Friends who are enablers



  • sharrison1969
    I totally understand having friends that are enablers. Sometimes you have to put your foot down. I feel lucky that I have supportive friends, but in the past that was not always the case. I had friends who would eat and drink themselves to death. I know it is hard, but don't cut them out of your life. Try to remain motivated and when they want to go out to eat, maybe you can be the one who makes healthier and smarter choices. Hopefully you can motivate them to change their bad habits. Good luck to you. :smile:
  • jplucheck
    jplucheck Posts: 275 Member
    When I call them to go out for a walk or work out a bit, they are nowhere to be found and come up with a million excuses of why they're not exercising. Should i stop associating with them or keep my distance?

    These "so called" were your friends when you had that type of lifestyle, now you're growing and changing the way you live which doesn't mean they were never your friends just means you don't have much in common anymore. You will soon meet new people that share your interests.
  • dreaasha
    Oh, yes. Since I've had to drop quite a bit of weight, I've literally had to rearrange my priorities. I go out to eat very rarely, I've emptied the house of any junk/snack food. I have issues with eating at night, eating anything I can, so that's why I did that.

    Just have to look at your priorities, how much you can handle. Maybe talk to your friends about doing other things, or just quit going out to eat with them. It's really hard to lose when you have a lifestyle that literally revolves around food. Like most of our lives are, here in America, anyways.