
sallyjenn Posts: 11 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
So today i went to the gym and weighed myself and gained weight. I know i shouldn't be that upset about it but i am. I get so frustrated and I thought i was doing so well. Then you see the scale and it is like a punch in the gut. I guess i just needed to let out a little frustration.



  • sallyjenn
    sallyjenn Posts: 11 Member
    So today i went to the gym and weighed myself and gained weight. I know i shouldn't be that upset about it but i am. I get so frustrated and I thought i was doing so well. Then you see the scale and it is like a punch in the gut. I guess i just needed to let out a little frustration.

  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I weighed myself at the gym this afternoon and was sad because it said I gained 8 pounds in one week. then i felt silly. do you always weigh yourself on the same gym scale? do you do it first thing in the morning before you've eaten or drank anything? if your answers are no, I suggest doing so because it's more accurate.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    So today i went to the gym and weighed myself and gained weight. I know i shouldn't be that upset about it but i am. I get so frustrated and I thought i was doing so well. Then you see the scale and it is like a punch in the gut. I guess i just needed to let out a little frustration.

    Make sure you have been 100% accountable and honest in your excercise and eating habits...also watch the sodium...we all have ups and downs..dont concentrate on the gains focus on sticking with it and making those pounds come off over time.....before u know it you will be 10lbs down...
  • Yewkon
    Yewkon Posts: 34
    Dont beat yourself up about 1lb. It's been said your body can go +/- 5 lbs in a day depending on what you eat, water retension, etc.

    Tuesday I weighed myself and gained .5 lb. Wednesday I weighed myself and gained another .5 lb. Today, I weighed myself and now I'm down 3lbs from Wednesday. Go figure.

    Also remember, go by how your clothes fit, not by the scale weight.
  • Treadly
    Treadly Posts: 17
    Dont beat yourself up about 1lb. It's been said your body can go +/- 5 lbs in a day depending on what you eat, water retension, etc.

    Tuesday I weighed myself and gained .5 lb. Wednesday I weighed myself and gained another .5 lb. Today, I weighed myself and now I'm down 3lbs from Wednesday. Go figure.

    Also remember, go by how your clothes fit, not by the scale weight.

    Right on!!!
  • car34jojo
    car34jojo Posts: 29
    I know how you feel. I thought I was doing so well, and gained weight. I almost gave up...thinking it was not worth it. I am so glad I did not give up. I pushed even harder the next week, and I lost 3 pounds. I know it is so frustrating. :drinker: Drink lots of water.
  • jenken99
    jenken99 Posts: 564 Member
    sometimes the scales says bad things,, that's why always weigh on the same scales.. and weigh in the morning
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