C25K graduates!



  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    1) Was it easier or harder than you expected?
    The first few weeks were every bit as hard as I expected, but then it got easier. The turning point came when I learned to control my breathing and pace myself well enough that I was no longer gasping for breath by the end of the run. Being able to breath makes a huge difference.
    2) Did you start on week one - if not how did you decide which week to start on?
    Week one was enough of a challenge.
    3) Did you have any problems with the programme?
    No, not really, though I could have chosen a better time to do it. I have a strong preference for running out of doors and we had a lot of 100+ F days this summer.
    4) What results have you had - eg fitness, inch loss, definition in legs etc etc?
    I lost inches off my midsection and belly, but probably would have anyway. I was on the home stretch of my weight loss efforts and that's where the remaining fat was. Where running has really made a big difference is in my butt, which is higher and more shapely than it was even a month ago. And the little rolls (big wrinkles) of loose skin where my butt cheeks meet my upper thighs are gone. Loose skin has tightened up considerably all over my lower body - not that I was ever a candidate for surgery. But when you lose more than 50 lbs in your late 50s, you're bound to have some loose skin.
  • slimgoody05
    slimgoody05 Posts: 25 Member
    I am looking at starting this and have a few questions for those who have finished (or nearly finished) the programme.

    1) Was it easier or harder than you expected?
    2) Did you start on week one - if not how did you decide which week to start on?
    3) Did you have any problems with the programme?
    4) What results have you had - eg fitness, inch loss, definition in legs etc etc?

    Thanks and well done to you for completing it!!!

    I finished my C25k at the beginning of November...and i just ran my first 5k on Thanksgiving. I was able to finish in 38 minutes. Pretty impressive for someone who was NEVER as runner.

    1) Was it easier or harder than you expected?

    It was a little of both....Some days were harder than others but I just kept pushing myself to keep going.

    2) Did you start on week one - if not how did you decide which week to start on?

    Yes, I started on week one....and I am so happy that I did...I need those days to help build up my endurance.

    3) Did you have any problems with the programme?

    Nope, it did exactly what it said it would do ----> prepare me for a 5k

    4) What results have you had - eg fitness, inch loss, definition in legs etc etc?

    I lost a few inches in the middle (love handles) and of course my legs are looking good.

    All in all, I had great time and my goals for 2012 is to run more 5k and train for my 1st 10k.

    Good luck with the program!!!!!