Help! I'm slipping =(

Things are getting more stressful as my semester is winding down, and so am I. After my awful weekend of rest stop meals last weekend, I have been in a slow but steady delcine. I let the downpour of rain prevent me from going to zumba. I havent finished logging in my food since last friday. I am eating foods I should not be eating & am seeing the difference already both in the mirror and on the scale. I feel like I'm at a crossroads in my weightloss journey and I am just stuck. I've never been this committed to losing weight for this long before, but i DONT DONT DONT want to stop!!! I just need help getting over this bump in the road before it turns back into the bump my stomach made over my jeans -__-


  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I feel you! I was home with no gym and lots of food for Thanksgiving, and today was my first day back at my apartment with my gym and healthy food. I got on the scale and shouldn't have, but I know what you mean about already being able to see the difference in gaining. Remember, you CAN do this! I know the fat I see and the extra weight if from Thanksgiving, and I know within a week or so, I'll be back to normal. Just focus on the big picture!
  • Teach4Hisglory
    Teach4Hisglory Posts: 48 Member
    Hang on! We all have those days (and I've had a lot of them lately). It's important to keep focus and remember WHY we're doing this. Don't EVER give up. :o)
  • mla5100
    feeling the same! 2 weeks left of the semester, been slacking the lat 2 weeks. We need to keep our motivation up up up!!! Im tired of losing 10 or 20 lbs and then gaining it all back :(
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    It's okay. Don't stress yourself about it. Do the best you can, but don't come down too hard on yourself. Maybe you just need a mental reset to get yourself back in gear. I go through slumps myself where I struggle to make the right choices, but I try not to beat myself up. After awhile, I get myself back on track. I think the important thing is to just keep logging so that you can make yourself accountable for those bad choices. No matter how good or bad the day was... just keep logging!!
    JDNOX Posts: 619
    Okay take a breath and let it out slow. Calm down and get off the ledge. Look in the mirror and see the damage you have done and then say something good about yourself. Focus on that good and focus on how you made that good come about. Take that nervous and stress and put it towards the gym or a brisk walk. Take that negative energy and make it work for you. You can do that.. no no.. YOU WILL DO IT. First steps get to that mirror and say something good about the awesomeness that is you. You are pretty you are aware you are a good person.. That should get you started.. We are here for you.
  • dcfl2012
    I understand-sometimes it can seem like your tumbling down a big hill- but it DOESN'T have to continue ! Just re-focus and and get back on track :)
    I wish you the best !
    Being aware you are slipping is a good sign-your not in denial ! You are aware-so now you can fix it :)
    Feel free to add me as a friend !
    Be well!
  • snhamilton
    snhamilton Posts: 103 Member
    Come on, you can do this!!! Don't let yourself gain the weight back and add to your stress; show me your true willpower!! Think of every reason you started this goal and read success stories on here! We believe in you! :D
  • DaytonaDawn
    Don't stop!!! It's so normal to slip...but don't let it get you down. The holidays are the worst of all and I know that you can do this. Just keep reminding yourself why you are doing this. You want to be healthy!!!

    Dawn ( :
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Don't worry, you can get back on track. My advice to you would be not to get on the scale or look closely in the mirror until you have gotten back into some good habits for awhile. It will only discourage you. Excercise will also make you feel better and cardio helps make up for a multitude of sins!
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    When I find myself stuck and/or slipping, I take a moment to look in a mirror. I force myself to find something I like and to focus on that for an entire day.
    I also set really small goals for myself. My weight loss goals are in 5lb increments. And I also set little daily goals. For instance, today's goal was "only have 1 slice of leftover pie". Tomorrow's goal is "do 5 real push-ups"... since for the first time in my life, I can actually do one without putting my knees on the ground. I focus on little things just to make it through one day at a time.
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    my motto: FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION! Repeat after me!!!

    Start tomorrow like day one!! You CAN do this
  • mochalovies
    mochalovies Posts: 192 Member
    Give yourself the credit you deserve. You recognized you are not doing well and decided that you want to do something about it. Even logging on here counts. :)
  • myth4ever
    We all have moments....Just remember you have come to far to stop now!! You are so much stronger than when you 1st started...So you will overcome!