Does anyone have a Mini Goal to meet my Jan 2012?



  • my bday is in jan so i would like to be 200 or finally in onederland
  • My one mini goal was to be at 235 by December 1st...I am currently at 237! 2 lbs to go!

    Knowing how the holidays will be for me, I would be super happy with 229 by January 1st! (I would normally gain 10 lbs EASY over the holidays)

    Good Luck everyone!
  • lol-- IF i dont gain any-- i will be happy!! but my goal for the first is 5 lbs lost. That would be a GREAT way to start the new year for me! (and a job for my DH) Please-- wish us both luck?
  • I'd like to lose 1.5 to 2 lbs per week. So that would be about 10-12 lbs. in the next 6 weeks.

    I just restarted and have been consistent with my exercise and healthy eating.
  • Rose200
    Rose200 Posts: 48 Member
    my goal is 199lbs too! :)
    exactly 16 pounds!

    WHOO YOOO!!! We can do this!!!!

    I'm 214.0 this morning and would love to start the New Year off at 199. Yeah us!
  • CandiceS86
    CandiceS86 Posts: 61 Member
    I want to loose 5 kilos before New Years eve! I know it's going to be hard and it's going to take a lot of work. But I want to look good in my New Years dress :)
  • AmandaR321
    AmandaR321 Posts: 68 Member
    I would like to lose 10lbs by January 1, 2012. I'm sure it could be more, but I'm going to be realistic and honestly, over the holidays, I'd be THRILLED to post a 10lbs loss.
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    My goal was to see ONEderland for Christmas, but if it takes until Jan. 1st., that is ok with me. I have 6.5 lbs to go.
    (I can't even tell you the last time I saw ONEderland...)
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I love reading all the mini goals here! I see a lot of good ones!

    My Christmas goal is to wear the little black dress I wore when my husband and I were dating. We're been married 16.5 years, and I haven't worn it since we got married, but it still looks good on the hanger. It zips now, but it should be a perfect fit perfect by Christmas. By my 60th birthday, end of January, I have every intention of reaching my weight goal.
  • My goal is to lose 12 lbs by the end of January. I have to do this in an effort to lower my blood glucose level and prevent a diagnosis of diabetes. I have already lost 4 lbs in the last couple of weeks, and now that I am more conscious of what I am eating, I think that this will be an attainable goal. And I really want to see that 1 instead of a 2.
  • I'd like to be 6lbs less than todays weight.

    we have 6 weeks! good luck everyone!

    Same for me! I'd lovvvveee to be 125
  • iamkylie
    iamkylie Posts: 43 Member
    I'd love to lose 8kgs by then! This is my 2nd week in, so I hope I can do it!!
  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    my mini goal is to complete another round of the 30DS before jan 1st. I just finished the first round on thanksgiving
  • My goals are not posted, because they can be depressing whey you do not make them. So...any weight loss for me is a goal! I did make a goal months ago that I wanted to me 30 pounds lighter before a family reunion in December, I have 7 pounds to go...I have two weeks left! I am only losing 1 pound a week! It seems, the older you get, the more difficult losing the weight becomes.

    So....I could pick a goal for January would stay around 160 my goal or be creeping into the 150's.

    We have one more holiday! And leftovers from Thanksgiving, sooooooooooooooo holidays are tough with weight loss. I would think exercise needs to be increased due to the holiday foods and DON"T overdo the holidays foods.

    Count me in! I will go for the January goal!
  • MissHellsing
    MissHellsing Posts: 133 Member
    To be Officially down 50 is my goal. I have four more to go. =]
  • kimberley_1
    kimberley_1 Posts: 92 Member
    Yeah I want to be 177.4lbs and I’m 184.5lbs now and I haven’t been losing much in about 2 months now it doesn’t seem possible
    I’ve lost 31 lbs. so far and need to lose another 33
  • LMTx
    LMTx Posts: 19
    I have 13.5 to take me down to 199 & into onderland!
    Although three christmas parties and a weekend away between now and christmas is going to seriously hinder my weight loss but I'm am going to try my very hardest!
    I'd like to be 199 by the end of Jan 2012 - probably aiming a little high but any weight loss closer to onderland is a bonus :smile: x
  • dutchjacky
    dutchjacky Posts: 46 Member
    Having a goal would be good for me too. I have a few one is to continue to go to the gym even though after 3 weeks of going I havent lost anything yet and to lose 5 kilos which will bring me just into the 80`s :)
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I have nationals to go for so I want to fit into my shirts for then. They're just the TINIEST bit too tight right now!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Yeah, I want to be in the 100s instead of the 200s, but it's not realistic, so I won't get too upset if I don't make it.