Staying good on the weekends??

gel91 Posts: 309
Now I never used to have a problem with this, untill I started work!! And now I find I can restrict myself at work and I have the same thing almost every day - Half a brown baguette with whatever I fancy filling and a salad with usually 1/2 cup of either rice, noodles or pasta. First break I usually have grapes, or a banana! I eat for free at work so it was hard - but I do it!

Then the weekend comes.. with lack of much choice at work, FREEDOM! Sundays I usually always have my roast dinner with calculates at about 800cals (damn those roasties!) and I'll usually have an egg sarnie in the morning and thats me done for the day.. But for the last few weeks weekends have been hell, I'll have a couple drinks on a friday night and on the saturday I'll eat ANYTHING around me, same for the sunday!

Now as of this friday coming - I can't drink any more as I am learning to drive and each saturday morning my lessons will be booked, so that will help with the friday night munchies and saturday pig out - I may just be able to controle myself now, but sundays have been so hard lately.

Today I've had a tuna meal (250cals) for breaky - all I fancied! with a slice of SOFT WHITE BREAD and butter. ahh!
Lunch was a sausage roll and chocolate bar - god help me!
Dinner was my oh so lovely roast!
Snacks were 2 chocolate eclaires - 300cals, not terrible but not what I needed! I DON'T EVEN LIKE CHOCOLATE REALLY!
And some how inbetween that I've managed to fit in a buscuit at 99 cals and mums got a fudge cake with sauce defrosting for pudding...

How the f**k i'm not full I'll never know, but all day I've been like a woman possessed eating anything I can find, same yesturday.

How to controle this? I never used to have this problem, obviously I know I SHOULDNT be eating them, I know that I'm being pure greedy, I know this is excatly how I ever ended up to be 226lb (my highest!) and I know that i didn't loose 37lb by eating it!

Don't get me wrong, having these weekends off hasnt actually halted my weight loss, but thats just not the point is it. Infact it makes me think it's more ok!

Kick some sence into me, or give me the cold hard facts about how this will all change and I'll regret it.

Really, I need to hear this!


  • I have the same issue! I splurge on fast food on Sundays for lunch... Sometimes I tell myself "oh! but you did so well through the week! What is one or two days of splurge"? But then I feel so guilty the next day =\ I'm curious as to what people say as well!
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    I have the same issue! I splurge on fast food on Sundays for lunch... Sometimes I tell myself "oh! but you did so well through the week! What is one or two days of splurge"? But then I feel so guilty the next day =\ I'm curious as to what people say as well!

    so you turned my whole thread into 3 lines, ha!! yeah thats what i was saying in simple terms :D

    i feel terrible all week which makes me behave myself even more - then the weekend comes back around!
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    Log it before you eat it. That works for me. I have already concluded that I don't have enough calories today to have both wine and dessert for dinner tonight :D since I had two donuts for breakfast but they were REALLY good and I LOVE chocolate.
    But seriously- try logging it before you eat it.
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    I usualy eat less on the weekends, because I am pretty busy. But the best cure for me is to have only healthy foods in the house... So I will only eat if I am real hungry instead of pigging out. I mean not many snacky things that way I have to prepare it and I usually am too lazy on the weekends for that! Hope this is helpful!
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    Yes also log before eat, but my cure for fast food, is I love amy's frozens meals I'd rather eat one of those, plus we cannot afford to eat out..
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    Oh- and here's the other thing that works for me. I do like to splurge on Sundays, so I "save" up calories during the week and on Sunday morning I add them up. I "allow" myself to go over on Sundays, but not more than the number I have saved up. That works well. Problem is, this week I don't have many saved up LOL.
  • williammcginn
    williammcginn Posts: 2 Member
    I agree with the posters who suggested that you should log it before you eat it. That makes sense but you really should set aside one day per week that you can eat whatever it is you crave. This works for me as the increased caloric intake will help kick start your matabolism as you get back into the diet the next day. Also, this special day gives you something to work towards each week! Good luck! :wink:
  • liz3marie
    liz3marie Posts: 211 Member
    i have alot of weekend issues, we go out with friends, theres always acohol, and all of us are fast food fanatics, expecially because were always doin something its just whats quick, i havent gained any weight from it, but i know i couldve lost alot more by now, had i not went way over on calories a couple day a week, there was one day i think 2 maybe 3 weeks ago, we had to drive out of town to get a new game, well we stopped by hardes, then later on had some beer, my calorie intake was over 3,000 :(, its very depressing, i do sooo well during the week, i HATE weekends, and its not like i dont try, my husband will not eat anything unless its fast food, or ereally unhealthy, but he weighs 155lbs and cant put a pound on trust me he trys, and it makes it harder for me cus i really do love fast food :(, i know shame on me but it taste really good
  • LMTx
    LMTx Posts: 19
    I always struggle with Friday & Saturday nights - you are not alone lol! :smile:
  • BrandyontheRun
    BrandyontheRun Posts: 204 Member
    You are not alone on the Weekend issue!! It's awful!! Even when we have (mostly) healthy foods in the house I still find it hard because my spouse likes to eat out or eat quick and easy packaged foods.
    I have recently put sticky notes up in my cupboards as well as one in my fridge... "brandy! Are you bored?! Get out of the kitchen" is one of them.. Lol. They help remind me I may not need to eat. I also don't necessary log everything on here, but I make sure I write everything down in my food journal.. Which doesn't always stop me right away but the next day I can look back and recognize what I didn't need and why I didn't need it. Helps me in the future!
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    Thanks everyone, good to know I'm not alone in this!!

    Logging before I eat, really it's no good for me. As at the time, I'm looking and thinking Oh i'm over by 200 - but on the plus side i've been good all week and this cake will be lovely!! It's just a willpower situation I think and as much I do have it - It's hard to over come on the weekends!

    I stay at home and play with my son, or we go out for the day (less now it's colder) so to me i'm right next to kitchen, FOOOOD.


  • 226Muriel
    226Muriel Posts: 138 Member
    I cooked a FEAST for Thanksgiving....but I posted my menu plan 2 days ahead so that I would not SABOTAGE myself.

    Should you and everyone else who is struggling, be looking at why you continually sabotage your good work???

    You have been struggling with this for weeks and I am sure that when you are ready you will make the FULL COMMITMENT to make the necessary changes to your present lifestyle so that it will be HEALTHY.
  • LMTx
    LMTx Posts: 19
    You are not alone on the Weekend issue!! It's awful!! Even when we have (mostly) healthy foods in the house I still find it hard because my spouse likes to eat out or eat quick and easy packaged foods.
    I have recently put sticky notes up in my cupboards as well as one in my fridge... "brandy! Are you bored?! Get out of the kitchen" is one of them.. Lol. They help remind me I may not need to eat. I also don't necessary log everything on here, but I make sure I write everything down in my food journal.. Which doesn't always stop me right away but the next day I can look back and recognize what I didn't need and why I didn't need it. Helps me in the future!

    I absolutely love your sticky note idea!!! Although my kitchen would be covered in them haha!
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