Sorta failing at this "eating right" thing.

When I started this weight loss dealie about three months ago, I did sooooo well. Flawless diet, daily exercise, the works. Lately though, I'm finding that although my exercise is fine and great, my diet sucks. I can't seem to get control back. I eat when I'm not hungry. I eat whatever's around. I eat lots of candy. I eat out with my friends. For the past five days I've eaten too much. Tomorrow I'm going out to eat again.

What can I do? I feel really guilty about it but the next time I'm tempted I just go for it. Also, how much is too much? When will I notice the effects of my overeating visually? I've been at it for a couple weeks now...



  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    How low was your calorie intake when you started and you were "doing well"?
    Would you eat all "clean" foods or would still have treats/etc when you were "doing well"?
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    This time of year, tends to be when people fall off of there diets and out of there healthier eating habits. The weather gets cool, and our body "hibernates". You can control your eating habits. You need to learn discipline. Find a workout that you ABSOLUTELY hate. Every time you over eat, or eat horribly make yourself do that workout. Sometimes we tend to get comfortable after we start losing weight. You need to be "uncomfortable", and you have to make a lifestyle change. I too struggle with all of these things. Working on changing my lifestyle as well.. I wish you luck. As far as the physical observation of weight gain, that will depend on your bodies metabolism. Thanksgiving is over, get up off of whatever it is getting you down and get back at it.. :) It will be good for you.. I wish you luck. Also with going out to eat, you can make better decisions.. its hard when others are eating not so healthy around you, but you have to find self control. :) If you can access MFP on your phone, that is your greatest weapon when going out to eat.. :)
  • maycontainjane
    maycontainjane Posts: 21 Member
    When I did well I ate mostly fruits and veggies with some carby/protein-y foods to round out the calorie total. I didn't really treat myself, I found that I was satisfied with the clean food. Lately that's not the case...

    Also my calorie intake hasn't changed since then, it's always been at 1200.

    Also, thanks for the advice, AprilVal! I do have MFP on my iPod, it makes life easier.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    Also my calorie intake hasn't changed since then, it's always been at 1200.

    I am confused, can you clarify something for me please?

    When you say your calorie intake hasn't changed, does this mean you are still successfully eating at 1200 calories, or does this mean you try to still eat 1200 calories but now you're going way over that, and that's why you're failing?
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    When I did well I ate mostly fruits and veggies with some carby/protein-y foods to round out the calorie total. I didn't really treat myself, I found that I was satisfied with the clean food. Lately that's not the case...

    Also my calorie intake hasn't changed since then, it's always been at 1200.

    Also, thanks for the advice, AprilVal! I do have MFP on my iPod, it makes life easier.

    Youre very much welcome.. ;) I know its a pain, but if you want to "fit" youre the one that has to do it.. Cant rely on everyone to do it for you. Usually if you show people you have the strength they follow.. Something Ive learned.. I know its a pain tracking your calories sometimes.. especially when life gets busy, trust me i understand that.. I gave up a few months back, and i gained back all that i lost.. :( not happy with myself.. :(
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    Lots of fruits and veggies satisfies me great during the warm weather, but it doesn't seem to cut it once the weather turns cold. Try playing around with your ratios a bit - up the protein and fat % and see if that helps make you feel satisfied.
  • carts1179
    carts1179 Posts: 15 Member
    my wife is doing a fitness challenge at her gym and started at 1200 calories a day and was not losing like she used to lose weight when dieting. she upped her calories and the weight is coming off faster cause her body is not soring calories.
  • maycontainjane
    maycontainjane Posts: 21 Member
    Usually trying/failing, but sometimes I eat at or under 1200, but it's from no-good-very-bad food.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    You could try setting a small goal for yourself to get back to healthier eating, like making sure you get a fruit or veggie with each meal and snack. For eating out you know there's going to be healthy options, you just have to choose them! Maybe order something healthy and then have just a couple fries off your friends plate if that's what you're really craving.
  • stealthxstar
    stealthxstar Posts: 10 Member
    if you are in charge of groceries... make a list before you go, and DO NOT buy anything not on the list. also don't go hungry. if the junk is not there to be eaten you can't eat it!
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    You're human. This happens a lot. You start a diet you do it "perfectly" for a while... then you fall off the wagon. BADLY. Why? You didn' t make a lifestyle change. You made a diet change. Don't beat yourself up over it. It happens to everyone. It happened to me tonight in the form of a delicious brownie left over from thanksgiving. Oh nom nom nom. No one can do it perfectly 100% of the time and not have a large relapse in some way. We're human and we've programed our bodies to want certain kinds of foods.

    My advice: small changes. Change your diet back to clean eating a little at a time. Add in one fresh veggie at each meal, then anoother, serve yourself smaller portions, aim to drink water with everything you eat, etc. When you go out, order what you normally would but ask them to bring a to go box then put half of your meal in the box. Then the next time you go out maybe order off the low cal menue.

    You see when you make big changes all at once you set yourself up to fail. When you make small changes slowly you set it up to be a lifestyle change, and that's what you want in the end.