New and Looking for Friends for Support!

I'm a 28 year old working mom of 2 children (4 months and 4 years). I technically lost the baby weight but I'm still no where close to a healthy weight. I weigh 188 lbs and am 5'4". My goal is to get to 145lbs. I have always been overweight and I'm trying to change that for good.

I'm looking for friends on here for support. None of my real life friends have kids...I love them to death but sometimes they can't offer the support I need. All of my coworkers are male so I obviously can't go to them for weightloss support.


  • Congrats on taking the first step! I'm more than happy for you to add me as a friend :-)
  • FionaHelen
    FionaHelen Posts: 113 Member
    good luck on your journey, this is def the right place for support, please feel free to add me x
  • WannaBeSlimJim2
    WannaBeSlimJim2 Posts: 39 Member
    Me too, we're all here for the same goal...add me and we'll tackle this together!
  • wedwithbabies
    wedwithbabies Posts: 17 Member
    Im a mommy of two as well! I added ya girl... it seems as though once the kids come the weight would just fall off especially with how much we do to keep up with them BUT its not! I struggle everyday :(
  • bluejay2600
    bluejay2600 Posts: 6 Member
    Me too!! just had my 3rd baby and lost the weight but i want to be at a healthy weight to. Add ME!!!!!! i Need some buddies!!
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    My girls are two and six years old, and I started gaining in college...worse after getting together with hubby (who's also gained right along with me). We can all use all the help we can get, with kids AND with weight loss! I'll add you!
  • Welcome! I'm with you and you can add me if you like.

    Losing the baby weight is hard work and the support you get here is so helpful!

    Good luck to you!