Ali weight loss tablets

Hey, was wondering if anyone here is using diet pills and how are they working, if they are at all? I was planning to use Ali or Adios, but have mixed thoughts...

what do u think?


  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Alli causes you to have the runs big time if you eat too much fat. It's also expensive.

    Why not just take your time and eat better and workout more? You can't rely on diet pills to keep you skinny forever without serious health consequences and a lot of money spent.
    GINAvsGINA Posts: 270 Member
    Ali is really not a weight loss pill it is a fat blocker basically. I use to take the prescription version of it Xenical, basically it you are dieting and eating right this pill does nothing really for you its all in your head. If you believe it works it does but its not the pills working its just you doing what your suppose to. Good luck, Im sure you will do great.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Alli causes you to have the runs big time if you eat too much fat. It's also expensive.

    Why not just take your time and eat better and workout more? You can't rely on diet pills to keep you skinny forever without serious health consequences and a lot of money spent.


    You can't stay on them forever and once you go off them what are you going to do? Unless you learn healthy habits the weight is just going to pile back on. Might be ok as a last resort for some people but it doesn't look like you have that much to lose.
  • victoria543
    victoria543 Posts: 51 Member
    I haveto agree with the last post i had a few friends that have tried it and they had some embarassing accidents with it ........not good
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Alli causes you to have the runs big time if you eat too much fat. It's also expensive.

    Why not just take your time and eat better and workout more? You can't rely on diet pills to keep you skinny forever without serious health consequences and a lot of money spent.

    ^^This^^ I have tried some of the diet pills in the past and I never felt like I had more energy nor did they decrease my appetite. You'd be surprised what you can accomplish if you take this process one day at a time. Good luck to you :)
  • AngelaeLebron1
    AngelaeLebron1 Posts: 171 Member
    I actually bough the Ali pills, then read the box about the fat intake and googled reviews on it. Once I saw all of the stories about the horrible side effects and that, I returned it, and got my money back. I then decided that it wasn't worth it at all, and I have been losing weight on my own since. I do take green tea pills, Idk If they help or not, but they are supposed to help with metabolism. I also have been dieting and exercising so it could just be that alone too. My friend had gave me some paraslim in the past, I tried it for a month, not really sure if that helped either. All I know is that there is no "magic pill", and ALL of them say to pair with diet and exercise, so to me..I feel like the diet and exercise alone is what makes a difference. My advice: I wouldn't waste your money on it.
  • tigersmama35
    Alli has made a HUGE difference in my weight loss so far. I have been working on this for years and I'd lose .25 lbs here or there (logging food and regular exercise). With Alli I have to do the same things but I am losing closer to 2 lbs a week. I won't use it forever, right now because of the expense I use it one week on and one week off. I have not had any side effects at all actually which I had been worried about but I know that many people do so I would research it carefully and be sure it's worth it for you. I also don't think of it as a quick fix or something for someone with a few lbs to lose.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Ahhh I didn't even know it's a fat blocker. lol In that case it sounds like an even worse idea than before. You need fat in your diet. It's not fat that makes people fat, it's eating too many calories in general.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Ahhh I didn't even know it's a fat blocker. lol In that case it sounds like an even worse idea than before. You need fat in your diet. It's not fat that makes people fat, it's eating too many calories in general.

    That's why you get the runs. It blocks fat absorbtion in the gut which means any fat you eat goes straight through. Imagine what happens if you eat a cheeseburger. It's like a freight train of fat roaring through your intestines. Not pretty on the way out.
  • mhig011975
    weight loss pills are bad news. They can do major damage to organs if you take them for a prolong time. It's better to eat healthy and get in some form of exercise.
  • alz6690
    I AM NOT AN EXPERT but have read A LITTLE about these weight loss tablets:

    Alli is a weight loss drug which basically works by stopping you from absorbing dietary fat. But in order for it to work you need to eat VERY low fat diet. It has quite a few side effects, the post above refers to the diarrhoea which can be nasty, especially if you're diet is not what it should be.

    As for Adios, it seems to be some sort of plabt extract....relly not sure what the hell it is!Accoding to one website it helps "speed up your weight loss" and give no ther ueful info. Again I have a feeling there will definitely be side effects!

    To be really honest, I would stay well away from both and try and do it the hard and exercise! At least you know it will work i the long run with the pills there's very little proof they will actually work!

    Hope that helps! Good Luck
  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    I would have a hard time getting on board with anything that advertised on their website that you should wear dark pants and/or bring a change of clothes with you wherever you go because of anal seepage. Think I'll pass on that super fun sounding thing. :sick:
  • kimberley_1
    kimberley_1 Posts: 92 Member
    Alli is a bit like the drug I take xenical, it’s prescribed to me by my doctor and it’s defiantly not in your head it is a drug that’s why the only way to get it is from a doctor...
    yeah it’s a fat blocker it stops some fat going in your body it goes right fru you :S forcing your brain to think oh I’ve ate something wrong and feel l crap now (the runs) I better eat something better next time I eat lol

    You poop out fat it’s discussing, sorry for being too graphic... actually i dont want to tell you what it a actually looks like lol

    It has helped me loose 32lbs since June this year it’s not easy you have to follow the rules and if you exercise you lose even more...
    you can only get them if you BMI if over 30, you get weight every week or two and if you gain 1lb you get taken of them and you can only be on the tablets for 1 year...
    Mine stop in june2012

    I wasn’t sure about them at first thinking it was an easy option and maybe they don’t work and it’s in your head but boy I was wrong you will find out if you eat a mcD’s or take away while taking alli :S

    You will gain weight by eating this stuff and have tummy cramps going to the loo a lot you have to eat right ... they say for every 2lbs you lose you lose another 1 lb .. And if you exercise you lose even more

    Anyway I hope I helped you know more about this if you or anyone has any questions about it just add me as a friend and pm me :D

  • Christina1007
    Christina1007 Posts: 179 Member
    Well, interesting and mixed reviews again. Same as everywhere else. Think I'll just save my money for something else than experiment on myself.
    Thanks for your input.
  • AshinAms
    AshinAms Posts: 283 Member
    I might actually try them as I have tummy troubles the other way - maybe it will make everything be just right!
  • Lokisul
    I'm really curious about these pills. I heard about the nasty consequences, but if you have already adjusted your diet and eat healthy anyway. Surely this will just do what its meant to, and aid the weight loss whilst you are naturally loosing it anyway?

    The only genuine concern I have is that if this blocks fat absorption, how can your vitamin pills be absorbed? As a lot of people I take vitamins every day, and these may complete negate them?
    Well at least I wont have to take my digestion supplements anymore... lol
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Don't forget to buy adult diapers with Ali pills.
  • kimberley_1
    kimberley_1 Posts: 92 Member
    You are right Lokisul, if you have a healthy diet it does help ain more weight loss whilst you are naturally losing it....

    You need to eat 5% or less fat per 100g with anything you eat if you go over witch I do every now and then now beocue I’ve been on them since June and know I can only have a small treat every now and then not every other day as I would get the bad side effects...

    As for vitamin pills you can pretty much still take most of them apart from oil based ones like cod liver oil as I found out when I started taking all my vitamins again and was wondering why I was going to the toilet a bit more than normal. So there’s no real point in taking them as they go right fru you but if you get the zelest tablets from the doctors you can only go on them for 1 year and no more anyway and you should only really go on them if you are actually in the obese category...
    I’m just about to only go in the overweight soon wahay lol

    Yeah no need for digestion supplements lol

  • kimberley_1
    kimberley_1 Posts: 92 Member
    AshinAms yeah they should defiantly help with that especially if you have a take away or something LOL

    But I wouldn’t recommend this :P

  • kimberley_1
    kimberley_1 Posts: 92 Member
    Don't forget to buy adult diapers with Ali pills.

    I dont wear diapers :O LMAO!!!!