use. All others I donate to the military as well as my expired coupons.

    These are my tips for anyone just getting started.
    1) Get Organized! Don't have them stuffed down in your purse or wallet. Find a system that works for you and keep them organized. I know many people who use binders with card slot insert pages. I used to use a photo album that held 4x6 inch photos. I hated using a binder. It was bulky and trying to rest it on the cart on top of the things in the upper basket was annoying. I switched to a file system. I found a small file that came with inserts and pre-printed category stickers. It fits in my purse and has a snap on the back so you can hook it onto the cart and it's hands-free. For others they love the binder method. It's all about personal preference though and what organization method works best for you.

    2) Do NOT use a coupon "just because." Wait for a sale and then use the coupon on top of that.

    3) Just because you have a coupon does not mean you should not price compare. There are many times where I will have a coupon for an item but I buy a different brand because it's cheaper even without a coupon. It ties back to rule number 2.

    4) Look for coupons EVERYWHERE. Don't pull out just the coupon inserts in your Sunday paper. Look at the adds as well. Stores, especially drug stores and places like Target, will have store coupons in their ads. Don't forget to look on the items as you shop for the "save x amount now," and the pull and take coupons that are in the little red machines attached to the store shelves. Look online and go through your junk mail. Coupon fliers don't come in just the Sunday Paper. Read the RedPlum and the SuperSavors that come in the mail as well.

    5) Brand loyalty is a catch 22. I tend to stick to a product I like if I find one that works. For example, I know what kind of deodorant works for me and I typically will only buy that one brand. You also need to know what you like. If you hate Prego pasta sauce and like Ragu don't buy the Prego just because you have a coupon for it. You won't use it and it will sit in your cabinet. On the flip-side, trying new products/brands may mean that you find something new you like better. Be willing to try new stuff but don't go on a spree and buy tons of it just because it's a great deal until you know you like it.

    6) Don't clear the shelves. It's rude and annoying. Period.

    7) Don't spend more money in gas just to get a great deal. I will not drive all over town to multiple stores to shop. If I can hit place on my way to wherever to score a deal then I will. I won't go out of my way to save a few cents because ultimately, I'm spending more in gas to get there.

    8) Don't forget your loyalty cards. The Kroger group of stores has coupons on their website you can load to your card. Print the list of coupons that are loaded though because these are used BEFORE any paper coupons you may have.

    9) Know the store's coupon policy.

    That's all I've got for now. I may think of other tips later and will add to the list if I do.
    Happy Couponing!
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    I took a class a while back, really enjoyed the class and sorta got some action going with my shopping in the next few weeks, but never stuck with it.

    I really want to be more committed to this - I would love to save $$$ with my grocery shopping!

    Thanx for all the tip-sharing going on there, please keep it going!


  • hayliemarie427
    hayliemarie427 Posts: 12 Member
    Just found this awesome blog that might help some of you who are having trouble
  • I want to learn!
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    If you have a Meijer store in your area go on their website and sign up for MPERKS! You get random $2 or $5 coupons off our purchase and you can "clip" digital coupons and then at the check out you just enter your phone number and they will scan your coupons for you. So no actual paper ones. And they almost always have coupons off of their market fresh produce!

    Good luck everyone :)
  • BUMP!!!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    I really should and I've tried several times. I just don't have the time or patience to clip coupons. I tried grocery game - by the time you pay for the paper, pay for their list and them run to all the different stores - I've spent just as much as if I'd just bought generic.
    However, now that my diet has changed drastically I don't have the need for many if the processed, boxed foods anyways. If there were coupons for fresh organic foods I'd reconsider
  • SpydrMnky27
    SpydrMnky27 Posts: 381 Member
    Yes, I am a couponer. I have a binder and everything. Lol I love it. I'm trying not to bring so much junk in the house
    but I am still saving on things I need. I was obsessed for a while but not so much anymore.
  • dvnjustina
    dvnjustina Posts: 114 Member
    I've cut back on couponing recently since I stopped buying processed foods for the most part. If you have about 2-3 hours a week to invest in coupons, it's well worth the time. I normally buy 5-6 papers a week. Check major pharmacies (CVS, Rite-Aid, Walgreenes etc) for the better deals in health and beauty items. Follow the ads and match up the coupons. There is quite a few forums and sites that take the hard part out and do the match ups for you. Just be very careful when getting online coupons. If it looks too good to be true, it's probably counterfeit.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Not really... I don't have time. But if I see a coupon for something I'm buying anyway I will use it... But I don't try to save hundreds of dollars doing so. And I really don't care to have all the prepackaged foods.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I am in Canada, and I LOVE coupons! I can't do it like the US can, but last week I saved $94.14. The week before that, I got twenty free bottles of BBQ sauce, and paid $1 each for 45 giant bottles of Palmolive Dish Soap. I have not paid full price for toilet paper, paper towels, toothpaste, body wash, laundry soap or dish soap in YEARS. I stock up when I see a sale + a coupon.

    I keep a running total on my facebook page, and I have saved a total of $1632.45 since April 2, 2011.

    With the couponing I do, I can actually send a giant barrel of supplies over seas every year, for half the price or less of the retail value, plus keep my own family well stocked......
  • tweakz20
    tweakz20 Posts: 152 Member
    I just use and print some out. Only really buy things I was going to buy anyway.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i use

    if you use food stamps it's especially awesome, because you're not 'paying' for anything and you get free money.