PLEASE HELP!!! My husband is training for the Marines.

My husband is trying to lose weight to join the marines. He needs some help. He needs structure. He would like to know what kind of meals would help him lose the remaining 30 lbs that he needs to lose to join the Marines. If anyone has the time, please help us create a menu or meal plan for him to lose the most amount of weight. He wants to go to a nutritionist, but unfortunately we dont have the money to do that right now. Thanks guys! I hope you all had a great thanksgiving!


  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Tell him to set up and MFP account and start tracking what he eats and the calories he burns. He can set his plan to lose 2 lbs per week. It should take him about 15 weeks to lose the weight.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I agree with the previous poster. None of us will be able to write out a meal plan that will work for him. He's going to have to do the work himself. He's going to need to do the research (BMR, TDEE, etc) and figure out what is a good calorie goal for himself. He's going to have to be HONEST with himself about what he eats - which is where the food log will come into play. HE has to do this for HIMSELF. None of us can do it.

    Good Luck to him!
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    Hey, this made me giggle (the title) because my husband is an honarably discharged Marine. I think it's great. I think that is good advice but also he's a guy and from what I have seen, when guys utalize their God given abilities they drop weight fast. Thank you for his service and a special thank you to you for being his wife.
  • seven8seven
    seven8seven Posts: 58 Member
    Tell him to set up and MFP account and start tracking what he eats and the calories he burns. He can set his plan to lose 2 lbs per week. It should take him about 15 weeks to lose the weight.

    I agree ! He needs to join MFP! =)
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Options - weight standards for males - fitness test for usmc

    Here are a couple of helpful links - try google to see what exercises will help him build his strength, plus a personal trainer should help also (if you have the funds)

    Wish him the best - semper fi!:drinker:

    Thank him for his service....
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    Yeah, MFP really is all you need, but you need to stick to your calories and log accurately. I lost 30 lbs here and yes, I still eat stuff like pizza and McDonalds and Taco Bell.
    If he really wants to clean it up though, subscribe to Clean Eating Magazine. They actually give you a shopping list for all the recipes in the issue. Doesn't get much easier than that if you don't have the money for a nutritionist or a pre-packaged meal plan.
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    My advice would be to eat from the top 2 tiers (mostly the top, though) only (see attached link) and stay within his calorie allotment from MFP. He should also be doing a LOT of running...that will help with the weight loss and prepare him for the Marines. If he's serious and is dedicated and focused he could drop the weight in just a couple months...good luck to him!

    Almost forgot the link...
  • adlwilmot
    When I trained both for the Air Force and Police I lost the weight simply by exercising more. And by exercise, I mean achieving the minimum standards expected in order to pass the initial fitness test. I then stuck to the rule of only eating complex carbs and having an overall balanced diet.

    The result: weight loss and fitness without hardly trying.
  • adlwilmot
    When I trained both for the Air Force and Police I lost the weight simply by exercising more. And by exercise, I mean achieving the minimum standards expected in order to pass the initial fitness test. I then stuck to the rule of only eating complex carbs and having an overall balanced diet.

    The result: weight loss and fitness without hardly trying.

    So why I don't just do that NOW, God only knows!! Tsk at myself!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    OOH Yes, I forgot about that.

    I second eating mostly foods from the top two tiers of michi's ladder.
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    Have him go to the website
    There is an option to "find a plan for you" (or something like that). He can put in information about his goals (fat loss/muscle building/etc), age, and gender, and the site has a plan that he can follow. It includes workouts and meal plans.

    I used the one for fat loss for women between 18-35 over the summer and lost the most weight when I was following the program.

    Tell him good luck!
  • afwg1979
    afwg1979 Posts: 170 Member

    My soon-to-be-18-year-old son (in January) enlisted into the Marines and will be going to basic training (Camp Pendleton) in mid-March.

    He visits with his recruiter and fellow recruits at least twice a week for physical training. My son says that they always get a grueling workout. My son also visits the gym at least three times a week in addition to his sports classes at school.

    I bet if your husband asked for his recruiter's assistance, your husband could get help. Check out MERCOLA.COM for nutrition ideas. Dr. Joseph Mercola has a great website that provides FREE excellent guidance for living a healthy life through nutrition and exercise -- lowering carbs is a key factor. Check it out!

    There are tons of websites that offer free meal plans for weight loss; and, of course, you can always search for recipes within MFP -- lots of ideas all at your disposal.

    Best wishes,

  • jdandpch
    I totally agree with the last post....only I will take it one step further as I am a vet with a son in the service as we speak and a nephew who used to be a Marine but now Army reserve. If he is serious about going into the Marines and whether he has time or not he best be practicing getting up before the sun and running 5 miles or so and doing weight training etc and become VERY, VERY self-disaplined if he wants any chance of even getting through basic. When he gets used to that he can start running with a pack on his back with 30 or 40 pounds in it. He should consider going to a "boot camp" training school or at least to a local gym and ask if they give any breaks to those going into the military. If you cannot afford a boot camp at the gym go to the nearest police station and inquire about their boot camps or at least what regimine they are on...who knows, they may let him train with them if they know he is going into the marines. I can guarentee you if he is not self-disaplined about any diet or exercise he will never get through basic. Good luck and hope he makes it.
  • Janice032557
    Janice032557 Posts: 163 Member
    I agree with the posts suggesting he set up his own account with MFP. If he isn't sure what he should be eating, try adding more fruits and veggies and drink water, water, and more water. Good luck to you both, my son-in-law is currently on his second term in the USMC. I am very proud of him and greatful to all service men and women who choose this life. Thank you.
  • afwg1979
    afwg1979 Posts: 170 Member
    Yeah, MFP really is all you need, but you need to stick to your calories and log accurately. I lost 30 lbs here and yes, I still eat stuff like pizza and McDonalds and Taco Bell.
    If he really wants to clean it up though, subscribe to Clean Eating Magazine. They actually give you a shopping list for all the recipes in the issue. Doesn't get much easier than that if you don't have the money for a nutritionist or a pre-packaged meal plan.

    Thanks for sharing this! I found "CLEAN EATING" on the internet and love it - free recipes! Love it!
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    Tell him to set up and MFP account and start tracking what he eats and the calories he burns. He can set his plan to lose 2 lbs per week. It should take him about 15 weeks to lose the weight.

    I totally agree.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    It is best to create your own meal plan so you can include foods you like. If you are eating good food in reasonable portions and exercising, you can lose significant amounts of weight.

    Some tips:

    include protein in every meal (beans, lean meat, eggs)
    in each meal make half of your plate veggies
    fresh fruit, nuts, and yogurt make great snacks (Danon light and fit is great - no High Fructose Corn Syrup)
    Try to replace refined carbs with whole grains (whole wheat bread, quinoa, brown rice, etc).
    Limit the calories you drink (especially from soda or fruit juice)

    Figure out what the one thing is that you just aren't willing to give up in order to loose weight. For me it was creamer in my coffee. I have gotten into the habit of measuring and accounting for every tablespoon. I can still have it, as long as my other meals are a bit lower in calories. By keeping this indulgence, I don't feel deprived.

    I am not exactly a model of healthful eating - I struggle a lot. But, I do have healthy delicious meals pretty regularly. If you are interested you can friend me and look through my diary. You'll have to go back a few weeks to see the good stuff, but it's there! Maybe it will give you some ideas of what you would like to have and how many calories are in it.

    Also, check with the recruiting office, they may have free materials or plans that they provide to would-be soldiers prior to enlistment. My cousin recently enlisted in the army and is actually doing workouts with some other people to get ready for basic training in March.
  • Nemlein
    Nemlein Posts: 168 Member
    Is he willing to eat vegetables?!?! I had a lot of success in really getting focusing on getting the veg and lean protein, but like everyone else has said, just get his silly butt on MFP!
  • Asiral
    Asiral Posts: 133
    Thank you for all the advice everyone!!! I have told him to start an MFP, but in the mean time, I thought I would post on is behalf. Hopefully we will see him on here soon, because this is the best way I have found to track and calculate my nutrition. (when I dont take my little breaks from MFP... which I totally shouldnt be doing.... -.-) Thanks everyone!!!
  • Asiral
    Asiral Posts: 133
    Is he willing to eat vegetables?!?! I had a lot of success in really getting focusing on getting the veg and lean protein, but like everyone else has said, just get his silly butt on MFP!

    Nem, you know better... He eats raw carrots and celery and calls it good. haha but you know J.... Hes impossible sometimes... -.-