Yummy mummy's???

Just wondered if there were any mums out there who wanted to become friends and support each other in getting back to our pre baby bodies??!!

I'm Lisa and I'm 32 years old from Melbourne, Australia.
I have three kids:
Cruz-10 months

I'm 5ft3in and currently 64kgs (roughly 142lb) and want to get down to 58-60 kgs (127-132lbs roughly)

Add me if you want to join forces and support each other :-)


  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    We are already friends but I thought I'd pop my stats up as can always use a network of Mum friends that 'understand'.

    Im Lally, I'm 31 years old from Switzerland
    I have 4 children
    Sophs is 4
    Kate is 3
    Elly is 3
    Mia is 3
    I'm 5ft 5ins and roughly 111kg (about 240lbs) and want to get down to around 150lbs

  • taradactyl81
    Hi! I would love to be included. Im Tara and I have one daughter, Claire, who is 3 years old. Im 5'5 and weigh (eeeks) 170 lbs. I have never been so big in my life, not even when pregnant!
  • JulieSchreier
    Hi, I'm Julie (35) from Australia
    I have 2 Children
    Isabella 4
    Hayden 2 (turning 3 on the 6th)
    I'm 160cm and have just reached 59.5 KG Started at about 73KG in September.
    Would love to meet others with similar circumstances.
  • schnugglebug
    schnugglebug Posts: 333 Member
    don't know if I qualify lol...
    I have one son so far... and he is 11... lol I am getting married in October 2012, and we are hoping to start right away in having more children.... aiming for our next child in2013 lol (his first my second) lol

    So I am TECHNICALLY a MUMMY just not of a youngin... :D

    I am 5'6 and currently 246-248 lbs (am fluctuating right now) my highest was 296 a few years ago... then I got down to 222 because I was quite sick and on a number of medications... I shot back up to 260, and with the help of MFP these past 2 months I managed to get 13 lbs off so far :D and even joined a gym GOSH never thought I would do that, always worried (use to be) about what others would say or think seeing a "fat girl" at a gym, now I think to myself well WTG! I am AT A GYM working on a better lifestyle for me and oddly enough, there are some great support at the gym too hehe

    I just moved from Montreal, Quebec, Canada to Gatineau Quebec,and looking forward to getting to know you all :happy:
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Hi there! If you all want to join a moms group, there's Sexy Mamas. It's public so no invite required, come on by!
  • janglefish
    Me too please! I'm Jess, 31 from Wales with two little boys, aged 3 and 6. I'm 147lb and 5ft2. Been doing this for a while on my phone but only just found it online too. A question: I cook most stuff I eat from scratch and usually don't use a recipe, so don't know how accurate the calorie count is. Usually I find something that looks similar and use that - but given two options I obviously pick the lower calorie one for my food diary! What do other people do about that?
  • carrieregina
    carrieregina Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in.

    I have three girls:

    Hazel is 4
    Vivian is 2.5
    Clara is 10 months.

    I weigh 191 lbs. and would like to reach 165 lbs.
  • kathiemcn
    Hi Lisa, glad to see you're busy posting and making new friends. Such a nice time of life you are all in, with small children and in your 30's. It's a shame you have the :burden of having to lose weight at that time in life, but this site should help you heaps!

    P.S. I'm trying to get back to my pre-baby body (not quite as I was 48 kgs then) but I've left it way late to do anything about it, but then I put on the majority of my weight about 3 years ago, just before menopause - as happens. My children are 16 & 13 and I'm all of 54 now (eek...how did that happen?)

    All the best, Kathie
  • kathiemcn
    Hi, I'm Julie (35) from Australia
    I have 2 Children
    Isabella 4
    Hayden 2 (turning 3 on the 6th)
    I'm 160cm and have just reached 59.5 KG Started at about 73KG in September.
    Would love to meet others with similar circumstances.

    Julie, you amaze me! You've lost all that weight since September? Really? I started at 75.5 kgs 18 months ago, and after 3 diet regimes and 2 plateaus's am now the same as you, 59.5 kgs. I started on MFP 5 weeks ago and have lost 2.4 kgs on here, which is graet as I had plateau's on both Bodytrim and Weight Watchers (for the third time). I have 4.6 kgs to go to reach my goal of 54.9 kgs.

    I'm from Sydney but have teenage children (16 & 13) and am a single mum (7 years now) aged 54 (married and started my family late). I am a friend of Lisa's, which is how I came across your post. She has just joined but seems to have found lots of friends in a simialr situation to her, which is great. Isn't this just the best site?
  • Mummamac
    Hi Lisa, glad to see you're busy posting and making new friends. Such a nice time of life you are all in, with small children and in your 30's. It's a shame you have the :burden of having to lose weight at that time in life, but this site should help you heaps!

    P.S. I'm trying to get back to my pre-baby body (not quite as I was 48 kgs then) but I've left it way late to do anything about it, but then I put on the majority of my weight about 3 years ago, just before menopause - as happens. My children are 16 & 13 and I'm all of 54 now (eek...how did that happen?)

    All the best, Kathie

    Thanks kathie :-)

    It's never too late though...and from all accounts you are going great. Age is no factor here and you are one of us....a yummy mummy ;-)

    It's funny though, in regard to losing weight....I have always been like this. I'm not alone there I know...most of us have been worrying about weight and diet for as long as we can remember. I remember though, pre kids I was 56kgs...57 on a bad day....and I thought I was fat!!! Crazy!!!
    I honestly don't think I could ever get down to that weight...that would involve me losing another 8kgs and it's just not feasible. It's funny how our bodies change and you can look the same, if not better, when you weigh more.
  • kathiemcn
    That's true Lisa, you can look better with more weight on. My main issue now is losing my baby belly...stil 85.5 cm around the waist! I also want to reduce the risk of diabeties. My difficulty with all of this is that I was one of those skinny minnies who could eat anything and never put weight on. I think I was a size 8 when I married at 34, so overweight is such a shock for me to be facing...but I am!

    You don't have many kilos to lose, so you should just blitz it on here!
  • jenc555
    jenc555 Posts: 39 Member
    Yes! My littles are too old to be blamed for the extra. 12-15 pounds I have happening over here....