not handling the weight gain well

so, i worked really hard and dropped down to a good 126lb weight...then i got pregnant

i'm 20weeks in a few days and it's freaking me out seeing the weight gain...i'm eating on or under calories, i'm still exercising, some days burning 1200 or more...but the scales are still going up

don't get me wrong, i know i have to gain SOME weight...but the idea of it is horrific to me

i have 2kids and when having them i went from 126 to 180 because i had them so close together

i really am trying to maintain 'healthy' weight gain, but every time i see the scale go up by even 1lb i freak out and start exercising to extremes again

please tell me i'm not the only one to feel like this??


  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    I completely understand. I was nervous about how much I was going to gain in pregnancy as well. Just eat
    healthy and don't worry too much. After all, the weight gain is in the name of your precious baby!
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    This is very unhealthy and you should really consult your physician. I say this with extreme sincerity. I wish you the best!
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    The doctor will tell yopu what is too much and too little, 30 pounds is normal gain, and healthy...
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    I agree, you are SUPPOSED to gain weight. Your carrying your baby, it's a natural healthy process. Worry about losing the weight afterwards. I wouldn't be exercising to extreme either. If your that worried about EXCESS weight gain, speak to your OB/GYN about it. Don't worry soooo much. :flowerforyou:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • DesertSunsetRain
    What is more important, the health of your baby or losing weight?

    The number on the scale is JUST A NUMBER. Throw your scale out now. Seriously, grab a hold of this obsession and stop it. You are putting your baby's health at risk. You are hindering it's growth. Stop it, stop it right now.

    Throw your scale away.
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    i know it's unhealthy and i had this problem pre-pregnancy, i have managed to cut back on the exercise ALOT, and eat a little more than i was doing, but i really can't stop freaking.

    baby is growing healthily so i'm not worrying that i'm depriving it...i love the feeling of being pregnant again and i know i can lose any weight again afterwards...but 30-40lbs seems like SO much, even though i know i'll lose most of that just having the baby
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    at your weight you should be gaining about 25 pounds. This include more blood, fluids, baby, placenta and breast tissus. Yu are gaining weight but not necessarely gaining fat. Even fat gain os beneficial for the pregnancy. Your body is not yours to enjoy right now, you have to think of the baby and it´s need togrow and be healthy. He need energy and he will tale it at your expenses. I have given birth to 6 babies..... I now look better then i did in college. I do not say to gain a ton of weight....but you can always lose it later.
  • shunyata13
    shunyata13 Posts: 71 Member
    When you get on the scale you need to deduct at least 8 pounds for the baby and then another few pounds for the fluid that is around the baby. If you cut back your calories too much you will risk an unhealthy baby which will give you a lot of stress - talk about stress eating. I am a massage therapist that sees pregnant women and the clients that are active before and during the pregnancy loose the weight extremely quickly after the delivery so I agree wit the person telling you to talk to your doctor about your feelings because right now your responsibility is to your baby and having a child that is healthy is the most important thing in your life right now.
  • duffydog1
    duffydog1 Posts: 76 Member
    Throw you scales away - you are too important - your baby is too important. You should be thinking about eating a healthy diet for your baby's nutrition in your womb - weight gain is normal in pregnancy - and healthy. Burning 1200 cals exercising on top of all the other work you must do being a mum already is too much. Slow down , relax and enjoy your pregnancy. You will soon get back in to shape after. Take care of yourself x
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    i made the decision today to stop weighing in totally as it's the numbers that freak me out...i just wanted to get out my feelings instead of bottling them up since my husband doesn't really take note when i try to tell him how i feel

    i know i can tone up again, i've done it twice...i'm just trying to find a healthy way to deal with my weight obsession and get over it...being pregnant is forcing me to be less obsessive and i have let go alot...i just have the 'blip' every few weeks when i check my weight and get stressed over it for a few a few days until i boot myself up the butt and make myself eat more and exercise less
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Uhm you need to make sure you keep yourself healthy, so your baby is healthy...I really don't think extreme exercise is quite the best thing while pregnant. You know you gain wait if you get pregnant, so just accept it.
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    I have had 5 biological seemed with each pregnancy I gained weight faster, and more. You are on baby #3...relax! You lost the weight before, you will again. Stop worrying about it. Your goal right now is to have a healthy baby.

    It got to the point for me that I stopped weighing myself and at the drs, I stepped on the scale backwards, facing away from the numbers. I knew if I knew the number I would have freaked out. My best guess is that I gained 60-80 lbs, per pregnancy. In turn, I was able to lose the baby weight.

    relax...enjoy the bigger are bigger for a reason.

    P.S....I am now here to lose weight gain from age, got to love hitting 40! :) My last baby is now 12 and I am only 5 lbs from my pre- pregnancy weight, which I gained over the past couple of years....