Mommy Tummy...



  • eammarx
    eammarx Posts: 56
    I have no idea but I sympathize. I am not close to my goal weight but I was hoping my wrinkly, gross mommy "tummy" would GO AWAY! I also have heard time, but or some people I think tummy tuck is the only way to go.
  • christy559
    christy559 Posts: 105
    I have the same problem, I found what really helped me get a belly button and not just a line that made it look like a second @$$ was putting your treadmill on an incline. You will feel it in your butt, calves and abs. It is the only exercise where I have noticed a difference! I still have some of a pouch though after 2 kids 3 pregnancy's so If you hear anything else let me know :flowerforyou:

    Congrats on the weight loss so far!!!

    OMG - you described it perfectly - I HAVE A LINE that make my tummy look like a teeny-weeny @$$!!! I :noway: laughed out loud. :laugh: Well I've had it for a minute so I am well aqainted with my tummy @$$!! LMBO!!

    I'll still try those suggestions though...thanks for the post, it made me smile
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    I have one of those. Mine came after the first c-section and got worse with the second .. I also have the deplorable flap that only gets worse when I get thinner. It's one of the reasons I'm not going below 130 even though I'm only 5ft. It keeps the flap from hanging too low.

    Ok, TMI .. but thought I'd mention it because I know I'm not the only one here that has one .. all you moms with c-sections (and some without), I know you're out there. And I'm right here with you :flowerforyou:.

    Wow! This sounds just like me....I am 5ft and have an ugly muffin top after 2 natural deliveries. I absolutely LOVE low rise jeans but my fat squishes above the jeans and look horrible w/a small shirt on :sad:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Ihad no idea that a csection led to that horrible stomach flap thing until after #2 was born, she was breech so she wrecked my stomach lol. Good thing my kids are so damn cute :) I hate all those celebs that come out 2 days after having a csection and have a flat tummy...they must have done a better job than I did at convincing the OB to do a tummy tuck while they were in there :)

    :laugh: I told my sister she needed to work in a bribe to get her OB to take some skin and fat out with the last baby, I mean, they are already in there, what's it gonna hurt? Stretch marks aren't really a problem for me, I have some, but I am fair skinned and they are in spots that no one really can see, so I need some majic skin re-elasticizer pill to be invented I suppose :ohwell:

    I have ALWAYS said those celebs have tummy tucks while getting their Cs!! I mean, how else would teeny tiny Angelina Jolie carry TWINS and get right back into shape without ANY flabby skin? Defies logic! :laugh: Put Britney in that category too. She didn't take care of herself one bit while pregnant. Must be cosmetic, imo.

    I think there are some celebs who probably do it via the personal trainer/ personal chef/ naturalistic route. I think Madonna is one of those. She seems all granola. :wink:
  • duffy78
    duffy78 Posts: 9
    this is good to hear i had a csection 12 years ago and thought i was the only person with a weird looking stomach. nice to know im normal:tongue:
  • btgeisey
    btgeisey Posts: 7
    I definately have the mommy belly, and i too noticed that it actually looks better when there is some fat under there, i can't decide which looks better, other than the thought that if the fat was gone i wouldn't hang over my pants as bad......doesn't matter what size pants i wear, if i go up in size, the butt sags on the pants if i go down my butt looks good but i have serious muffin top!...I am really having a hard time dealing. I have only been doing this for a wk and i pretty much consistantly am going up in weight and size even though i am doing way more excercise than normal and have probably cut my calories at least by 1/3 since i have started....but i can't get down to the calorie count they tell me, i am STARVING:sad: !....I was hoping that pouch would go away, but i am not planning on it..:brokenheart: ..LOL
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    Last night I stood in the mirror and flexed my stomach muscles LOL. I could see the muscles but they were hidden under this thick layer of jelly :frown:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I definately have the mommy belly, and i too noticed that it actually looks better when there is some fat under there, i can't decide which looks better, other than the thought that if the fat was gone i wouldn't hang over my pants as bad......doesn't matter what size pants i wear, if i go up in size, the butt sags on the pants if i go down my butt looks good but i have serious muffin top!...I am really having a hard time dealing. I have only been doing this for a wk and i pretty much consistantly am going up in weight and size even though i am doing way more excercise than normal and have probably cut my calories at least by 1/3 since i have started....but i can't get down to the calorie count they tell me, i am STARVING:sad: !....I was hoping that pouch would go away, but i am not planning on it..:brokenheart: ..LOL

    Are you adding your exercise calories?
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Last night I stood in the mirror and flexed my stomach muscles LOL. I could see the muscles but they were hidden under this thick layer of jelly :frown:


    I have the world's BEST abs, hands down.
    (They are just hidden under the wobbly flab!!)
  • Pamela777
    Pamela777 Posts: 66 Member
    Okay, I'm new to this blog. So. hi there! So far I have lost 17 pounds since starting this journey in early March. I have held onto mommy tummy for 20+ years. Just never got around to losing it, I guess. Good for you younger moms for doing something about it now. I am getting really scared :sad: I know I have to lose this fat for my health. But, I guess I will just have to deal with the stretch marks and sagging. At least I will look better in jeans :wink: and be healthier. I have already lost 2 3/4 inches off my gut.
  • dankin25
    dankin25 Posts: 1
    Hey there just signed up for this site and its great to read the conversations this mummy tummy is a great thread...I have been doing P90X for 6 weeks and it is awesome I would reccomend this to anyone who is almost to their goal weight and in good shape the videos are hard to do but they are great, in my opinion the mummy tummy would disapeer for sure, but it is not a quick solution...the videos are a huge commitment and they do work...
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    I've had 2 c-sections. first one was over 14yr ago, the second was just 3yrs ago. I didn't have any problem until this last one. I am also assuming that being 39 at delivery also played a huge part in my pouch that seems to not get any smaller. I've been here working hard ,doing situps, mummy tummy strengthing technique's and still looks the same just 2inches smaller. and if I don't hold it in, it just hangs out there like before. I am really discouraged these days.:grumble: I am trying to find my inspiration again.:yawn: :frown: I am hoping that TOM will get here soon and let me get back to my positive self.:ohwell:
    I wish I had the magic answer for us all,
    :wink: but alas, I too am tortured with the affliction of a mummy tummy.