In need of some tough love!

Hey guys, I am in no way trying to whine, but I really need someone to kick my butt! I haven't been feeling that well for the past week (yucky ear infection and antibiotics). However, I don't want any of that to be an excuse for me. But what the heck am I doing? I've barely been exercising, and I haven't been eating as well as before. It's been 10 weeks now that I've been trying to lose weight, and I don't know what the deal is, but I think my motivation is slipping. And I desperately want to get it back before I ruin all the progress I've made! I have no reason to do this to myself like I've done so many times before. So kick my butt ladies and gents! Please, I need some kind of jolt!



  • RNLeslie
    RNLeslie Posts: 150
    Hey guys, I am in no way trying to whine, but I really need someone to kick my butt! I haven't been feeling that well for the past week (yucky ear infection and antibiotics). However, I don't want any of that to be an excuse for me. But what the heck am I doing? I've barely been exercising, and I haven't been eating as well as before. It's been 10 weeks now that I've been trying to lose weight, and I don't know what the deal is, but I think my motivation is slipping. And I desperately want to get it back before I ruin all the progress I've made! I have no reason to do this to myself like I've done so many times before. So kick my butt ladies and gents! Please, I need some kind of jolt!

  • alapointe
    alapointe Posts: 369 Member
    Consider your butt kicked!:happy:

    I had mine kicked earlier in the week and it worked wonders, so now i am returning the favor. Even if you just go for a walk it starts the ball rolling. Now go for a walk!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Leslie, You have lost 24 pounds in 10 weeks . Way to go ! Now, you don't want to ruin those 10 weeks and regain that 24 pounds do you ? We all fall down, we all have slip ups, this is life and life gets messy. You are defined not by your falls and slip ups but by how you pick yourself up and deal with life's messes. You need to just bite the bullet and get your body moving. . Start eating healthy and drinking your water again. You can do this. I know you can. Cindy :heart:
  • jamainicole
    Hey Girl, Seriously keep it up!!! Don't give up! You will regret it big time & eventually go back to the way you ate & exercised before. You will gain the weight you lost plus more back... :( I know from experience! Keep thinking about all the positives of losing weight. Fitting into those clothes you've never dreamed of fitting in!!! That's what I think about. Sometimes even when people gave me advise on here I didn't listen to it ( I tried) but eventually fell back to my old ways. Remember it's a LIVE IT not a DIE-T. You want to change your lifestyle, not just a temporary change! Btw... try sonic santa fe grilled chicken salad with light ranch. LOL RANDOM but it is sooo good.. AND FILLING. And a ROUTE 44 diet cherry limeade from SONIC is only 35 calories!!!! Good luck girl! And message me for any support you need!
    TANKENEY32 Posts: 105 Member
    You have already lost 24lbs.. That is all the motivation you need.. You threw it away and you dont want it back right...You were sick and totally understandable that you didnt stay on track. But, if you feel better get up and get going.. Healthy food and living is calling your name.. Good luck..YOU CAN DO IT!!! HUGS, TONYA
  • tennetubbie
    tennetubbie Posts: 312 Member
    OK Saturday!!!! Up and at 'em---get a 3 mile walk in right after breakfast!!!! And if you are working then do the best you can SOME time tomorrow----come on=====butt kicked!!!!!!!b
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Here is motivation- put 24lbs in a bookbag and carry it around all day on your back while you do your daily functions- That should be enough motivation cause you don't want it back--

    Figure out why you wanted to lose weight in the first place-
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    So - in one week, either you can look at the scale and smile, or whine some more.

    Get back up, and kick some rear end, and you can whine all you want, except you'll soon realize there's nothing to whine about because you'll be that much more confident and proud of yourself. It sucks to start again, but remember that feeling that once you do, you can do ANYTHING. You've done SO MUCH already, but if you don't keep going, what will a half-finished job do?
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    It takes 5 minuetes to succeed. That is what I have learned during this journey and one of the best pieces of advice I can give to anyone on this journey. Let me explain what I mean.
    There are plenty of days when you are not going to "feel" like working out. But it's not a matter of getting through the 30 mins or hour of the workout. It's about getting off your butt and getting through the first 5 minuetes. Once you get through the first five minuetes then your body wakes up! you realize why you wanted to work out in the first place and you feel like nothing can stop you from reaching your goal. Don't let 5 measly minuetes stand between you and the person you deserve to be. Get moving. NOW.:drinker:
  • car34jojo
    car34jojo Posts: 29
    Everyone wrote excellent replies...I have to keep them all in mind when I just am so tired and want to quit. But you have done so well...DON'T QUITE!!!!

    Set small goals each day. Drinking 8 8oz glasses of water. Take a walk around the block. Keep it simple.

  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Keep up the good work!
    I've been working my tail off & still I'm at 18 lousy pounds!!!!!!
    Stay with it.
    You can do it!
    I like the idea of setting little goals...
    maybe running/walking a certain number of miles per week.
    You can do it!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hey guys, I am in no way trying to whine, but I really need someone to kick my butt! I haven't been feeling that well for the past week (yucky ear infection and antibiotics). However, I don't want any of that to be an excuse for me. But what the heck am I doing? I've barely been exercising, and I haven't been eating as well as before. It's been 10 weeks now that I've been trying to lose weight, and I don't know what the deal is, but I think my motivation is slipping. And I desperately want to get it back before I ruin all the progress I've made! I have no reason to do this to myself like I've done so many times before. So kick my butt ladies and gents! Please, I need some kind of jolt!

    "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily."So come on girlie get up and do something about it.Like my say above says you wouldn't go without a bath would you?Of course not so don't go without giving your body good nutrition and exercise.Message me anytime you need inspiration or motivation girl.GET UP AND MOVE!! DANCE if you like make it fun but MOVE:flowerforyou:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    It takes 5 minuetes to succeed. That is what I have learned during this journey and one of the best pieces of advice I can give to anyone on this journey. Let me explain what I mean.
    There are plenty of days when you are not going to "feel" like working out. But it's not a matter of getting through the 30 mins or hour of the workout. It's about getting off your butt and getting through the first 5 minuetes. Once you get through the first five minuetes then your body wakes up! you realize why you wanted to work out in the first place and you feel like nothing can stop you from reaching your goal. Don't let 5 measly minuetes stand between you and the person you deserve to be. Get moving. NOW.:drinker:
    Well put spy guy !!!!:flowerforyou: 90 pounds lost you ROCK!!:flowerforyou: I can't wait to get to 90 pounds down.
  • msmichael
    msmichael Posts: 21
    Don't look at the time you took off as failure. You need to listen to your body- when you are sick it's not going to help you recoup if your energy is divided between getting you well again and workouts. But as soon as your feeling better tell yourself "Ok now I am ready to give it my 100% again" AND DO IT!!!
    Keep up the good work.

  • purrrr
    purrrr Posts: 1,073
    I think everyone has been too nice so far, so let's get rude and ask you straight to the point...

    Do you really mean that now that you are well on the way to possibly look like this:


    you actually prefer to return to your unhealthy habits and put yourself in danger to look like this one day?


    wow, all that greasy junky food must be so worth it if you put your health and well-being after it! :noway:
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I think everyone has been too nice so far, so let's get rude and ask you straight to the point...

    Do you really mean that now that you are well on the way to possibly look like this:


    you actually prefer to return to your unhealthy habits and put yourself in danger to look like this one day?


    wow, all that greasy junky food must be so worth it if you put your health and well-being after it! :noway:

    OH MY EYES!!!! What the hell? That was awful first thing this morning! DANG!!!!
  • purrrr
    purrrr Posts: 1,073
    OH MY EYES!!!! What the hell? That was awful first thing this morning! DANG!!!!

    sorry hunny but i like it ROUGH :laugh:

    that second pic was posted in the picture game, someone asked for something motivating, and it sure had this effect on me, too, so i know for sure it works :sick:
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Leslie, sweetie... I know where you are - because once again, we're kind of in the same spot. I can't say that I was TERRIBLE this week - just not measuring as precisely, not watching as carefully, not exercising, etc.

    So - let's get back to basics:
    When I started I was faithful about drinking my water, measuring my portions and exercising. So, this week:
    I will drink 10 cups of water
    Walk for at least 20 minutes on the treadmill
    Measure and preplan my food

    I know that if I do those 3 things... I WILL get back on track. How about you? Do you need me to send you a message every day? What can I do to help you?

    C'mon - let's get back on track.

  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    OH MY EYES!!!! What the hell? That was awful first thing this morning! DANG!!!!

    sorry hunny but i like it ROUGH :laugh:

    that second pic was posted in the picture game, someone asked for something motivating, and it sure had this effect on me, too, so i know for sure it works :sick:

    Man - I was eating my breakfast when I saw that! It was a healthy breakfast - but I think I lost my appetite! You gotta give a girl some warning. It is motivating though... because when I look in the mirror - I do relate more to the second picture, than I do to the first.... OUCH!!!!
  • purrrr
    purrrr Posts: 1,073
    Man - I was eating my breakfast when I saw that! It was a healthy breakfast - but I think I lost my appetite! You gotta give a girl some warning. It is motivating though... because when I look in the mirror - I do relate more to the second picture, than I do to the first.... OUCH!!!!

    well, it was intended for OP... some people just need to be straight smacked the facts in the face because the "gentle way" doesn't work for them, so i thought if Leslie asks for that, she better get it... :ohwell:

    think of it positively, i saved you some calories for lunch and dinner, Sonja :bigsmile: and by the way, i can see your pics (which are also before you lost some weight) and you are very very far from the second picture and definitely getting farther from it each day :flowerforyou: i am sure that nobody wants to ever be morbidly obese because it is not only unsightly but also extremely dangerous, however a visual often seems to help more than words (which you just proved), so here's one for those who wonder why it's good to lose this extra weight... :flowerforyou: