I feel myself slipping..

I am starting to dread exercising daily...and I keep going over my calories :( I used to be so amped about my daily workout and seeing the scale drop weekly. I haven't lost any weight for like 2 weeks..I think I am just getting discouraged. I really don't want too stop at 16lbs lost. I just feel too tired/lazy to exercise lately. Please help motivate me!


  • Dellie22
    Dellie22 Posts: 167
    Don't give up. Even light exercise will get the endorphins going :)
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 562 Member
    Perhaps you could try switching up your exercise routine? I know I get awfully bored when I do the same thing every single day. In fact, I burn out in under a week. But it helps if I try to do a different form of exercise every day. Today, I'll walk; tomorrow, I'll run; the next day, I'll do yoga; etc, etc. If I'm really unmotivated, I'll get online and look up new ways to exercise. It's always exciting to try something brand-new. :) And as an added bonus, adding variety to your workouts will help you bust through that plateau. It's time to get back in the game – you can do it!
  • kirstiey
    kirstiey Posts: 243
    I am in exactly the same boat, but we have total control over this. Shake up your work out, eat clean and lean or go on maintanance or drop to 0.5lbs till xmas is out of the way. Staying the same is still much better than putting on. You have the control!!!!! LOL
  • terrajmet
    I get like that once a month like clockwork, a week before my period. Is that what's going on?
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    GET YOUR BUTT MOVING!!! Only joking! Do you exercise to music? Maybe you need to change it or if you don't start. I find that I measure my distances by the tracks and it becomes a real incentive to go faster. I don't know what your exercises are - I just walk at the moment but love it and really look forward to it. Stick with it. Don't be discouraged. It may be you just need to ease back! Remember this shouldn't be a diet as such but a lifestyle and therefore permanent. I look at it from a health point of view in that I want to improve my health, get fit and lose my excess weight - importantly in that order. I am also not setting myself tough goals. If it takes me a year to lose and maintain weight loss so be it. Some weeks I will lose, others gain and sometime plateau. As long as the overall trend is down and I am fitter I'm happy. Hope that helps!
  • pangela13
    pangela13 Posts: 173 Member
    Grab 3 bags of sugar 15lbs try walking around with it and remember that was what you were carrying awhile ago tried this at a fitness class it was really heavy. Get back on track you can do it!
  • cinditree
    cinditree Posts: 35 Member
    Don't quit,!!!!! this will pass if you push through it, and you will feel really good about not quitting, If you quit you will just feel bad, it won't make you feel better. Fake it until you feel it. Get rid of any junk food and keep extra fruits and veggies around, if you have a big appetite, eat more of those and make yourself drink water to help you feel fuller. Try finding a new fun way to exercize, or getting a buddy to go for walks with, don't let yourself get burned out, change things up and you will find yourself getting excited again!
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I am starting to dread exercising daily...and I keep going over my calories :( I used to be so amped about my daily workout and seeing the scale drop weekly. I haven't lost any weight for like 2 weeks..I think I am just getting discouraged. I really don't want too stop at 16lbs lost. I just feel too tired/lazy to exercise lately. Please help motivate me!

    Maybe the lack of loss is due to the first sentence?

    HANG IN THERE, YOU! I've totally done this, I've gone two weeks without logging into MFP, but it won't make you happy. You know you'll just keep having to face needing to be healthier, so stick with it!

    I also think you should shake up your routine. If you are dreading exercise, skip the treadmill and try dancing (youtube dance workouts if you don't go to a gym or have a WII or Kinect game), yoga, aerobics.

    If you are getting tired of "diet" food look up new recipes, try new foods, post a topic about ideas for what to try. New = good, and maybe it will give you the motivation you are looking for.
  • dorth316
    dorth316 Posts: 7 Member
    Keep at it. I also went through a two week slump where I didn't lose any weight. I kept up the daily exercise and watching my calories. I also made sure I drank plenty of water. Finally the scale moved down one pound. The next week I was down another 4 pounds. Don't get discouraged. The weight will come off if you keep working at it.
  • jacksamjack
    jacksamjack Posts: 146 Member
    Hi there ! It is especially hard at this time of year - dark nights, lovely food all around... being fat and unfit is definitely the easy option. The only person who can actually keep you on track is you!! We will help to give you wise words, but if the pull of the biscuit tin is louder in your head - you know what will happen!! I am telling myself that I really want to keep off the weight this time - I have set myself a mini target to try to get to by Christmas Eve and I have a slinky outfit that I want to wear on New Years Eve - so that is my motivation at the moment. It is only 4 weeks to Christmas and I know I am going to need to work hard to reach my own goals!! Stay strong, remember that you are worth all the effort that you have put in so far - 16lbs is a fantastic loss - however, give in now and you will probably gain all of it back by the 1st January..... don't do it!!! Stay strong and focussed, force yourself to do the workouts, it will soon become a fun habit again!! Good luck!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I am starting to dread exercising daily...and I keep going over my calories :( I used to be so amped about my daily workout and seeing the scale drop weekly. I haven't lost any weight for like 2 weeks..I think I am just getting discouraged. I really don't want too stop at 16lbs lost. I just feel too tired/lazy to exercise lately. Please help motivate me!

    Scale weight loss and fat loss aren't the same thing. Just because you aren't losing scale weight, it doesn't mean you aren't losing fat. Start tracking your body fat percentage and use this formula to see the difference.

    Weight x Body fat percentage = Pounds of fat
    Weight - Pounds of fat = Pounds of Lean body mass

    Please note that your pounds of fat is not the amount of scale weight your have to lose or even how much fat you need to lose. It's just letting you know how much of your scale weight is from fat and how much fat you have on your body.

    Also note that your pounds of lean body mass is the requirement for your body. You want to maintain that number or increase it.

    If you decide that you want to start tracking your body fat percentage and you find out your number, I can help you figure out what healthy body fat percentage and scale weight you should be aiming for.
  • kailajames
    kailajames Posts: 2 Member
    @ Terrajmet. yeah i am the same. its like clockwork, but i find i am so motivated by my lack of exercise and going over calories and not tracking that i really get into it the next week. If this isnt the case, then yeah definately mix up your workout. I am a huge fan of attack, rpm and pump. but am getting bored and so find that im not pushing myself as much. have just enrolled in a yoga course and am going to give aqua a go. the more you mix it up, the better i reckon. :smile: